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"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson |
IRS complaint filed against preacher who compares politician to Satan |
Topic: Religion |
4:38 pm EDT, Jun 1, 2007 |
"WASHINGTON _ Florida evangelist Bill Keller says he was making a spiritual -- not political -- statement when he warned the 2.4 million subscribers to his Internet prayer ministry that ``if you vote for Mitt Romney, you are voting for Satan!'' But the Washington-based advocacy group Americans United for Separation of Church and State says the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) should revoke the 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status of Bill Keller Ministries, nonetheless." It is about time. IRS complaint filed against preacher who compares politician to Satan |
RE: 'Ban Harry Potter or face more school shootings' | the Daily Mail |
Topic: Society |
12:40 pm EDT, May 30, 2007 |
She's selling videos and taking donations up a storm on her 'official website.' The makers of that video claim to be occult experts. I saw that, and I thought, wtf are THESE people? Ok, so I look them up, since I have NEVER heard of them, and I would just venture to say, that I am very, very well read on occultism... It is obvious that these people make anti-gay, anti-Catholic, anti-Hindu, films galore - but mostly a ton of anti-Clinton films. lol Here's a recipe for a 'spell' for you. Take some ignorance, a lot of profit, a good dose of intolerance, and hatefulness...a big chunk of political agenda...Stir it in a judicial cauldron at the tax payers' expense... It might give 'Dave's Insanity Sauce' a run for the money. Let's be clear not to perpetuate the lies. School shooters have NOT been wiccan. Wicca is an earth based religion that holds all life and nature as sacred and does not recognize the authority of the Bible. The main tenet of Wicca is clear - "And ye harm NONE, do what thou wilt." Many but not all wiccans practice magick - but it is often referred to as nothing more than 'prayer, with props." RE: 'Ban Harry Potter or face more school shootings' | the Daily Mail |
Burning Books - I do the same thing.... |
Topic: Society |
9:35 pm EDT, May 28, 2007 |
I admit - I do the same thing. I read a lot. I buy a lot of books. I end up with a lot of junk. I'm drowning in books. I have nearly 200 to give away on paperbackswap and people don't want them. So, if I can't give them away, I save them and burn them periodically. If they are so worthless, why donate them? They just have to pay the dump to take them, so it hurts charity to donate worthless books. Burning Books - I do the same thing.... |
Levitated | the Exploration of Computation |
Topic: Arts |
9:25 pm EDT, May 28, 2007 |
Jared Tarbell was the creator/curator of the Gallery of Computation. Levitated is his new home. Levitated.net contains visual poetry and science fun narrated in an object oriented graphic environment. The sketches and applications generated as a byproduct of research are provided online as open source Flash modules. These pages are attempting to fasten a usable structure around a continually evolving computational ecology, so that it may be observed and enjoyed by participants of the network.
Levitated | the Exploration of Computation |
RE: YouTube - ABC of Sex Education for Trainable Persons (1975) |
Topic: Society |
9:25 pm EDT, May 28, 2007 |
Catonic wrote: 1970s film explaining how to teach "trainable persons" about sex. NSFW, of course (and you already clicked play, didn't you?) 20 minutes. Of course, I didn't watch all of it.
I have the DVD. It came in a lunchbox. RE: YouTube - ABC of Sex Education for Trainable Persons (1975) |
Venezuela replaces opposition TV with state network| Reuters |
Topic: Current Events |
9:24 pm EDT, May 28, 2007 |
Venezuela shut down an opposition television channel on Monday and replaced it with one promoting President Hugo Chavez's self-proclaimed socialist revolution in a move widely criticized as a threat to democracy. "This has exposed the abusive, arbitrary and autocratic nature of Chavez's government, a government that fears free thought, that fears opinion and fears criticism," said Marcel Granier, chief of RCTV, the country's oldest broadcaster.
Reality check time for leftie contrarians who think Chavez is cool for sticking it to the man, whats going on down there is actually fucked up. Of course, the rationalizations have already begun. Apparently when thousands of people hit the streets to protest and end up in clashes with police over views we support, its because the people are being denied a voice and the police are involved in a conspiracy with the evil men who control the world, but when thousands of people hit the streets to protest and end up in clashes with police over views we don't support, its because they've been manipulated by millionaires and the police were forced to respond because the protestors were violent. Venezuela replaces opposition TV with state network| Reuters |
Pope Alienates and Insults America's Indigenous People |
Topic: Religion |
3:41 am EDT, May 28, 2007 |
What does he think he (and everyone else) is....stupid? "In a speech at the Conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Episcopate, the pope characterized pre-contact Indians as ''silently longing'' for Christianity and stated that ''the proclamation of Jesus and of his Gospel did not at any point involve an alienation of the pre-Columbus cultures, nor was it the imposition of a foreign culture.'' It may be the most blatantly erroneous statement about the Christian legacy on indigenous cultures ever uttered. Not only did the pope's comments exhibit an ever-increasing general arrogance that aims to deny the rights of indigenous peoples around the world but, in this rare case, they came straight from the source. Millions of tribal people died as a result of the institution of the 15th century Inter Caetera papal bulls that provided legal justification for European colonization of the Native people of the Americas (including Brazil where Benedict spoke) and Africa. Then, Indians were slaughtered, enslaved or exposed to deadly diseases. Now, Native survivors of Christian colonization efforts suffer its traumatic generational effects: a diminished ability to relate to and practice traditional life ways, social exclusion and learned sexual abuse. If this does not qualify as an ''imposition'' on the culture of indigenous peoples, what does?" Pope Alienates and Insults America's Indigenous People |
I'm thinking we ALL need to do this |
Topic: Computer Security |
6:13 pm EDT, May 25, 2007 |
I understand that Sonic wall is wrongly blocking www.memestreams.com as a HACKER site. We are not bad dirty evil pesky hackers spreading chaos and cyber warfare. We all need to go to the link above, and request that rating be changed. I will seek others that I know to do this from off the site. There was at least one other site that successfully campaigned against wrongly applied filters. With enough volume of requests, they backed off. I'm thinking we ALL need to do this |