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Dennis Just is the Best Photo Hunt Player In the World
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:25 pm EST, Jan 14, 2009

"I'm awesome at the game," he says. "The best in the world, to my knowledge."

Merit representative Allison Scarafile says only a small percentage of the company's Photo Hunt machines are connected to a server, but of the machines that are connected, the highest score on Photo Hunt is 1,936,500.
Just's high score is 2,904,742.

How does he explain his Photo Hunt prowess? Just says he treats the Photo Hunt images as if they were magic eye patterns.
"You know how you relax your eyes to make the magic eye image appear? I basically do that, except I cross my eyes so the images overlap, and that makes the differences obvious," he says. "The pictures will be on top of each other, from my perspective."

I was good friends with Dennis in college. Several times I had been in a bar with Dennis when people would see him play and remark "You're that photo hunt guy!!!". He had the high scores all across town. Finally a bar celebrity gets some well deserved recognition from the press.

Dennis Just is the Best Photo Hunt Player In the World

Windows 7 Explorer vs. Dance Dance Revolution
Topic: Technology 4:00 pm EST, Jan 14, 2009

Windows 7 Explorer vs. Dance Dance Revolution

How Porsche hacked the financial system and made a killing
Topic: Business 11:38 am EST, Jan 14, 2009

This is fairly old news, but this is a better explanation than I ever read in any of the news papers covering the story.

How Porsche hacked the financial system and made a killing

Travel time to major cities: A global map of Accessibility
Topic: Society 10:51 pm EST, Dec 29, 2008

As seen in the description of the accessibility model, the cost or friction surface is derived from several spatial datasets that represent roads, terrain, shipping lanes, land cover and any other geographic features that should be considered when estimating the travel time to the target locations. This webpage lists the data sources that were used in this particular accessibility model, data for the target locations and data for the friction surface.

Travel time to major cities: A global map of Accessibility

If we knew what we were doing it wouldn't be research....
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:53 pm EST, Dec 28, 2008

If we knew what we were doing it wouldn't be research. -Albert Einstein

If we knew what we were doing it wouldn't be research....

The Innovation Problem
Topic: Technology 5:03 pm EST, Dec 28, 2008

A series of Paul Graham's articles has led me to something I'm calling the Innovation Problem. Essentially it started when I read his article After Credentials. I enjoyed it article, but found this part is odd:

Do they let energetic young people get paid market rate for the work they do? The young are the test, because when people aren't rewarded according to performance, they're invariably rewarded according to seniority instead.
If people who are young but smart and driven can make more by starting their own companies than by working for existing ones, the existing companies are forced to pay more to keep them.

This statement about motives seemed out of sync with his essay Great Hackers:

Great programmers are sometimes said to be indifferent to money. This isn't quite true. It is true that all they really care about is doing interesting work. But if you make enough money, you get to work on whatever you want, and for that reason hackers are attracted by the idea of making really large amounts of money. But as long as they still have to show up for work every day, they care more about what they do there than how much they get paid for it.

Perhaps this is because Graham is talking about a general case of person in the first essary and a subset of people (Specifically great programmers) in the second.

Now, I don't consider myself a super hacker and nor would I ever compare myself to someone like RTM or others Graham has mentioned. Quite the contrary I've gone out of my way to deny unwarranted comparisons. I do however consider myself a hacker and I understand exactly what Graham means in his 2nd essay.

I think that performance metrics are one half of a two sided coin, depending on what drives you are a person: pay or project.

Let me explain. I work for a Fortune 15 technology corporation. They pay me very, very, very well. However in return I'm subjected to (with a fair bit of good things) unbelievably stupid bullshit. They don't seem to realize that I couldn't give 2 shits about their money otherwise I'd have alot less bullshit in my life.

Jay Chaudhry met with me twice in the spring of 2008 and asked me to join his new start up Zscalar. I turned him down for a couple reasons, the biggest being he kept appealing to the wrong side of me. He kept talking dollars, he never talked projects. How are you doing "in the cloud" security. Are you buying or building? ... [ Read More (0.4k in body) ]

The Innovation Problem

Topic: Technology 12:02 pm EST, Dec 20, 2008

The Idea for Digitally Assisted Billiards was to help people understand the physics of pool by using a webcam and projector to directly give an in-game visualization of the shots being taken.

Pretty cool but they still suck at pool.


Browser Security Handbook
Topic: Technology 9:49 pm EST, Dec 17, 2008

Michal Zalewski, Googler:

This document is meant to provide web application developers, browser engineers, and information security researchers with a one-stop reference to key security properties of contemporary web browsers. Insufficient understanding of these often poorly-documented characteristics is a major contributing factor to the prevalence of several classes of security vulnerabilities.

Although all browsers implement roughly the same set of baseline features, there is relatively little standardization - or conformance to standards - when it comes to many of the less apparent implementation details. Furthermore, vendors routinely introduce proprietary tweaks or improvements that may interfere with existing features in non-obvious ways, and seldom provide a detailed discussion of potential problems.

From the archive:

“attacker can perform the aforementioned attack by deploying an uncooled microbolometer thermal imaging (far infrared) camera within up to approximately five to ten minutes after valid keycode entry”

A must read for anyone that works with websites.

Browser Security Handbook

President Bush at Summercon
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:51 pm EST, Dec 14, 2008

President Bush at Summercon

High-speed camera are neato
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:25 pm EST, Dec 13, 2008

Really wish I had a high speed camera.

High-speed camera are neato

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