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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

Data Visualization: Modern Approaches
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:01 am EDT, Aug  9, 2007

Data presentation can be beautiful, elegant and descriptive. There is a variety of conventional ways to visualize data - tables, histograms, pie charts and bar graphs are being used every day, in every project and on every possible occasion. However, to convey a message to your readers effectively, sometimes you need more than just a simple pie chart of your results. In fact, there are much better, profound, creative and absolutely fascinating ways to visualize data. Many of them might become ubiquitous in the next few years.

So what can we expect? Which innovative ideas are already being used? And what are the most creative approaches to present data in ways we’ve never thought before?

I've personally used IBM's Many Eyes and I'm thankful they make such a service freely available.

Also, I secretly have a crush on Fernanda B. Viégas; one of the researchers that worked on Many Eyes. Oops, I guess it's not a secret anymore.

Data Visualization: Modern Approaches

FOX Investigates: 'Hacker Gangs'
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:13 pm EDT, Aug  1, 2007

This made me BIG LULZ and even EPIC LULZ.

They call themselves 'Anonymous'


They are hackers on steroids, treating the Web like a real-life video game, sacking Web sites, creating chaos and disrupting innocent people's lives.


Like an internet hate-machine.


FOX found out about FOX, stop being a LULZ killer.

FOX Investigates: 'Hacker Gangs'

Convicts boogie to 'Thriller'
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:09 pm EDT, Aug  1, 2007

First the Philippines abolishes capital punishment... now this.
You're on notice Philippines!

Inmates at central Philippines prison re-enact the moves from Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' music video.

Convicts boogie to 'Thriller'

Insourcing AJAX Programmer to Iraq?
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:03 am EDT, Jul 26, 2007

Summary:A principal Department of Defense agency is looking for programmers, developers or coders to code, support field deployment and maintenance of a new database application which will be used by Army units in Iraq. Scope These are full-time positions (12/7) located at one of the major US Bases in IRAQ. Deployment will be period of 6-12 months. Training on the application software will begin prior to deployment and will take place in Virginia. These positions are available for full time employment or for independent contractors. These positions are available now.

Seriously? There are so many things wrong with this. Guarantee DoD is mis-using AJAX. Could this be the first programmer to die for Web 2.0? Couldn't they just telecommute?

Insourcing AJAX Programmer to Iraq?

Apple anti-theft system would leave thieves powerless—literally
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:07 am EDT, Jul 26, 2007

The patent, titled "Protecting electronic devices from extended unauthorized use," outlines a technique that would allow a particular device to authenticate itself with certain, user-approved power supplies and devices so that it can only be charged by those devices. In a lot of ways, it's a lot like DRM, but for electronic devices.

Apple anti-theft system would leave thieves powerless—literally

Genius Sperm
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:36 pm EDT, Jul 22, 2007

Twenty years ago, on an outbuilding of his Southern California estate, tycoon Robert K. Graham began a most remarkable project: the Repository for Germinal Choice, a sperm bank for Nobel Prize winners. Part altruism, part social engineering, part science experiment, the repository was supposed to help reverse the genetic decay Graham saw all around him by preserving and multiplying the best genes of his generation. By the time Graham's repository closed in 1999, his genius sperm had been responsible for more than 200 children.

Genius Sperm

Topic: Miscellaneous 12:34 pm EDT, Jul 15, 2007

I wish every day was corndogorama.


YouTube - Full Metal Jacket - German
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:26 pm EDT, Jul  9, 2007

Kein Mehrheit Für Die Mitleid

YouTube - Full Metal Jacket - German

Topic: Miscellaneous 3:25 pm EDT, Jul  1, 2007

This is even better than the environmental racism protest outside of work the other day.

DESTROY THE COMPUTER!!! good news brought together
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:06 pm EDT, Jun 28, 2007

Inspired by similarly minded individuals and organizations this site was founded with the intention to bring together similarly themed news and rants related to Web security and to display them in one place. good news brought together

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