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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

The Churh of Math
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:17 pm EDT, Sep 11, 2008

All churches would be better if they taught out of math books instead of the bible.

The Churh of Math

Do You Believe in Gosh? by Mitch Hedberg
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:58 pm EDT, Sep  9, 2008

Today's a good day — we all finally get to hear some new Mitch Hedberg jokes. This 2Pac-humous album, recorded two months prior to his death in 2005, includes nearly forty minutes of previously unreleased material. As expected, Do You Believe in Gosh? ($11) has all of the genius observational, bite-size comedy Mitch was famous for.

I saw Mitch do stand-up 2x, one of my all-time favorite comedians.

Do You Believe in Gosh? by Mitch Hedberg

Swiss Post owned by Terrorists
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:40 am EDT, Aug 28, 2008

Too soon Swiss Post... too soon.

Swiss Post owned by Terrorists

EMT Paintball Sentry Turret
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:24 pm EDT, Jul  9, 2008

As if creating the first and only Video Relay Paintball Turret wasn't enough, the 3rd Generation Turret packs a lot more punch and a new look.
The Elite version has all the same great features of the standard turret with a few new additions. By relocating the tanks to the tripod, the turret can spin and stop on a dime much quicker. And the new rotation and tilt braking adds even more precision to aiming.
The tripod has been completely redesigned and now sports automatic spreading legs, adjustable leg height, scuba tank mounts, triple-tube aluminum supports and vibration dampening.
The firing mechanism and bolt have been upgraded to allow firing rates of 30 rounds per second in full auto. Single shot and variable rate burst firing is still available as well.

Bumbot needs an upgrade.

EMT Paintball Sentry Turret

The Website Is Down
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:37 pm EDT, Jun 30, 2008


The Website Is Down

Whoops!: Or we are paid to be researchers not QA professionals
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:23 am EDT, Jun 27, 2008

I LOL'd when Matt told me about this... Those people that complained about the limit... This is for you. I recall someone on the webappsec mailing list saying when they tried to scan their site it stopped due to "the limit". Wow they must have a big site ;)

Start at bottom for maximum effect...

From: Hoffman, Billy
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 5:27 PM
To: Wood, Matt (); Millar, Steve A
Subject: RE: uhhhh does Scrawlr really have a limit?

This is too great. I'm posting this to Memestreams.

Billy Hoffman
Manager, HP Web Security Research Group
HP Software – Application Security Center
Direct: 770-343-7069

From: Wood, Matt ()
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 5:27 PM
To: Wood, Matt (); Hoffman, Billy; Millar, Steve A
Subject: RE: uhhhh does Scrawlr really have a limit?

Stivo! you crazy! Change-set 27173. 6/21 @ 6:37pm in SimpleUrlCrawler.cs 

I guess the build-box is building with the debug symbols in it?

So the crawl limit is 2.1 billion right now  2^31-1

From: Wood, Matt ()
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 5:19 PM
To: Hoffman, Billy; Millar, Steve A
Subject: RE: uhhhh does Scrawlr really have a limit?

Whoops! Here:

private void buildCrawlLimit()
crawlLimit = 1500;
crawlLimit = int.MaxValue;

Pretty sure the Labs build box is pumping out debug builds...

From: Hoffman, Billy
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 5:19 PM
To: Wood, Matt (); Millar, Steve A
Subject: RE: uhhhh does Scrawlr really have a limit?

... ... STFU! Are you telling me the limit most people are bitching about doesn’t even exist? Haha, Should we even patch that?

Billy Hoffman
Manager, HP Web Security Research Group
HP Software – Application Security Center
Direct: 770-343-7069

From: Wood, Matt ()
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 5:15 PM
To: Hoffman, Billy; Millar, Steve A
Subject: RE: uhhhh does Scrawlr really have a limit?

Haha… scrawlr may not have a limit…

I just set a break point in the function that checks it and it never gets called… apparently it got lost somehow…

From: Hoffman, Billy
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 5:10 PM
To: Wood, Matt (); Millar, Steve A
Subject: RE: uhhhh does Scrawlr really have a limit?

Then explain this:
[Screen shot removed]

Billy Hoffman
Manager, HP Web Security Research Group
HP Software – Application Security Center
Direct: 770-343-7069

-----Original Message-----
From: Wood, Matt ()
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 5:07 PM
To: Hoffman, Billy; Millar, Steve A
Subject: RE: uhhhh does Scrawlr really have a limit?

Nah, just a lot of parameters. We will only crawl 1500 pages, but we will audit more.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hoffman, Billy
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 5:09 PM
To: Wood, Matt (); Millar, Steve A
Subject: uhhhh does Scrawlr really have a limit?


I noticed a Chinese site offer Scrawlr for download. Its classic ASP so I decide to scan it with Scrawlr.

Site is: [Site Removed]

The only thing is, Scrawlr is saying it has visited 3879 pages so far and is still going. Perhaps a bug in our limiting?

Billy Hoffman
Manager, HP Web Security Research Group
HP Software – Application Security Center
Direct: 770-343-7069

Whoops!: Or we are paid to be researchers not QA professionals

Bacon Floss - Meat Flavored Dental Supplies
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:25 am EDT, Jun 19, 2008

Dentists recommend flossing and we recommend bacon! Now you can improve your dental hygiene while enjoying the amazing flavor of crispy fried bacon. Is there anything bacon can’t improve? Each 2-1/2" tall plastic dispenser contains 27.3 yards of waxed floss.


Bacon Floss - Meat Flavored Dental Supplies

I think they found my google search history...
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:30 pm EDT, Jun  9, 2008

I believe they found my google search history...I knew it was only a matter of time until i was exposed.


I think they found my google search history...

Operation Summercon 2k8 in Da House
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:58 pm EDT, May 27, 2008

We're in the final week before Summercon 2008! Come out Friday night @ 7PM and meet at the Wyndham Hotel bar, a.k.a. "The Mojito Lounge". Don't be shy, just look for someone wearing a Summercon t-shirt and introduce yourself. They won't bite or fight... probably. We'll plan on hanging out at the hotel for a bit and then herd everyone to another fine drinking establishment. Friday night is an ice-breaker, so come out and get to know your friendly neighborhood hacker. Don't sleep in much past noon on Saturday, presentations start at 12:30PM.

Operation Summercon 2k8 in Da House

Topic: Miscellaneous 7:32 pm EDT, May 18, 2008


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