] In a little-noticed submission to the Federal Register, ] the FCC made clear its intention of levying astronomical ] fines against publications that use dashes or other ] characters in place of letters to print profanity. ] ] "They think they're getting away with it, but I still ] know what they're writing," said FCC Chairman Michael ] Powell, at a press conference attended by two homeless ] men and our reporter, who had been looking for the ] building's exit and felt guilty about leaving once he'd ] entered the room. ] ] Powell continued: "Recently, Entertainment Weekly quoted ] Tom Hanks - the saintly Tom Hanks! - using the word ] 'C-dash-dash-dash-sucker.' That's how they printed it, ] but they put the whole word in my head. They put it in my ] head." I love his closing sentence there... 'They put it in my head'. Well here is one for your head, Michael Powell. F--K YOU, A--HOLE! DeadBrain - FCC's New Indecency Target: Dashes in Magazines, Newspapers |