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"Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well."

DVD Copying
Topic: Technology 11:57 am EDT, May 17, 2003


Here is the software that is of interest to you. You can copy 1:1 to another DVD disc:

Here is the latest legal battle on it:


DVD Copying

Wal-Mart Sells Grocery Unit to Berkshire
Topic: Business 11:05 am EDT, May  2, 2003

] Wal-Mart Stores Inc. on Friday said it agreed to sell its grocery
] distribution unit to Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc.

Buffett must have got hungry when he was out shopping.

Wal-Mart Sells Grocery Unit to Berkshire

The supposed second-half recovery
Topic: Markets & Investing 5:32 pm EDT, Apr 28, 2003

] At the beginning of the third quarter, analysts were
] still expecting 118 percent earnings growth for the third
] quarter and an increase of 64 percent in the fourth
] quarter. Actual growth turned out to be much lower. For
] the third quarter, earnings were up 29 percent from the
] third quarter of 2001, while fourth quarter earnings
] increased 23 percent.

What egghead on Wall St. expects 118 percent earnings growth???
They are so stupid.

The supposed second-half recovery

Apple shareholders approve treating options as an expense
Topic: Business 7:29 pm EDT, Apr 26, 2003

Apple Computer could become the first Silicon Valley technology company to treat employee stock options as an expense, with shareholders approving the accounting change today over the objections of the company's board of directors.

The Apple board recommended against the proposal from the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, saying it would hinder the company's ability to attract and retain key employees and would produce less accurate financial statements because there is no standard way to calculate the cost.

Apple shareholders approve treating options as an expense

InfoWorld: Judge tosses case against P-to-P networks: 
Topic: Movies 4:45 pm EDT, Apr 25, 2003

] In an enormous blow to the music and motion picture
] industries, a Los Angeles federal judge dismissed a
] lawsuit against file-sharing services Grokster and
] StreamCast Networks Friday, saying that they can not be
] held culpable for illegal file trading done over their
] networks.
] The ruling, made by U.S. District Court Judge Stephen
] Wilson, represents an almost complete turnaround from
] previous victories the record and motion picture
] industries have had in cases involving illegal
] peer-to-peer (P-to-P) file trading.
] In his opinion, Wilson ruled that the P-to-P networks
] have substantial noninfringing uses in addition to
] infringing uses that cannot be dismissed.

InfoWorld: Judge tosses case against P-to-P networks: 

Oracle On 64-Bit SQL Server: We're Not Impressed
Topic: Movies 1:03 pm EDT, Apr 23, 2003

] "Now they're (Microsoft) back to SMP. Get out your disco ball and
] leisure suit--Microsoft has taken you back to 1985,"
] Shimp quipped.

funny quote of the day...

Oracle On 64-Bit SQL Server: We're Not Impressed

Sony sinks $1.6 billion into 'Cell' plant | CNET
Topic: Games 1:48 pm EDT, Apr 21, 2003

] More details about the highly secretive "Cell"
] processor--slated to power the upcoming Sony PlayStation
] 3 game console--emerged Monday. ... This puts the earliest
] date of release of the PlayStation 3 at late 2005, or more
] likely 2006, considering the amount of time needed to
] develop the process technology and mass-produce the new chip.

Looks like the PS2 is going to be around for a couple more years.

Sony sinks $1.6 billion into 'Cell' plant | CNET

Powell: U.S. to Examine Measures Against Syria
Topic: Current Events 12:57 pm EDT, Apr 14, 2003

] We say to him (President Bush) that Syria has no chemical
] weapons and that the only chemical, biological and
] nuclear weapons in the region are in Israel, which is
] threatening its neighbors and occupying their land,"
] Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Buthaina Shaaban told
] Reuters.


Powell: U.S. to Examine Measures Against Syria

Greenspan: War's Economic Impact Not Clear
Topic: Economics 11:50 pm EDT, Apr  9, 2003

Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said on Wednesday the Iraq war's full impact on the U.S. economy would not become clear until the conflict is over.

"We will not know what the full impact of this war will be until it's over," Greenspan said in answer to audience questions after a speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, adding that the U.S. economy is "more prone to economic growth than stagnation."


Now you think they would have modeled what would happen to US economy and world economy.

Greenspan: War's Economic Impact Not Clear

Low-carb diets no quick fix: study
Topic: Health and Wellness 11:02 pm EDT, Apr  9, 2003

Diets low in carbohydrates have got some good press in recent months, but a study suggests they are no better than conventional calorie-counting regimes.

"While these diets are effective in the short term, weight loss results from reduced calories, not carbohydrate restriction," said Dena Bravata, a lead researcher on the paper which is published in this week's edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association

Low-carb diets no quick fix: study

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