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"Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well." - Man gets life in prison for spitting
Topic: Politics and Law 5:22 pm EDT, Jul  2, 2003

An Oklahoma man arrested on suspicion of beating his wife faced year in prison and a fine. But when he spit in an arresting officer's face, he got a life sentence instead, officials said Wednesday.

John Carl Marquez, 36, was convicted of "placing bodily fluid upon a government employee," a felony that can carry a life sentence because of the possibility of transmitting a potentially deadly disease. - Man gets life in prison for spitting

Beer flavored ice cream
Topic: Health and Wellness 2:32 pm EDT, Jun 14, 2003

Scottish Courage, the big U.K. brewer, last week began selling to British consumers ice cream that tastes like Newcastle Brown Ale, one of the company's flagship brands. The product is made via a joint venture with Doddington Dairies, which, like the beermaker, is located in Northeast England.
The ice cream's taste is said to reflect the nutty, caramel flavors of the namesake ale.

Beer flavored ice cream

Sean 'P. Diddy' Combs to offer his own line of Lincoln Navigators beginning Aug. 1.
Topic: Cars and Trucks 2:28 pm EDT, Jun 14, 2003

Having difficulty finding that SUV with 3 DVD players, six TV screens, a PlayStation 2 and vibrating seats?

Sean 'P. Diddy' Combs to offer his own line of Lincoln Navigators beginning Aug. 1.

President Bush playing golf & falling off a Segway
Topic: Society 6:33 pm EDT, Jun 13, 2003

a good picture of Bush as well falling off the Segway

President Bush playing golf & falling off a Segway

Microsoft: No new versions of IE for Mac | CNET
Topic: Technology 6:25 pm EDT, Jun 13, 2003

update Microsoft said Friday that it is halting development of future Macintosh versions of its Internet Explorer browser, citing competition from Apple Computer's Safari browser.

Microsoft plans to keep the existing versions of IE available on its Mac Web site. The company is releasing a minor upgrade--IE version 5.2.3--to the OS X browser on Monday. Although a minor update to the Mac OS 9 version of the browser will also come within the next month, it is unclear how many releases will follow. "It depends, as things come up," Sommer said.

Microsoft: No new versions of IE for Mac | CNET

eBay item - Constitution, The United States of America
Topic: Society 5:59 pm EDT, Jun  3, 2003

Written in 1787, ratified in 1788, and in operation from 1789 to September 11, 2001. ...

Unfortunately, its creators were unable to forsee the events of September 11, 2001, and this crowning achievement of the Enlightenment was placed in an undeclared, de facto state of suspension - where it has remained to this day.

In order to raise enough revenue to pay for recent tax cuts, we are offering this limited-edition, one-of-a-kind historical document to the highest bidder. We hope the new owners will take the instructions and wisdom of the Constitution's creators seriously and carefully.

eBay item - Constitution, The United States of America

Stem cell -holy grail- found
Topic: Science 9:05 am EDT, May 30, 2003

] Scientists yesterday said they have discovered a
] long-sought master gene in embryonic stem
] cells that is largely responsible for giving those cells
] their unique regenerative and therapeutic potential.

Stem cell -holy grail- found

Online divorce growing in popularity
Topic: Technology 9:06 am EDT, May 29, 2003

] Offering a simpler and cheaper path to divorce, an
] ever-growing array of dot-coms, computer-savvy lawyers
] and state court officials are encouraging unhappily
] married Americans to arrange their breakups online. For
] fees ranging from $50 to $300 a small fraction of
] what most lawyers charge even for an uncontested divorce
] couples are being provided with the appropriate
] forms and varying degrees of help completing them.

Online divorce growing in popularity

Microsoft: Longhorn goes to pieces
Topic: Computers 4:52 pm EDT, May 27, 2003

] In a way, Longhorn, due in 2005, can be thought of as the
] Mr. Potato Head of operating systems:

My favorite quote of this article

Microsoft: Longhorn goes to pieces

Chemical Brothers will celebrate their 10-year anniversary
Topic: Music 2:23 pm EDT, May 17, 2003

U.K. electronica act the Chemical Brothers will celebrate their 10-year anniversary in September with a double-disc retrospective album and a DVD. The duo is also playing two rare DJ dates tonight (May 16) and May 24 in London, to be followed by similar appearances in North America in September

Chemical Brothers will celebrate their 10-year anniversary

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