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Current Topic: Technology

Seeking your Opinon, Are 1/3 of security practices worthless?
Topic: Technology 11:53 pm EST, Feb 17, 2008

Interesting article describing a talk given by "Peter Tippett-- who is vice president of risk intelligence for Verizon Business, chief scientist at ICSA Labs, and the inventor of the program that became Norton AntiVirus -- said that about one third of today's security practices are based on outmoded or outdated concepts that don't apply to today's computing environments."

Tippet uses several analogies concerning outdate vuln research and disclosure and the discarding of hackable technologies. On the surface this sounds good but I'm curious to hear the opinion of some of the security professionals in Memestreams.

Is he entirely off base? Does he make some valid points? Are his analogies far fetched?

I'd love to hear what you think.

Seeking your Opinon, Are 1/3 of security practices worthless?

RE: I like it old-school! - An Explanation
Topic: Technology 12:51 pm EST, Feb 15, 2007

Those darn kids....

thanks for the black eye acidus

RE: I like it old-school! - An Explanation

I like it old-school!
Topic: Technology 9:36 am EST, Feb 15, 2007

I clicked a link for hot judicial action and I got 0wn3d. I'd like to thank the academy, my parents for warping me, Tom and Nick for letting me do this, and my hero Acidus.

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