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``It's essentially a matter of physics...'' -- Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense

schaivo2.jpg (JPEG Image, 600x450 pixels)
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:18 pm EST, Mar 29, 2005

It really is a funny picture.

schaivo2.jpg (JPEG Image, 600x450 pixels)

Office of the Attending Physician | February is Heart Month
Topic: Medicine 10:59 pm EST, Mar 25, 2005

] March in National Colorectal Cancer Month
] Colorectal cancer, which refers to cancers of the colon
] or rectum, is the second-leading cause of cancer death in
] the United States, but it is highly preventable,
] treatable and often curable. When detected and treated
] early, it has a five-year survival rate of 91%- hence the
] importance of screening.
] The National Cancer Institute (NCI) recommends screening
] for anyone age 50 or older. Those with a family history
] of colon cancer are encouraged to ask their physicians if
] they should begin screening earlier and to discuss which
] procedures would be most appropriate.

Office of the Attending Physician | February is Heart Month

zipdecode | ben fry
Topic: Technology 5:22 pm EST, Mar 24, 2005

] zipdecode
] This project began a very short sketch (a few hours) that
] I created because I was curious about how the numbering
] works for zip codes in the states.
] This version adds several features over the original,
] including zoom, some new colors (thanks to Eugene Kuo for
] suggestions), and a better zip code database (because of
] all the people who emailed and were sad that they
] couldn't find themselves).


zipdecode | ben fry

National Defense Strategy of the United States, 2005
Topic: Society 5:06 pm EST, Mar 23, 2005

This strategy, released on March 18, is one of the driving documents for the Quadrennial Defense Review, which is just getting under way.

This Strategy outlines our approach to dealing with challenges we likely will confront, not just those we are currently best prepared to meet. Our intent is to create favorable security conditions around the world and to continue to transform how we think about security, formulate strategic objectives, and adapt to achieve success.

This strategy emphasizes the importance of influencing events before challenges become more dangerous and less manageable.

That sounds like the preemption strategy we all know and love, but there's also a certain General Memetics Corp. quality to it.

National Defense Strategy of the United States, 2005

MPlayerhq puts up protest
Topic: Technology 6:14 pm EST, Mar 22, 2005

] Free Software Multimedia Threatened by Software Patents
] Closed for patent infringement
] This site has been shut down because of numerous patent
] violations in MPlayer. The other free software multimedia
] players are next.
] Wish us luck, we will need it.

MPlayerhq puts up protest

RE: Congress Condemns Schiavo to Undeath!
Topic: Politics and Law 4:09 pm EST, Mar 21, 2005

k wrote:
] ] Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass.,
] ] rejected the notion that elected lawmakers could
] ] accurately diagnose her condition.
] ]
] ] "The caption tonight ought to be: We're not doctors, we
] ] just play them on C-SPAN," he said.
] This is abhorrent. With any luck the person at district court
] who has to hear the pile of crap will send it back because it
] serves no state interest whatsoever.
] [ I agree that the politics here is some of the most
] despicable, cynical chest-thumping I've seen. There are one
] or two other things going on in this country, not to mention
] the world at large, that should really be getting some
] attention. -k]

[This post was editted because I couldn't think think about anything else. --ed]

There's only one way for the country as a whole to kick this schiavo thing up a notch!

We need to find some poor bastard kid in dire need of a heart, liver, lung, eyeball, or bone marrow transplant for whom terri schiavo is THE PERFECT match! Lord knows that could use the help. Think of the children damnit.

BAM! Total; Complete; Circus. Three rings and all. It would be quite a muck-a-muck, three rings and everything, but better.

More importantly why won't the republicans let us clone her? Then she could be legally put to death and her sadly-misguided parents could be with child again. MERCY CLONING! Save us damned american tax payers and that baboon-face-painted-bitch-of-a-copy-reader on some grief!

I keep watching fox news and they keep cutting to pictures of this hedinous crack whore with a red sticker taped over her cock loving lips that says "LIFE!", as if we needed to be reminded how precious life in all it's faults is. Think of her Mr. DeLay. She wants to gobble, but her ideals are preventing her! A true twisted patriot.


RE: Congress Condemns Schiavo to Undeath! Dr. Hunter S. Thompson : News
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:49 pm EST, Mar 19, 2005

] Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
] Tales from a weird & righteous American Saga

Some of the articles memorializing the late dr gonzo. Be sure to read them. He is and probably will always be an idol of mine. Dr. Hunter S. Thompson : News

Ninja Attack!
Topic: Recreation 2:18 pm EST, Mar 17, 2005

] The only sure way to defeat your foe is with a full-scale
] Ninja Attack! And in case you didnÕt know, real ninjas
] are the greatest assassins known to mankind, plus they
] can turn invisible whenever they want! Just load one of
] the 1-1/4" plastic ninjas into the 5-3/4" long plastic
] shooting device and pull the trigger to launch a stealth
] attack! Four different ninjas included.

Ninja Attack!

Google Code
Topic: Technology 1:59 pm EST, Mar 17, 2005

] Welcome to Google Code, Google's place for Open Source
] software. Read the FAQ for more information.

Google Code

Physics Today
Topic: Physics 9:55 am EST, Mar 14, 2005

] Hans Bethe, eminent physicist and winner of the 1967
] Nobel Prize in Physics, died on 6 March 2005 in Ithaca,
] New York. A few of his many contributions will be
] highlighted on the Physics Today website over the next
] few days.

For the next few days Physics Today will be highlighting papers and ideas championed by Hans Bethe... I recomend all of them.

Physics Today

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