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``It's essentially a matter of physics...'' -- Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense

McCain Sees 'Slippery Slope' in Filibuster Ban
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:19 pm EDT, Apr 11, 2005

] In that way, he argued, the precedent could ultimately
] hurt the GOP by allowing Democrats to bar the filibuster
] the next time they hold the White House and a majority in
] the Senate.
] "If we don't protect the rights of the minority %u2026 if
] you had a liberal president and a Democrat-controlled
] Senate, I think that it could do great damage," said
] McCain, who sought the GOP presidential nomination in
] 2000 and is considering another run in 2008.

And here's why McCain won't be allowed to become a nominee. He just doesn't have that same "kick em when they're down" attitude.

McCain Sees 'Slippery Slope' in Filibuster Ban

Nanotech company aims to put paint in the past | CNET
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:18 pm EDT, Apr 11, 2005

] Akron, Ohio-based Ecology Coatings has developed a family
] of "liquid solids" that are cured by exposure to
] ultraviolet light for a few seconds. Made up of nano-size
] particles (molecules measuring less than 1 billionth of a
] meter), the liquid solids developed by the company--along
] with similar substances made by rivals--could possibly
] eliminate a lot of the expense involved in applying
] protective coatings to electronic gadgets or patio
] furniture. It also doesn't give off hazardous fumes.

[ Rad! -k]

Nanotech company aims to put paint in the past | CNET

Guardian Unlimited | Life | Why Einstein may have got it wrong
Topic: Physics 9:17 pm EDT, Apr 11, 2005

] A century after Albert Einstein published his most famous
] ideas, physicists will today commemorate the occasion by
] trying to demolish one of them.
] Astronomers will tell experts gathering at Warwick
] University to celebrate the anniversary of the great
] man's "miracle year" that the speed of light - Einstein's
] unchanging yardstick that underpins his special theory of
] relativity - might be slowing down.

Guardian Unlimited | Life | Why Einstein may have got it wrong - Man with suitcases detained at U.S. Capitol - Apr 11, 2005
Topic: Events in Washington D.C. 3:09 pm EDT, Apr 11, 2005

] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Police on Monday tackled and forcibly
] dragged away a man with two suitcases who had stationed
] himself in front of the west side of the U.S. Capitol.

Just another day on the hill...

They blew up one of the suit cases, I'm watching cnn while a guy in a very scary green hazmat suit plays with the green suitcase on the left.

They didn't evacuate us.

They did get on the intercom system and tell us not to be near any of the windows when they were going to blow it up. - Man with suitcases detained at U.S. Capitol - Apr 11, 2005

Long film review of _Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy_
Topic: Recreation 10:50 am EDT, Apr 11, 2005

] This review is based on a substantially complete version
] of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy shown to a small
] group of journalists in London on 31st March 2005, to
] which I was invited by Buena Vista International and
] Digital Outlook. The generosity of these companies in
] paying for my travel to this screening is gratefully
] acknowledged. The opinions expressed here are the
] personal critical opinions of myself, author and
] journalist MJ Simpson. This review is based on a single
] viewing of the film; if any factual details have been
] misremembered, I am happy to amend those portions of the
] text. Because of its great length, this review has been
] split into four parts:

Long film review of _Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy_

Cousins' marriage highlights relationship controversy
Topic: Current Events 2:11 pm EDT, Apr  6, 2005

Is it Georgia? Is it Alabama? No! It's Pennsylvania's first cousins that are taking a stand against fundamentalists who respect marriage yet deplore its implications. Take this, gays! Take that, Micheal Shiavo! First cousins are the wave of the future!


Bennett led a 2002 study on risks of genetic problems in children born in such marriages. The study found that children born to couples who are first or second cousins have a lower risk for birth defects than commonly perceived.

On average, an unrelated couple has an approximately 3 percent to 4 percent risk of having a child with a birth defect, significant mental retardation or serious genetic disease.

Close cousins face an additional risk of 1.7 percent to 2.8 percent, according to the study, funded by the National Society of Genetic Counselors, and the U.S. Health and Human Services Department.

Christie Smith, 40, founded Cousins United to Defeat Discriminating Laws through Education, in 2002 to overturn laws banning such marriages. So far, the group hasn't found much success.

"People don't like what they don't understand," said Smith, who fell in love with her husband after seeing him at a family reunion.


See article at:

Cousins' marriage highlights relationship controversy

Wake-Up Wal-Mart: Always High Costs
Topic: Current Events 3:04 pm EDT, Apr  5, 2005

] You Can Change Wal-Mart
] Wal-Mart is the largest employer in the world with over
] $10 billion in profits. Yet, Wal-Mart lowers our wages,
] ships our jobs overseas, and shifts their health care
] costs onto American taxpayers. We believe it's time for
] Wal-Mart to Wake Up.
] The Wake-Up Wal-Mart campaign is a grassroots movement of
] Americans who believe by joining together in common
] purpose we can change Wal-Mart and build a better
] America. Sign up and take action NOW!

Wake-Up Wal-Mart: Always High Costs

Advanced binary analysis of CherryOS: proof of theft
Topic: Technology 11:10 am EST, Mar 31, 2005

just incase anyone didn't believe them already here goes the analysis (I do this sort of thing for a living) first off CherryOS.exe is what we call in the security industry "packed", that means that they have taken a compiled binary and run it through an obfuscator to make it hard to reverse engineer (or at least with hard if all you're doing is strings)...this is common for virus writers, worm writers, 31337 bot net kiddies, and on the legitimate side, game developers do this a lot...its not very common among the commercial (or free) legitimate software market (mostly because it doesn't work and doesn't do any good) so, the easiest way to defeat the packing is simply to let it start up (this one has several annoying checks for debuggers so its easiest to just attach after its loaded)...

the eula for this thing says its a violation to reverse engineer it, but if you do disassemble it you find they never had the rights to license it in the first place, so I don't feel worried to put this here...

if you want to follow along I downloaded a trial copy of CherryOS this morning and I got the latest version of pearpc as of this morning off of sourceforge (not from cvs, just the tarball), I am using windows XP with Interactive Disassembler (IDA)... goes:

so the first thing we want to do is find some strings which are common to both, they will not in and of themselves give you the answer you're looking for but they will give us a good starting point, we will then use these to get a context on the code that uses these strings, we will then compare the functions (or in this case class methods) to see if they are similar (or in this case identical)

so, example number one lets look at something in the cpu emulation code (because that is the heart of the code)

direct your editor to cpu/cpu_jitc_x86/ line 465 you will see the following small function

extern "C" void FASTCALL jitc_error_program(uint32 a, uint32 b) {
if (a != 0x00020000) { // Filter out trap exceptions, no need to report them
ht_printf("JITC Warning: program exception: %08x %08x\n", a, b);

first lets see if we can find the format string "JITC Warning: program exception: %08x %08x\n" somewhere in the core memory image of CherryOS

now if you're using IDA attach to an already running CherryOs.exe (not to be confused with mainCherryOs.exe) and regenerate strings or do a direct string search, and search for this exact string...

you will find it in the text segment located at the fact that it exists alone is almost enough to pass summary judgment, but lets keep going so its painfully obvious...

in cherryos.exe at .text:0040E8C0 you will see a reference to the format string from pearpc the disassembled function at this address looks like this (don't worry details will be explained in a bit)

.text:0040E8C0 sub esp, 0Ch
.text:0040E8C3 cmp ... [ Read More (1.6k in body) ]

Advanced binary analysis of CherryOS: proof of theft - Terri Schiavo has died - Mar 31, 2005
Topic: Current Events 11:09 am EST, Mar 31, 2005

] PINELLAS PARK, Florida (CNN) -- Terri Schiavo, the
] 41-year-old brain-damaged woman who became the
] centerpiece of a national debate over life and death,
] died Thursday morning, nearly two weeks after doctors
] removed the feeding tube that had sustained her for more
] than a decade.

Hopefully she's finally at peace. - Terri Schiavo has died - Mar 31, 2005

World's largest known prime number found
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:34 am EST, Mar 30, 2005

] The number, rendered in exponential shorthand, is
] 2^(25,964,951)-1. It has 7,816,230 digits, and if printed in
] its entirety, would fill 235 newspaper pages.
] In addition, it falls in a rare category of primes known
] as Mersenne primes, which can be written as 2n-1 where n
] is also prime.
] The first few Mersenne primes are easily verifiable --
] inserting 2, 3 and 5 for n produces 3, 7 and 31, all
] prime -- but the math quickly becomes overwhelming for
] larger values.

World's largest known prime number found

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