] How many Christians realize that when they eat that wafer ] and drink the wine during communion service that they, in ] effect, practice cannibalism by the partaking in the ] eating of human flesh and blood? ] ] ] I certainly did not know that when I underwent communion ] in my religious days. It sounds so innocent and benign; ] "Communion" imparts the concept of sharing thoughts and ] feelings, or so I thought. Oh how the priests fooled me. ] They used other obscure terms too, like "Eucharist" and ] "Sacrament of the Last Supper." At no time did a priest ] or deacon explain to me that I would share in the ] communal eating of the human flesh and blood of Jesus. ] ] ] Cannibal: A person who eats the flesh of human beings. ] ] ] Since Jesus represents an actual human being, and I ate ] him, that made me a cannibal. And if you have ever ] undergone communion, then you too fall into that ] category. ] ] ] The Church tricked me and turned me into a cannibal! ... thank god their still alive, otherwise they'd be zombies. Christian Cannibals |