] Given that the USA is the greatest world power, marking ] and governing the fate of our planet, why should we not ] be able to vote for their/our President? We have for this ] reason organized the first US elections for ] non-Americans, in Italy, in a small Tuscan town called La ] California (municipality of Bibbona, province of ] Livorno). Voting is open to all, and not only to ] residents of La California. It will take place on Sunday ] 31 October, two days before the real election. It will be ] possible to vote in person, with real ballot papers and ] boxes, in La California?s town square, and ] electronically, on this site. Sunday, 31 October will be ] one big party, with live music, comedy and satire, wine ] and things to eat. In our elections, you can vote not ] only for the official candidates (Bush, Kerry and Nader), ] but also for alternative candidates, no limit being ] placed on nationality. The ballot slips will then be sent ] to the American government.. Will it be more fair then Florida? |