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Current Topic: War on Terrorism

View from the Naval War College
Topic: War on Terrorism 12:30 am EDT, May 13, 2004

Thomas Barnett lays out the case for 'exporting security'.

Whether or not you think he's right, it remains to be seen if they can actually pull it off in Iraq.

View from the Naval War College

Associated Press Managing Editors - Wilk letter on military harassment
Topic: War on Terrorism 12:57 am EST, Nov 14, 2003

no surprises here. just an even clearer case for real-time wireless distribution of content for front-line journalists.

Associated Press Managing Editors - Wilk letter on military harassment

Changes to U.S. Military Assistance After September 11th
Topic: War on Terrorism 2:49 am EST, Dec 18, 2002

Here we go again, arming dictators to gain control of "strategic" resources. Today they're our cronies, tomorrow our enemies.

This 15 page report by Human Rights Watch has all the details.

Changes to U.S. Military Assistance After September 11th

The war against Iraq and America's drive for world domination
Topic: War on Terrorism 1:44 am EST, Dec 18, 2002

This is a great starting point for a conversation about geo-politics. I'm not about to rush off and join the socialist party, and he certainly doesn't examine his own assumptions, BUT there are many interesting assertions about American power, intentions, and attitudes worth being aware of.

The future scenario he paints shouldn't come as a complete surprise to anybody should it sadly come to pass.

The war against Iraq and America's drive for world domination

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