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Yahoo! LAUNCH - News: Weird Al Disappointed Eminem Nixed Video
Topic: Arts 1:09 pm EDT, May  9, 2003

] "What we heard back from him (Rosenberg) was that Eminem
] was fine with me having the parody on my album but said
] he was afraid that a Weird Al video might detract from
] his legacy, that it would somehow make people take him
] less seriously as an important hip-hop artist," Yankovic
] said.

Oh come on! Al's done parody videos of Michael Jackson, Madonna, Coolio, Dire Straits - and Eminem is afraid it's going to "detract from his legacy"? Even Kurt Cobain said "I knew we made it as a band when I saw the Weird Al parody on MTV." I'm firmly convinced that Eminem, whose name sounds like a candy, for chrissakes, takes himself much too seriously.

Yahoo! LAUNCH - News: Weird Al Disappointed Eminem Nixed Video

Another Bush, another jobless recovery
Topic: Current Events 12:56 pm EDT, May  9, 2003

] In the end, the Republican Congress looks likely to force
] through a stimulus package that is largely based around
] tax cuts. Some of these measures may be sensible
] long-term reforms, and returning money to taxpayers is
] seldom unpopular. But the stimulus will not create many
] jobs now, whatever Mr Bush says.

Don't quit your day job. No, really. How many 'jobless recoveries' can we survive?

Another Bush, another jobless recovery

Would you like to bomb Iran?
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:06 pm EDT, May  8, 2003

] I'm Saddam.
] Saddam I am.
] I do not like you,
] Uncle Sam.

Would you like to bomb Iran?

How Sausage Is Made - House Judiciary Committee OK's HB0457!
Topic: Society 10:57 pm EDT, May  8, 2003

Read how those defending your rights weren't allowed to speak in opposition to this bill.

How Sausage Is Made - House Judiciary Committee OK's HB0457!

Cat inherits house, trust fund
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:22 am EDT, May  8, 2003

I love the expression on the cats face in the photo - "REEOOOW!" Sort of what I expect I'd look like if I suddenly had $160k dumped in my lap!

Laughing Boy

] LONDON, England (AP) -- Tinker really is the cat that got
] the cream.
] Thanks to his late owner, a wealthy widow, the former
] stray now lives in some splendor in his own house, valued
] at 350,000 pounds (US$560,000) and dines on fish bought
] from his 100,000-pound (US$160,000) trust fund.
] The will of Margaret Layne, 89, published in The Times
] newspaper on Tuesday, named Tinker as the beneficiary of
] a large chunk of her estate, including her house in
] Harrow, northwest London.

Cat inherits house, trust fund

Winners Of The 'Oldest Software' Contest
Topic: Technology 4:41 pm EDT, May  5, 2003

] Earlier this month, I described a friend of mine who was
] responsible for a corporate network notable for its aging
] applications infrastructure. At the end of the column
] I proposed a contest and asked you all to send in your
] own entries to qualify for the "oldest living software"
] application. Needless to say, I got some great entries.

And I thought our accounting system was old.

Winners Of The 'Oldest Software' Contest

IT hiring lackluster through 2003 | CNET
Topic: Technology 2:46 pm EDT, May  5, 2003

] Hiring in the information technology field is expected to
] remain soft through 2003--despite any recovery waiting in
] the wings, according to a survey released Monday by an IT
] trade group.
] Sixty-seven percent of hiring managers surveyed
] anticipate hiring demands to remain the same or decline
] during the next 12 months, according to the Information
] Technology Association of America. The ITAA surveyed 400
] hiring managers from technology and nontechnology
] companies between March 27 and April 14.
] The managers surveyed are expecting to hire a cumulative
] total of 493,000 IT workers over the next 12 months,
] compared with 1.1 million positions anticipated over the
] same period when the survey was conducted early last
] year.
] Of the IT positions that companies plan to fill, a number
] will be for jobs overseas, according to the survey. An
] increasing number of companies, including Hewlett-Packard
] and IBM, are moving work offshore, where labor is
] cheaper.

I love my job... I love my job... I love my job... Just gotta keep saying it, and maybe I'll believe it...

IT hiring lackluster through 2003 | CNET

The Village Voice: Features: Pot, Porn, and Strawberries by Jessica Winter
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:40 pm EDT, May  5, 2003

] In his new book, Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs, and Cheap
] Labor in the American Black Market (Houghton Mifflin, 310
] pp., $23), Schlosser examines three disparate
] commodities -- marijuana, strawberries, and
] pornography -- to burrow deep into the nation's
] subterranean economy, which racks up as much as $1
] trillion in off-the-books transactions each year.
] Schlosser intends Fast Food Nation and Reefer Madness as
] part of a trilogy, to be completed with a book on the
] U.S. prison system. %u201CThey%u2019re about the history
] of America over the last 30 years

Something I'll have to pick up soon.

The Village Voice: Features: Pot, Porn, and Strawberries by Jessica Winter

Wired News: Apple Squashes E-Store ID Bug
Topic: Technology 2:32 pm EDT, May  5, 2003

] Null said he discovered the vulnerability at
] using the "view source" option in his Web browser while
] visiting a section of the online store designed to help
] people who have forgotten their passwords.
] After submitting his e-mail address, as requested by the
] system, Null said he noticed that Apple was hiding a
] string of letters and numbers in the source code to one
] of the pages designed to confirm users' identities.
] By cutting and pasting that "hash" into a separate page
] for specifying the new password, Null was able to change
] his password without answering the secret question used
] to authenticate him.

Well, at least Apple didn't want to arrest the guy.

Wired News: Apple Squashes E-Store ID Bug Marvel's Big Weekend [Motley Fool Take] May 5, 2003
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:28 pm EDT, May  5, 2003

] However, the big winner has been Marvel itself. This
] becomes its sixth consecutive licensed release to open as
] the top draw at the local multiplex after Spider-Man,
] Daredevil, Blade, Blade 2, and the original X-Men. For a
] company that was little more than a comic-book specialist
] making toys on the side, Marvel has come a long way.

Why didn't I have half a mil last year to drop into Marvel? I know what to invest in, now I just have to find the money to do it... Marvel's Big Weekend [Motley Fool Take] May 5, 2003

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