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ScienceDaily News Release: Physical Inactivity Rapidly Increases Visceral Fat; Exercise Can Reverse Accumulation


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ScienceDaily News Release: Physical Inactivity Rapidly Increases Visceral Fat; Exercise Can Reverse Accumulation
Topic: Science 3:27 pm EDT, May 29, 2003

] In findings that should add to the national debate over
] rising obesity rates in the U.S., Duke University Medical
] Center researchers have demonstrated that physical
] inactivity leads to a significant increase in potentially
] dangerous visceral fat, while high amounts of exercise
] can lead to significant decreases in such fat over a
] fairly short time period.
] The researchers also found that while lower amounts of
] exercise prevented the significant accumulation of
] visceral fat seen in the controls, it did not lead to the
] improvements seen in participants with higher levels of
] exercise.
] Controlling visceral fat is important, the researchers
] say, because increased levels have been associated with
] insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease and other
] metabolic syndromes. Visceral fat is located around the
] organs inside the belly and is deeper in the body than
] subcutaneous fat, which lies under the skin.

C'mon people, get up, get moving.

ScienceDaily News Release: Physical Inactivity Rapidly Increases Visceral Fat; Exercise Can Reverse Accumulation

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