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Network Neutrality - Senators debate future of Web


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Network Neutrality - Senators debate future of Web
Topic: Technology 9:27 am EDT, Apr 23, 2008

WASHINGTON (AP) - John Dunbar:
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin said Tuesday his agency has all the authority it needs to prevent Internet service providers from discriminating against Web surfers and that new legislation is unnecessary.

The FCC has conducted two hearings on "network management" following admissions by Comcast Corp. that it sometimes delayed file-sharing traffic for subscribers as a way to keep Web traffic flowing.

Large network owners like cable and telecommunications companies are opposed to network neutrality legislation, saying it would add a layer of regulation that will hurt consumers. They say it is unnecessary and amounts to a solution in search of a problem.

So, exactly how will consumers be hurt?

The hearing included some star power, with the appearance of Justine Bateman, best known for her role on the TV sitcom Family Ties. Bateman is now a founding partner of a new online media venture.

Did I read that correctly? "Star power"?

Network Neutrality - Senators debate future of Web

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