This just ISN'T Christian..... This article points to one of many of my problems with organized religion. What has the content of the wafer has to do with accepting Jesus as your Savior? Why should the content of the wafer have anything to do with your acceptance into the church? More importantly, do the church leaders honestly think that Jesus Christ would deny this little girl communion on account of a digestive order? [ Because, dude, if it's not wheat it won't *actually* transmute into the body of Christ. Only wheat has the power to become the flesh of Jesus. Rice wafers only transmute into Jesus' sweat, or if you're really lucky, a hair or something. And that's just not sufficient. I guess she'll just have to burn in hell. Stupid religion. Morons seem to attribute a lot of hateful and malicious viewpoints to Jesus. If the word Christian actually meant "follower of the teachings of Jesus" rather than "psychotic, rigid, moralist who conflates any part of the bible necessary to reinforce hate and bigotry" i might still call myself one. -k] - Church says girl's communion not valid - Aug 19, 2004 |