Great article. Of course my first response on reading the title was "If they want funding they better." Of course, the article goes much deeper than that, giving the reader ideas about ways to confront creationism and young earth theory. I am confronted with that quite often, and yet my position is not one to be able to challenge, but I found this article refreshing and HELPFUL. I've never liked Dawkins much, but the article introduced me to Knauss, who is much 'more gentle' in his approach. He has some lectures and power points at his website here: "Although the authors are both on the side of science, they have not always agreed about the best ways to oppose religiously motivated threats to scientific practice or instruction. Krauss, a leading physicist, frequently steps into the public spotlight to argue in favor of retaining evolutionary theory in school science curricula and keeping pseudoscientific variants of creationism out of them. An open letter he sent to Pope Benedict XVI in 2005, urging the pontiff not to build new walls between science and faith, led the Vatican to reaffirm the Catholic Church’s acceptance of natural selection as a valid scientific theory." Should Science Speak to Faith |