I got this link from a homeschool mom trying to get 10 sign ups so she could get an IPOD Shuffle. ® Well, I don't need one, I have one, but I still want to hawk the site. There's some great ebooks on there. The ones for kids with the crafts you can make, are so very well done that I'd have paid for them. (Egypt, Rome, Pioneer, Native American...) So here's the deal - you sign up, and you can get 5 eBooks a day. Free. They include an ad or two after the title page targeted to you. That's all the intrusiveness I've ran across. They have a lot of comics too. Anyway, check them out if you like eBooks. I must. I have a harddrive full of them and I really do use them. I buy 2-3 a month, so it was a treat for me to get some really good ones free. Thought I'd share the site. Wowio - Free EBooks - and some are GREAT |