Please let them file a civil suit. PLEASE. All this b/c of an anonymous tip. :( [quote]After being threatened to this extreme, the family felt they had no choice but to let the social worker into their home to interview the children, who were now crying and wailing. During the interview, the social worker would not let the witness the family provided be present. She also proceeded to lift the shirts and clothing of each child, even those whom the allegations did not concern. The social worker found nothing—but said still she wanted the family to “undergo a formal psycho-social assessment.” When the Smiths asked “Why?” the social worker replied, “This is done in all investigations with homeschooled children!” Needless to say, the Smiths declined the assessments, and relied on HSLDA to take care of the rest. Klicka sent the social worker a letter outlining all the ways in which she had broken the law: 1. By entering the home and interviewing the children through intimidation; 2. By not letting them know the allegations at the initial visit; and 3. By interviewing children whom the allegations did not concern. Klicka explained that the case should be closed immediately, as there was no evidence against the family. He also explained that the daughter’s issues with depression were being handled adequately by medical experts and psychologists familiar with the situation. The family has not been hassled by this social worker since, and the case is closed. HSLDA is considering a civil rights suit.[/quote] Social Worker really oversteps her bounds - ALL homeschoolers have psychosocial evaluations |