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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

UNIX history (preview)
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:54 pm EST, Apr  6, 2002

Dependancy links of what UNIX flavor came from each other.

Interesting point: note that Apple's OSX is in there.

UNIX history (preview)

Image 300x774 pixels
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:44 am EST, Nov 17, 2001

Largo (from MegaTokyo) proposed to his girlfriend this past Thursday. This was his rant at the bottom of MT as of Friday morning.

Quite beautiful in its own "online comic culture" way.

Image 300x774 pixels

NSA Careers
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:08 pm EDT, Sep 11, 2001

Join the NSA they said... See the world they said... Meet interesting people and wiretap/eschelon them, they said.

NSA Careers

Employment at CIA - Information Systems Security
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:07 pm EDT, Sep 11, 2001

Join the CIA they said... See the world, they said... Meet interesting people and assasinate them, they said.

Employment at CIA - Information Systems Security

Slashdot | When Do You Kiss Backwards Compatibility Goodbye?
Topic: Miscellaneous 7:22 pm EDT, Sep  8, 2001

"Backwards compatibility is great for users. But it sucks for developers. After a while your normally sensible and readable code becomes a nightmare spaghetti tangle of conditions, macros and multiple re-inventions of the wheel.

Slashdot | When Do You Kiss Backwards Compatibility Goodbye?

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