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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

CNN RSS Feed (broken)
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:48 pm EDT, May  8, 2004

This has to be the single saddest RSS feed ever. Rumor has it that it worked up until 9/11.

CNN RSS Feed (broken)

Interviewing With An Intelligence Agency
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:37 am EST, Dec 22, 2003

A first-hand account of the story of a job applicant's interivew and clearance process at the NSA.

Interviewing With An Intelligence Agency

The economics of spam (The Register)
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:33 am EST, Dec 22, 2003

A decent discussion why spam continues to exist... because it's profitable.

The economics of spam (The Register)

SecurityFocus HOME News: Secret Service airbrushes aerial photos
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:32 am EST, Dec 21, 2003

Cryptome had downloaded from mapquest areal photos of the whitehouse grounds. The original ones may be found there.

Now it seems that the photos aren't quite so "pristine" on mapquest anymore... hrmmm.

The editing on the whitehouse is subtle, the editing on the naval observatory (VP's home) is overblown pixelation, and the editing on the capital building is useless.

SecurityFocus HOME News: Secret Service airbrushes aerial photos

Pervert popstar manager confesses all
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:13 pm EST, Mar 11, 2003

Imagine what would happen if the filthiest bastard in Russia decides to one up Brittany Spears/Christina Agulera for the sick-mother-fucker pseudo-underage-porn shit. Well, dude succeeded, if that's what you call it.

Pervert popstar manager confesses all

Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada - Index Map
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:11 am EDT, May 14, 2002

Another quake site.

Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada - Index Map

Topic: Miscellaneous 1:11 am EDT, May 14, 2002

Quake that just happened.

ShakeMaps - Biometric driver's licenses within five years? - May 3, 2002
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:51 pm EDT, May  3, 2002

Two Representitives (one from each party) advocating new nationalized drivers license chip-card with biometric data in the chip...

Distasteful, but it'd ramp up the US population to smartcards (if your driverslicense is, then you'll expect your credit cards to keep up). - Biometric driver's licenses within five years? - May 3, 2002

Topic: Miscellaneous 11:05 pm EDT, Apr 30, 2002

A game of hacking for profit.

It's simple but well fictionalized but entertaining. It even looks pretty and has good sound.

(anyone who played Shadowrun back in the day will like it).
Fully playable demos for Linux and Windows... then it's only $30 in the US. I'm enjoing it.

Uplink - MUSCLE - Linux Smart Card Development
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:13 pm EDT, Apr 20, 2002

Smartcards for linux...
unified logins, openssh integration soon, browsers taking advantage... if smartcards go big, PKI's problem of storing certs will be taken care of... - MUSCLE - Linux Smart Card Development

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