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Topic: Miscellaneous 1:42 pm EST, Feb  3, 2007

"Regarding the issue of the young men that were abducted in Missouri. A lot of people are wondering why he didn't make a phone call or any other attempt to escape. Here's the answer: He was terrorized. Terrorized. The first time I ever heard that word was when I was thirteen years old. I was home alone and the phone rang. I answered and the callers first words to me (which I will never forget) were "I have fixed your phone so that you cannot dial out even if you hang up. I am right behind your house and I am watching you. Do everything I say or me and my friends will come in and rape you." He went on for over an hour telling me to do various things: get all my parents jewelry and any liqueur and put it in a pillow case and place it outside my front door, all the while reminding me that he could see me. He told me to take off all my clothes and place them outside. He told me to get a turkey baster, I told him I didn't know what that was, he got very angry and told me to find anything to put in my vagina. I was in utter hysterics but made a very bold move to escape thru our sliding glass doors on the side of my house and run, with a towel wrapped around my naked body, to my best friends house four houses away. Hysterical and crying I explained to her mother what had happened to me. My best friends brothers were there (more humiliation) and she promptly sent them away and called the police and said "I need the police, my neighbor's daughter has been Terrorized, I will never, ever forget that horrifying afternoon but more than that I will never EVER forget my best friends dear mother for taking what happened to me so seriously and taking such good care of me afterwards. Thank you, Mrs.RL. May you rest in peace always.

My point-- I was terrorized for an hour over the phone at 13. These young boys were face to face with their Monster for days and years in one case and they were 11. Of course they did what they were told. Of course they did.

The police said that they had had several incidences reported (mostly by elderly people) and that, in fact, my phone was never tampered with as the criminal had said. Two weeks later I got the same call. I hung up and dialed the police. He never called again.

That's my story and I hope it makes any doubters out there look at this Missouri story differently."

There really are so sick fucks out there so be sure to watch your children closely. It is hard to understand how anyone can't believe/understand that those children were terrorized.

Cingular becomes AT&T....again!
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:56 am EST, Jan 31, 2007

Very funny...

Cingular becomes AT&T....again!

Topic: Miscellaneous 10:41 am EST, Jan 31, 2007

"You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give."

Opposites attract
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:11 am EST, Jan 31, 2007

"Psychologists at the University of New Mexico recently reported on the results of a study that shows how genetic similarities between partners are predictive of sexual responsiveness and cheating according to this article:"

Opposites attract

Something to think about
Topic: Miscellaneous 8:09 pm EST, Jan 29, 2007

"If being well liked is more important than being yourself, then you will never say anything of value and you will never have true friends. If you don’t have the balls to be hated, then you don’t deserve to be loved"

Now this is the truth.

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