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Current Topic: Local Information

NJ News 12 | Safety concerns drive Oyster Creek strike
Topic: Local Information 8:37 am EDT, Jul  3, 2003

This is a (Windows Media) video spot from News 12 about the situation at Oyster Creek Nuclear. Union officals have been leaking company documents about safety problems. In particular, about problems with under trained fire protection personel, and dangerous cutbacks in waste and radiation control. Also, the investigation into the fish-kill earlier this year has been reopened by the state Attorney General's Office.

The strike has been going for about six weeks now. Activity outside the plant does not show any signs of calming down. Recently, they had a 20ft tall blow up rat outside the main entrance. I wish I had a picture of it..

NJ News 12 | Safety concerns drive Oyster Creek strike

Warning hits sour note at Asbury Park kindergarten graduation
Topic: Local Information 12:40 pm EDT, Jun 19, 2003

] ASBURY PARK -- As she watched her niece graduate from
] kindergarten yesterday, Sherri Stanard's pride turned to
] shock and anger when a vice principal told the children
] to stand up to demonstrate that he believed one-third of
] a kindergarten class would not make it through high
] school because of alcohol, drugs or pregnancy.

] "He asked the kids to stand up, and he told us to take a
] good look at these kids because a third of them will not
] graduate from high school or make it to high school
] because they will be too busy drugging, drinking or
] getting pregnant," said Stanard, 42, of Neptune. Stanard
] said she also has a niece in first grade at the Bangs
] Avenue Elementary School, where the vice principal, Paul
] J. Banik Jr., has worked for three decades.

] Howard Mednick, the school's principal for the past two
] years, said that the context of Stanard's account was
] basically correct, but that Banik did tell the audience
] he was not talking about the children standing up.

Hahaha.. Asbury Park, where the truth hurts.

Warning hits sour note at Asbury Park kindergarten graduation

AC Press | Union says members warned company before act that caused 2002 fish kill
Topic: Local Information 10:41 am EDT, Jun 16, 2003

] The labor union for striking workers at the Oyster Creek
] nuclear power plant met with representatives for Sens.
] Jon Corzine and Frank Lautenberg at the union
] headquarters here Thursday.
] The talks mostly centered on the union's version of
] events that led to a massive fish kill at the plant last
] year. The two-hour session came as the union begins its
] fourth week of a strike at the nation's oldest nuclear
] power plant.
] At the meeting, two union leaders and six power plant
] workers said on Sept. 23, 2002, that they warned
] management not to turn off pumps that cool water
] discharged from the plant into Oyster Creek.

] "We brought it up several times," said Bill Strako, a
] control room operator. "We said, 'You know, if you do
] that, you're going to violate the thermal limits.'"

] "Does it tie into the strike?" Stroup said. "Yes, it
] does in a way. Our members are the safety net for this
] plant. Now we're walking up and down Route 9 in picket
] lines. And they're bringing in people who will do
] anything they're told."

The plant workers are still striking. Its been about a month now. The outside of the plant has taken on the look of a shanty town. Tents, fires in steel drums, and at least a hundred ragged looking picketers stationed at the plant's three main entrances.. The length of rt9 that runs along the plant is sporting signs every hundred feet or so, "Don't Trust AmeriGen's Lies!", "Who is running the plant?", "Striking for saftey, not money!", etc.. Between the strikers and the heavy national guard presence, its makes for one damn surreal scene..

There has been almost no press coverage.. This is one of the few articles I have found, and I've been looking. The AC Press seems to be the only paper in the area even taking note that there is a strike going on. Of course, all the other papers in the area are Gannet. Still, I find it very strange that the workers of the oldest (and most accident prone) nuclear power plant in the United States or America are striking because they don't feel the plant is safe, and none of our local news papers give enough of a shit to cover it!

Oh the comedy of errors! Plant errors killing fish.. Working striking over saftey.. National guard soldiers accidentally shooting themselves.. At a plant with a rusted and cracked drywell that's over ten years past its design lifetime.

I gotta get the hell outta this town^H^H^H^Hcounty^H^H^H^H^H^Hstate.

AC Press | Union says members warned company before act that caused 2002 fish kill

Asbury Park Press | Shore attracting the mob
Topic: Local Information 2:18 am EDT, Jun 15, 2003

] Like so many Shore area residents, they commute north.
] They spurn raising their families on the same gritty
] Essex County streets their fathers controlled decades
] ago, opting instead for the manicured lawns of Monmouth
] County or the gentle ocean breezes farther south.

Whenever I am not in Jersey, people always ask me about the mob. Its a side effect of most peoples' knowledge of Jersey coming solely from The Sopranos.

So here, have some Jersey mob stuff.

Everyone knows the mob lives at the shore.. Shesh.

Asbury Park Press | Shore attracting the mob

Asbury Park Press | Man dies in wood chipper accident: Legs pulled into machine
Topic: Local Information 2:06 am EDT, Jun 15, 2003

] Rigoberto Martinez, 20, of Long Branch, was putting
] branches into the machine at a home on Cedar Avenue when
] one of the branches got stuck, First Assistant Prosecutor
] Robert Honecker said.
] Martinez kicked the branch to get it into the chipper,
] but somehow his right foot ended up in the machine,
] Honecker said. Eventually, his left leg also was pulled
] in.
] Martinez died at the scene, Honecker said.
] "This was a horrible accident," Honecker said.
] When they arrived, the chipper was turned off, but
] "unfortunately too late to save Mr. Martinez," Honecker
] said.

Asbury Park Press | Man dies in wood chipper accident: Legs pulled into machine

What goes around, comes around!!!!!!!!
Topic: Local Information 7:00 pm EDT, May 30, 2003

] Ronneberg, Thomas Cavanaugh of the Forked River section
] of Lacey and Matthew Mercuro of Waretown, all 18, were
] arrested May 21 and accused of entering Popcorn Park Zoo
] and bludgeoning to death three ducks, three emus and two
] rheas with a rake, a piece of PVC pipe and a shovel.

] Ronneberg was assaulted in his cell on Friday after his
] attackers came in through his unlocked door. Many inmates
] have access to a day room during certain periods, and
] their cells are unlocked so they can go there.

] Ronneberg lost a tooth in his lower jaw and needed
] stitches to close a wound on his face. A deep blue bruise
] sagged below his left eye.

] "There is a possibility he could be assaulted again,"
] [Warden] Hutler said. "This is jail, and it goes with
] the turf."

What goes around, comes around!!!!!!!!

The Trentonian | Ocean County teens get bored, resort to killing exotic birds
Topic: Local Information 9:18 pm EDT, May 28, 2003

] Three teens with a "morbid sense of entertainment" have
] been charged with killing eight exotic birds at a zoo for
] abused animals, authorities said yesterday.
] The slayings capped a violent night of revelry that began
] with an attack on a duck at a county park, continued with
] an arson-and-graffiti spree at a paintball facility and
] included vandalism at a church, where $5,000 worth of
] stained-glass windows were shattered.
] The three spray-painted swastikas and defaced a "God
] bless America" inscription at the paintball complex,
] replacing "God" with "Satan," authorities said.

] The birds were found dead in their pens Monday morning.
] One duck’s eye was gouged out; the emus had their
] windpipes crushed and jugular veins slashed, in addition
] to being beaten on the heads.
] "They suffered immensely,’’ said veterinarian Sherry Podhayny.

I hate this town. This is typical of the people in this town. Fuck this town.

The Trentonian | Ocean County teens get bored, resort to killing exotic birds

Asbury Park Press | Official: Plant did not kill any fish
Topic: Local Information 3:59 pm EDT, May 27, 2003

] At least 100 dead fish were seen yesterday floating in
] the Oyster Creek by the nuclear power plant here, a
] veteran fisherman reported.
] Plant investigators saw four dead fish by the Route 9
] bridge that crosses the creek and another near the
] plant's property line, but officials here said the plant
] did not cause them to die.
] "We've checked all of our systems and we've done
] nothing," said Ernest J. Harkness, site vice president at
] the Oyster Creek plant.

] The plant was shut down since Tuesday following an
] electrical malfunction. Power generation should resume
] within the next two days, Harkness said.
] In December, the largest fine ever assessed on a New
] Jersey nuclear power plant for causing a fish kill --
] $372,912 -- was levied by the state Department of
] Environmental Protection against Oyster Creek.

Oh yeah.. The plant is _never_ killing the fish. Not this time, not earlier this year, not every six months this happens.

This time it was only a few hundred (or the offical number of "four"), last time it was thousands. Does this mean they are getting better?

The workers are still striking too..

Asbury Park Press | Official: Plant did not kill any fish

Nuclear Plant Electrical Workers Strike, Citing Job Reductions
Topic: Local Information 5:31 am EDT, May 25, 2003

] Electrical workers at the Oyster Creek nuclear power plant
] in central New Jersey have gone on strike, adding another
] woe to a troubled week for one of the nation's oldest
] nuclear-generating stations.
] The walkout, by 215 of the plant's 450 workers, started
] abruptly just before noon on Thursday after weeks of
] fruitless negotiations over old work rules, staff
] reductions and employee benefits.
] Two days before the strike, Oyster Creek was forced to
] stop producing electricity after a cable failure knocked
] out power to about half the plant's safety system,
] including security cameras, alarms, sensors, pumps and
] valves, according to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
] Makeshift repairs restored the power, but Oyster Creek is
] barred from generating power until a new cable is
] installed, said Neil Sheehan, a commission spokesman.

Lots of activity around the plant today.. At least 150 people out picketing along with the normal crop of police cars, humvees, soldiers, machine guns, and big concrete barriers.

Nuclear Plant Electrical Workers Strike, Citing Job Reductions

Weblogs, Information, and Society | Event at UC Berkeley
Topic: Local Information 1:35 am EDT, Apr  9, 2003

UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism is hosting an event entitled "Weblogs, Information, and Society" on April 10.

Speakers include: Dan Gillmor, San Jose Mercury News; Ross Mayfield, CEO of Socialtext; Donna Wentworth, Harvard's Berkman Center; Ed Felten, Princeton; Scott Rosenberg, Salon; and Ernest Miller, LawMeme.

Description: The Weblogs Information and Society panel draws webloggers from academe, business, and journalism to explore how weblogs continue to change the way groups and individuals work, learn, and communicate.

The panel will also explore how weblogs, and social software in particular, facilitate civic and creative engagement by increasing the fluidity of information between individuals and organizations. This developing relationship between weblogs, information, and society is significant and deserves further discussion.

Weblogs, Information, and Society | Event at UC Berkeley

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