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Current Topic: Travel

Texas Roadside Wifi
Topic: Travel 10:27 pm EDT, Jul 15, 2003

Somewhere outside Amarillo.. Nice driving.. Texas is very aesthetically pleasing. Very "bad ass"..

The most 'bad ass' part of the trip
Topic: Travel 7:36 pm EDT, Jul 15, 2003

I'm about to enter into Texas.

Nothing to report.. Really, nothing. Not a god damned thing. I'm bored as hell.

Just for kicks, here is a list of essids spotted between Nashville and here:

flyingj 00:0C:30:E9:07:B4 No
flyingj 00:0C:85:A9:DD:42 No
flyingj 00:0C:85:A9:DC:78 No
Willisblock 00:06:25:98:92:02 Yes
ElRenoWB 00:40:96:52:D5:A8 Yes
ElRenoWB 00:40:96:28:E0:C9 Yes
pi07490509x 00:A0:F8:57:D6:78 Yes
pi07490509x 00:A0:F8:A6:C0:11 Yes
flyingj 00:40:96:47:DF:75 No
flyingj 00:40:96:47:E2:A8 No
DirectCom 00:90:0E:00:45:52 No
Oklahoma 00:40:96:26:32:F4 No
pi07490509x 00:A0:F8:57:E1:08 Yes
pi07490509x 00:A0:F8:57:D7:59 Yes
fordav 00:0C:30:6C:21:10 No
fordav 00:40:96:59:CE:CC No
202 00:40:96:55:F0:22 Yes
404 00:40:96:54:29:C5 Yes
DAAOKC 00:09:B7:7E:F0:96 Yes
DAAOKC 00:40:96:55:B1:B1 Yes
DAAOKC 00:40:96:56:DE:B4 Yes
DAAOKC 00:40:96:54:D8:0F Yes
daaokc 00:40:96:55:80:12 Yes
DAAOKC 00:40:96:5D:FA:25 Yes
linksys 00:04:5A:D2:47:85 No
afa160 00:40:96:25:79:DB No
tsunami 00:40:96:52:D3:A0 No
tsunami 00:40:96:55:90:B0 No
Wireless 00:09:5B:39:46:90 No
OnALotWirelessOkemah 00:40:96:57:D2:9B Yes
OnALotWirelessOkemah 00:40:96:2A:4E:91 Yes
OML_WLAN 00:02:2D:75:44:25 No
TWIinHouse 00:60:B3:16:A2:46 No
NEVBCITY59 00:60:B3:16:C5:FE No
(null) 00:E0:63:82:69:08 No
(null) 00:E0:63:50:16:CB No
1401 00:40:96:56:75:0E No
1401 00:40:96:56:9A:DE No
4 00:40:96:51:CE:E2 No
4 00:40:96:52:EF:68 No
pi07490509x 00:A0:F8:A5:4B:D1 Yes
pi07490509x 00:A0:F8:A5:47:68 Yes
(null) 00:02:2D:90:0A:C6 Yes
SST-PR-1 82:02:4E:02:15:01 Yes
Benton 00:02:6F:04:08:97 No
Benton 00:02:6F:03:FD:9D No
Benton 00:02:6F:03:FD:A0 No
Benton 00:02:6F:03:FD:9E No
iaai*little*rock 00:0C:30:F1:5A:6E No
BBT1 00:40:96:44:26:B2 No
(null) 00:02:2D:4A:54:03 No
(null) 00:02:2D:2D:CA:76 No
(null) 00:02:2D:8D:6F:33 No
Heartland 00:06:25:55:79:F0 No
LehiEB 00:40:96:26:58:53 No
LehiEB 00:40:96:26:2C:F7 No
LehiEB 00:40:96:25:87:E4 No
TMI1 00:06:25:6D:BD:DF No
flyingj 00:40:96:58:5D:11 No
flyingj 00:40:96:58:49:39 No
flyingj 00:40:96:58:65:BB No
tsunami 00:0C:85:51:24:DC No
Ad hoc unknown
overton 00:40:96:34:22:9A No
ssid1 00:40:96:54:53:7D Yes
footbridge 00:06:25:86:6A:1D No
4 00:40:96:37:42:B3 No
4 00:40:96:48:59:97 No
afa490 00:40:96:52:D6:1F No
tsuwireless 00:0B:BE:A9:DF:F0 No
linksys 00:06:25:56:76:5F No
tsunami 00:30:AB:1B:95:F6 Yes
linksys 00:06:25:71:96:31 No
tsunami 00:30:AB:0B:25:56 Yes
wireless 00:90:4B:31:29:1E No
tsunami 00:30:AB:22:A4:7B Yes
GoldenTree 00:06:25:24:D7:79 No
bodyshop 00:40:96:25:8D:08 No
bodyshop 00:40:96:26:4A:48 No
usedcars 00:40:96:36:C8:6D No
usedcars 00:40:96:31:4F:E3 No
allmedia airport Apple
softaudit 00:80:C8:1B:40:39 Yes
PASSYM 00:02:2D:17:B3:EB No
PASSYM 00:02:2D:17:B3:D9 No
SWDEMO 00:40:96:45:83:A7 No
vu2k2 02:06:61:73:DC:5E No
ptg5farog 00:06:25:E8:26:8F No
Apple Network Managed
linksys 00:06:25:59:AC:38 No
FIDO@BUTLER.NET 00:02:2D:2C:08:26 No
nwslink 00:06:25:67:39:3C No
gcddlink 00:80:C8:AC:E6:A6 Yes
default 00:80:C8:AB:F2:C6 No
linksys 00:06:25:53:8A:A5 Yes
2WIRE629 00:02:2D:8B:75:13 Yes

Over the Mississippi
Topic: Travel 3:17 am EDT, Jul 15, 2003

Nashville was a nice break.. Good seeing Dagmar, and I _really_ needed all that coffee. :)

Somewhere in Arkansas right now. Stopping to burn some new CDs, gas up, and stuff my face with some truckstop hotdogs..

Bongo Java Coffee House
Topic: Travel 7:09 pm EDT, Jul 14, 2003

Bongo Java, Nashville, Tennessee.. Home of the nun-bun.

They have Wifi here now! And its free!

I will be meeting up with Dagmar shortly..

Bongo Java Coffee House

Flying J Travel Plazas, now with Wifi
Topic: Travel 7:18 am EDT, Jul 14, 2003

I'm blogging from somewhere around Wytheville, VA thanks to FlyingJ's new Wifi service. I have a power inverter, so I've just been leaving my laptop on running MacStumbler. Its a great way to catch truck stops with net access.. You get about as much notice as with a really tall sign.

$1 for 15 min, $1.95 for an hour, $4.95 a day, etc.. Not too bad.

Making lousy time.. After I was about an hour away from where I was staying in Jersey, I had to turn around because I realized I forgot my glasses.. Couldn't find my tape adapter either, no mp3s in car.. Doh!

Flying J Travel Plazas, now with Wifi

Hittin' the road
Topic: Travel 6:22 pm EDT, Jul 13, 2003

I'm leaving Jersey in a few hours. I should be hitting Cali sometime around next weekend.

I still have not decided what I'm going to see on the way out.. I'll figure it all out on the fly. | Advertising | Hong Kong in hot flush over ad blunder
Topic: Travel 4:46 pm EDT, Apr  9, 2003

] With the burgeoning Sars epidemic spreading fear among
] travellers worldwide, the Hong Kong tourist board must be
] ruing the day it commissioned a series of magazine ads
] telling readers a visit to the city will "take your
] breath away". | Advertising | Hong Kong in hot flush over ad blunder

North Korea Is Dark
Topic: Travel 7:26 pm EST, Mar 26, 2003

] This amazing image is included in the standard US
] Department of Defense briefings on North Korea. It was
] mentioned in a news briefing on 23 December 2002 by
] Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, who stated that "If you look
] at a picture from the sky of the Korean Peninsula at
] night, South Korea is filled with lights and energy and
] vitality and a booming economy; North Korea is dark."

I've been looking for a good link to meme this image for awhile. It's a satellite view of the night-time landscape in eastern Asia, including Japan on the right, and the Chinese coast on the left. In the middle is the Korean peninsula. What's remarkable is to see how lit up the southern part of the peninsula is, and how completely dark that the North Korea part of the peninsula is. It's a dramatic indicator of the differing economic and technological levels between North and South.

North Korea Is Dark

The Pyongyang Metro
Topic: Travel 1:35 am EST, Mar  7, 2003

] The only point of this site is to find out as much as
] possible about a North Korean military nuclear
] installation disguised as a subway.

Explore North Korea. See the communist murals and the "extras" that hang around when visitors are present. Listen to North Korean muisc. Check out the fallout shelter. Wonder at the futility of it all...

The Pyongyang Metro

HootersAir - We loves us some flying, and it be showing like a mofo
Topic: Travel 11:32 pm EST, Mar  6, 2003

HootersAir. Damn.. Why?

I could take them to Interz0ne for $189 according to their page. ... I don't think so.

[U: "The same great Flight Crews plus two Hooters Girls provided by Hooters of America Restaurants." No. Not good enough. They need to be flying the plane, working the ground crew, and the ticket counter. Then I'll fly them. ]

HootersAir - We loves us some flying, and it be showing like a mofo

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