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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

Sendmail flaw tests Homeland Security | CNET
Topic: Computer Security 3:42 pm EST, Mar  4, 2003

] A critical flaw in Sendmail, the Internet's most popular
] e-mail server, has become the first test for the newly
] minted Department of Homeland Security and its
] cyberdefense arm.

Sendmail flaw tests Homeland Security | CNET - Report: Jackson put 'curse' on Spielberg - Mar. 4, 2003
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:11 pm EST, Mar  4, 2003

] LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- Embattled pop star
] Michael Jackson wears a prosthetic nose and once paid
] $150,000 for a "voodoo curse" to kill director Steven
] Spielberg despite being deep in debt, Vanity Fair
] magazine reported on Monday.

I believe the way it works with voodoo, is that if you cast negitive energy, it comes back to you. So you have to mean it, and be willing to accept what evil comes back to you. Jackson seems to like problems.

Why do we care so much about this guy? - Report: Jackson put 'curse' on Spielberg - Mar. 4, 2003

Al Jazeera Reporter's Account of Interview with Binalshibh and Khalid Sheik Mohammed
Topic: War on Terrorism 4:25 am EST, Mar  4, 2003

] Finally, there was a knock on his hotel door. "I'm the
] mystery caller," the visitor said, instructing Fouda to
] take a cab to yet another location, where he was
] blindfolded and driven to another spot in Karachi. When
] the blindfold was removed, he recognized Binalshibh and a
] high-ranking associate, Khalid Sheik Mohammed. Fouda
] stayed with them for two days, eating catered rice
] dishes, kebabs and salads.

This is an account from last September about how Fouda, the Al Jazeera reporter, interviewed Binalshibh and Mohammed in Pakistan last year. Binalshibh was arrested shortly thereafter, and now we have Mohammed too.

Al Jazeera Reporter's Account of Interview with Binalshibh and Khalid Sheik Mohammed

: : : : : Digital Data Porn : : : : :
Topic: Cyber-Culture 1:08 am EST, Mar  4, 2003

Warning: This site contains graphic images of extreme computer hardware!

: : : : : Digital Data Porn : : : : :

New Scientist - China's moon plans
Topic: Science 7:23 pm EST, Mar  3, 2003

] China has revealed further details of its plans to
] explore the Moon - the first unmanned probe could be
] launched by 2005, say officials. They also hinted that
] the motivation for the missions is to mine the Moon's
] resources.
] The lunar program, named Chang'e after a legend about a
] fairy that visits the moon, would be in three phases.
] First an orbiter would be sent to the Moon, followed by a
] lander, and then finally a sample return craft.
] "We will be able to embark on a maiden unmanned mission
] within two and a half years if the government endorses
] the scheme now,'' Ouyang Ziyuan, chief scientist of
] China's lunar exploration programme, told The People's
] Daily.

New Scientist - China's moon plans

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iranians arrested for net dating
Topic: Civil Liberties 6:43 pm EST, Mar  3, 2003

] Dozens of young Iranians have been detained for "unlawful
] actions" after using a website to arrange dates,
] officials say.
] A militia commander said 68 men and women were arrested
] in the capital Tehran, according to a report by Iran's
] official Islamic Republic News Agency (Irna).


BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iranians arrested for net dating

'Reassurance' a key word as Google grows | CNET
Topic: Technology 6:41 pm EST, Mar  3, 2003

] Google is known and loved for its impressive Web search
] tool, but now the company is beginning to face some
] probing questions about its plans to branch into new
] areas.

'Reassurance' a key word as Google grows | CNET

grazulis - william s. burroughs - cutup machine
Topic: Technology 5:42 pm EST, Mar  3, 2003

I have found that this cut up engine has some interesting properties. Properties which were probably not forseen or intended by the authors.

Use a mouse to drop a Requirements Document, as written by, say, a member of the Sales staff into the upper box. Then visit the CPAN site, grab a couple of relevant Perl modules and drop them into the bottom box. Activate the 'Cut It Up' button, grab the results, drop it in to your source code file and fire up the Perl interpreter. Voila! you now have a well structured Perl program which conforms to spec.

Sometimes you will have to try it a couple of times. It seems to work with Bugzilla reports, too. It doesn't seem to work with lisp since it has trouble keeping the parentheses balanced properly.

grazulis - william s. burroughs - cutup machine

The Observer | Special reports | Revealed: US dirty tricks to win vote on Iraq war
Topic: Current Events 5:02 pm EST, Mar  3, 2003

] The United States is conducting a secret 'dirty tricks'
] campaign against UN Security Council delegations in New
] York as part of its battle to win votes in favour of war
] against Iraq.
] Details of the aggressive surveillance operation, which
] involves interception of the home and office telephones
] and the emails of UN delegates in New York, are revealed
] in a document leaked to The Observer.

The Observer | Special reports | Revealed: US dirty tricks to win vote on Iraq war

Radebaugh: The Future We Were Promised
Topic: Arts 3:36 pm EST, Mar  3, 2003

Welcome to the exhibition of rediscovered works by the mid 20th century illustrator A.C. Radebaugh.

A very cool exhibit, soon to open in Philadelphia, displaying lots of futuristic graphic artwork from the 1950s. Flying cars, urban airships docked at skyscrapers, and more. This stuff is almost propagandist in its technological optimism.

Philly, eh? Looks like I'm going to have to check this one out.

Radebaugh: The Future We Were Promised

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