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Spontaneous Sociability and The Enthymeme


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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

Evolution of Networks: From Biological Nets to the Internet and WWW
Topic: Science 1:43 am EST, Mar  7, 2003

Only recently did mankind realize that it resides on a world of networks. The Internet and the World Wide Web are changing our life. Our physical existence is based on various biological networks. We have recently learned that the term "network" turns out to be a central notion in our time, and the onsequent explosion of interest in networks is a social and cultural phenomenon.

The principles of the complex organization and evolution of networks, natural and artificial are the topic of this book, which is written by physicists and is addressed to all involved researchers and students. The aim of the text is to understand networks and the basic principles of their structural organization and evolution.

The ideas are presented in a clear way, with minimal mathematics, so even students without a deep knowledge of mathematics and statistical physics will be able to rely on this as a reference. Special attention is given to real networks, both natural and artificial. Collected empirical data and numerous real applications of existing theories are discussed in detail, as well as the topical problems of communication networks.

Another book on Networks.. $80? Damn.

Evolution of Networks: From Biological Nets to the Internet and WWW

Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order
Topic: Science 1:41 am EST, Mar  7, 2003

The tendency to synchronize may be the most mysterious and pervasive drive in all of nature. But only in the past decade have scientists come to realize that the study of synchrony could revolutionize our understanding of everything ...

At once elegant and riveting, SYNC tells the story of the dawn of a new science. Strogatz explains how enormous systems can synchronize themselves ...

Brian Greene, professor, and author of _The Elegant Universe_: "wonderfully lucid and thoroughly entertaining"
Gilbert Strang, MIT: "a terrific book"
New Scientist: "inspiring"

Looking interesting.. Something to add to my book list.

Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order

The Pyongyang Metro
Topic: Travel 1:35 am EST, Mar  7, 2003

] The only point of this site is to find out as much as
] possible about a North Korean military nuclear
] installation disguised as a subway.

Explore North Korea. See the communist murals and the "extras" that hang around when visitors are present. Listen to North Korean muisc. Check out the fallout shelter. Wonder at the futility of it all...

The Pyongyang Metro

Making Robots More Like Us
Topic: Technology 1:22 am EST, Mar  7, 2003

] Instead, most robots remain human-dependent machines that
] can perform only specialized tasks, like welding parts in
] a factory, searching through the rubble of a collapsed
] building or vacuuming a living room. Few display what
] could be considered sensitivity to people, and those that
] do tend to be toys, like Sony's Aibo pet, that serve only
] to entertain.
] Robotics researchers are realizing that the journey to
] more autonomous, adaptable robots will require more than
] just improvements in mechanical, sensory and computing
] capabilities. Equally important, they say, is improving
] the way people and robots interact: after all, they say,
] that may be how robots will learn, and to be truly
] useful, robots must be acceptable to people.

Making Robots More Like Us

HootersAir - We loves us some flying, and it be showing like a mofo
Topic: Travel 11:32 pm EST, Mar  6, 2003

HootersAir. Damn.. Why?

I could take them to Interz0ne for $189 according to their page. ... I don't think so.

[U: "The same great Flight Crews plus two Hooters Girls provided by Hooters of America Restaurants." No. Not good enough. They need to be flying the plane, working the ground crew, and the ticket counter. Then I'll fly them. ]

HootersAir - We loves us some flying, and it be showing like a mofo

Pseudo spins hip-hop TV show on Kazaa | CNET
Topic: Arts 7:14 pm EST, Mar  6, 2003

] Digital broadcaster plans to release a weekly
] TV show hosted by rap star Ice-T on the Internet
] file-sharing network Kazaa, in attempts to start a new
] model of advertising-supported television.

Pseudo spins hip-hop TV show on Kazaa | CNET

Wired News: Lexmark: New Fuel for DMCA Foes
Topic: Intellectual Property 7:07 pm EST, Mar  6, 2003

] Replacing a car's transmission could become more
] expensive if automakers decide to embed auto parts with
] computer chips protected under a controversial copyright
] law.
] That's just one scenario critics of the Digital
] Millennium Copyright Act envision if the law is
] interpreted to include a broad range of digital devices
] beyond the scope originally envisioned by legislators.

Wired News: Lexmark: New Fuel for DMCA Foes

BBC NEWS | Technology | Net speed record smashed
Topic: Telecom Industry 6:04 pm EST, Mar  6, 2003

] Scientists have set a new internet speed record by
] transferring 6.7 gigabytes of data across 10,978
] kilometres (6,800 miles), from Sunnyvale in the US to
] Amsterdam in Holland, in less than one minute

... but the last mile still sucks.

BBC NEWS | Technology | Net speed record smashed : Mall Wants to Drop Peace T-Shirt Charges
Topic: Civil Liberties 6:03 pm EST, Mar  6, 2003

] Officials at a mall where a man was arrested for refusing
] to remove an anti-war T-shirt asked Wednesday that
] trespassing charges against him be dropped.

Had a feeling this was going to happen quick. : Mall Wants to Drop Peace T-Shirt Charges

Sony's Idei - Part 2 :: AO
Topic: Business 5:57 pm EST, Mar  6, 2003

] So who will perform the function of Microsoft in the
] Linux world?

More Sony CEO interview. Mostly stating the obvious, in reference to Linux, IBM, and Sun. In short, they need their OS partner to manage the entire OS chain and be able to work closely with them..

Sony's Idei - Part 2 :: AO

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