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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

Secunia - Advisories - Microsoft Browser Fall Down Go Boom 5 Line HTML Funfun
Topic: Computer Security 4:01 am EDT, May  3, 2003

] A vulnerability identified in a library included in
] Windows XP and Internet Explorer version 4.0 and newer
] can be exploited to cause a DoS (Denial of Service) on
] certain applications.
] The vulnerability is caused due to a NULL pointer
] dereference bug in Microsoft Shell Light-Weight Utility
] Library ("shlwapi.dll"). A malicious person can exploit
] the vulnerability by constructing a special HTML
] document, which will crash applications using the
] vulnerable library.
] An example was provided in the original advisory:
] <html>
] <form>
] <input type crash>
] </form>
] </html>

Bahaha! Trustworthy Computing... Bahahaha!!

Secunia - Advisories - Microsoft Browser Fall Down Go Boom 5 Line HTML Funfun

Bush declares May 1st 'Loyalty Day'
Topic: Current Events 8:08 pm EDT, May  2, 2003

] The Our Documents initiative will use the Internet
] to bring infor-mation about and the text of 100 of
] America's most important documents from the National
] Archives to classrooms and com-munities across the
] country. These initiatives are important, for it is
] only when our children have an understanding of our
] past that they will be able to lead the future.

Oh, so we release all the documents the Bush administration feels are non-threatning to its interests.. But when there is information that might actually be relevant to current affairs, like past presidental records, or records pertaining to "September the 11th", they sequester it.

You know they are clueless when "information" is written as "infor-mation", and there isn't a line break..

] The Congress, by Public Law 85-529, as amended, has
] designated May 1 of each year as "Loyalty Day," and I ask
] all Americans to join me in this day of celebration and
] in reaffirming our allegiance to our Nation.
] NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the
] United States of America, do hereby proclaim May 1, 2003,
] as Loyalty Day. I call upon all the people of the United
] States to join in support of this national observance. I
] also call upon government officials to display the flag
] of the United States on all government buildings on
] Loyalty Day.

Loyalty Day?

Something about this does not sit right with me.. Maybe its just my paranoid nature, but I can't help but think there is a subtle reasoning behind a number of things this administration is doing, and I don't like the vibe I get from it.

I'm really starting to feel like public opinion is being managed in a way where we appear to be free, and have government oversight, yet in reality, we are being managed and controlled. Maybe its been that way all along, only now because we are more connected and informed, we are seeing it for what it is..

Loyalty Day.. I love my country.. I really do. But I fear that its not the ideas and philosophy it was founded based on which we are asked to be loyal, but rather, its current rulers and policies.. Thats not the way I think America works. America loves diversity and opposing opinions, as they are the engines from which new ideas are created.. America allows descent. America tells the truth. America does not have to ask for loyalty, it earns it. Thats my America, and it never had to ask for or demand my loyalty. It has always had it.

There is irony in this sharing a date with May Day..

Bush declares May 1st 'Loyalty Day'

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | With pot and porn outstripping corn, America's black economy is flying high
Topic: Business 5:41 pm EDT, May  2, 2003

] Marijuana, pornography and illegal labour have created a
] hidden market in the United States which now accounts for
] as much as 10% of the American economy, according to a
] study. As a cash crop, marijuana is believed to have
] outstripped maize, and hardcore porn revenue is equal to
] Hollywood's domestic box office takings.

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | With pot and porn outstripping corn, America's black economy is flying high

Guardian Unlimited | Online | Talk time: William Gibson
Topic: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Literature 4:42 am EDT, May  2, 2003

] Is brevity the key to good internet communication? It's
] hard to say whether it actually is brevity when it
] involves a hyperlink. If what you're presenting is a
] customised node, then the node is the message and you
] don't want a lengthy node!

] Do you see the net as becoming more corporate? It
] hasn't seemed to me like the romantic idea of "anything
] goes" on the net has made much sense for quite a while. What
] I see more is an attempt to find a way to make money on the
] net. No one's managed to catch up with the pornographers yet!

Guardian Unlimited | Online | Talk time: William Gibson - Our own personal wind chill
Topic: Civil Liberties 1:20 am EDT, May  2, 2003

] Well, folks - it's been a blast and it's been fun.
] Apparently, our domain registrar ( -
] subsidiary of have caved to the pressures of
] the William Morris Agency giant. On April 29, 2003,
] received a letter from the William Morris
] Agency in regards to this website. Their complaint
] accused us of liable and potentially other civil and
] criminal offenses.
] This is another fine example of how Hollywood feels that
] their opinion and view is the only one that matters.
] Average citizens are disallowed the free expression of
] our point of view because they don't like being
] challenged for their views. I stand firm on the belief
] that we have done nothing wrong at this website - - The
] celebrities have expressed their views, and we have
] responded in kind by expressing our views regarding the
] thoughts and ideas that they have, publicly, expressed.
] has suspended our update information at this
] domain and have informed us that the DNS information of
] this domain has been changed and the website will be down
] within the next 24 hours and our contract with them is
] now null and void. They are doing this because we did not
] provide accurate contact information in their public
] database.
] When I explained that the reason we did not provide
] accurate contact information is because we have received
] multiple death threats and I did not wish for just anyone
] to have my personal information - and asked them for
] suggestions on what to do - Dotster was unmoved. They did
] not give me the chance to update the information with
] accurate information and keep the domain. That's not an
] option - - they are just simply going to shut down our
] domain - no explanation needed.
] Further questioning of Dotster brought me a copy of the
] letter sent to them by the William Morris Agency and
] reads as follows:

I stuck a mirror of the site's main page (that has the pics) at:

] We, in fact, recieved no such email from the William
] Morris Agency.
] I can say only this - - the fact that we're being shut
] down because of the William Morris Agency tells me that
] we truly touched a raw nerve in someone, somewhere. At
] the very least, it tells me that our message was recieved
] by the people that it was intended for. The very fact
] that we cannot express our opinions regarding the views
] of these stars/celebs shows me, yet again, the double
] standard that exists in Follywood.
] Thank you all for your support at this website - it
] appears my hands are tied in keeping it open. Dotster
] will be closing down our site within the next 24-48
] hours. I appreciate the hard work that Chris and Reilly
] have done at this site and appreciate the ongoing and
] intelligent, provoking discussions held here.
] Warm Regards.

The site is very right wing, not my cup of tea.. I got different reasons behind my anti-Hollywood attitude. I still get _very_ pissed off then I see the law being used to silence speech. is registered using Dotster.. This same type of thing could be done to take us out. Time to get that contact info up to date.. The barrier for getting a domain taken away appears to be pretty low these days.. - Our own personal wind chill

The Secrets of September 11
Topic: War on Terrorism 9:45 pm EDT, May  1, 2003

Even as White House political aides plot a 2004 campaign plan designed to capitalize on the emotions and issues raised by the September 11 terror attacks, administration officials are waging a behind-the-scenes battle to restrict public disclosure of key events relating to the attacks.


By refusing to declassify many of its most significant conclusions, the administration has essentially thwarted congressional plans to release the report by the end of this month, congressional and administration sources tell NEWSWEEK. In some cases, these sources say, the administration has even sought to “reclassify” some material that was already discussed in public testimony—a move one Senate staffer described as “ludicrous.” The administration’s stand has infuriated the two members of Congress who oversaw the report—Democratic Sen. Bob Graham and Republican Rep. Porter Goss.


In Graham’s view, the Bush administration isn’t protecting legitimate issues of national security but information that could be a political “embarrassment,” the aide said. Graham, who last year served as Senate Intelligence Committee chairman, recently told NEWSWEEK: “There has been a cover-up of this."


... because the document relied so heavily on secret material, the administration “working group,” overseen by CIA director George Tenet, had to first “scrub” the document and determine which portions could be declassified.

More than two months later, the working group came back with its decisions—and some members were flabbergasted. Entire portions remained classified. Some of the report—including some dealing with matters that had been extensively aired in public, such as the now famous FBI “Phoenix memo” of July 2001 reporting that Middle Eastern nationals might be enrolling in U.S. flight schools—were “reclassified.”


One portion deals extensively with the stream of U.S. intelligence-agency reports in the summer of 2001 suggesting that Al Qaeda was planning an upcoming attack against the United States—and implicitly raises questions about how Bush and his top aides responded. One such CIA briefing, in July 2001, was particularly chilling and prophetic. It predicted that Osama bin Laden was about to launch a terrorist strike “in the coming weeks,” the congressional investigators found. The intelligence briefing went on to say: “The attack will be spectacular and designed to inflict mass casualties against U.S. facilities or interests. Attack preparations have been made. Attack will occur with little or no warning.”

The substance of that intelligence report was first disclosed at a public hearing last September by staff director Hill. But at the last minute, Hill was blocked from saying precisely who within the Bush White House got the briefing when CIA director Tenet classified the names of the recipients. (One source says the recipients of the briefing included Bush himself.) As a result, Hill was only able to say the briefing was given to “senior government officials.”


Hopefully the truth will find its way into the light about 9/11 someday. Bush's administration is doing everything in their power to keep the lid on the truth. It wouldn't help his re-election bid if the public knew he sat on his ass and let it happen.

If you live in America, if you call this your home, wouldn't you like to know everything possible about 9/11? I still want to know why the Air Force was told to stand down that day. I still want to know more about those fishy stock put options and how they were traced back to A.B. Brown. What is the classified information linking the Israeli spy ring in America to 9/11?

Lots of unanswered questions. Keep the issues alive.

The Secrets of September 11

What Do I Know - How to Link to Items in the iTunes Store
Topic: Music 8:58 pm EDT, May  1, 2003

] If you’ve been wondering how to create hyperlinks to
] items within the iTunes Store, and haven’t found an
] answer in any of the iTunes help documents, you’re
] in luck. Thanks to Fuse, we have an answer.

What Do I Know - How to Link to Items in the iTunes Store

AlterNet: Patriot Raid
Topic: Civil Liberties 8:50 pm EDT, May  1, 2003

] Two weeks ago I experienced a very small taste of what
] hundreds of South Asian immigrants and U.S. citizens of
] South Asian descent have gone through since 9/11, and
] what thousands of others have come to fear. I was held,
] against my will and without warrant or cause, under the
] USA PATRIOT Act. While I understand the need for some
] measure of security and precaution in times such as
] these, the manner in which this detention and
] interrogation took place raises serious questions about
] police tactics and the safeguarding of civil liberties in
] times of war.

AlterNet: Patriot Raid

Reuters | Israeli Troops Raid Gaza, 15 Palestinians Killed
Topic: Current Events 7:32 pm EDT, May  1, 2003

] Twelve Palestinians, including a 2-year-old boy, were
] killed Thursday when Israeli forces thrust into a Gaza
] neighborhood in a sweep for wanted militants shortly
] after the release of a Middle East peace "road map."
] The tank and infantry raid sent a strong signal to a
] "Quartet" of U.S.-led mediators and to the new
] Palestinian government that Israel would press ahead with
] such operations despite the new proposal to end 31 months
] of bloodshed.

] Witnesses said six of the dead were civilians, including
] the 2-year-old, a 13-year-old boy and a 17-year-old, and
] six were militants. In the West Bank, three Palestinian
] gunmen were killed in clashes with Israeli troops in two
] separate incidents.

] Ahmed Ayyad, a blacksmith, said his 2-year-old son,
] Amir, was killed by a bullet to the head as the toddler
] stood near a window facing Israeli troops.
] "I could not help him," Ayyad said, choking back tears at
] the local morgue. "What road map? It is nonsense ... the
] Israelis do not want peace -- you can ask my son."

Reuters | Israeli Troops Raid Gaza, 15 Palestinians Killed | U.S. says Canada cares too much about liberties
Topic: Civil Liberties 6:40 pm EDT, May  1, 2003

] The State Department report on global terrorism for 2002
] suggests that while Canada has been helpful in the fight
] against terrorism, it doesn't spend enough on policing
] and places too much emphasis on civil liberties.
] It says "some U.S. law enforcement officers have
] expressed concern" about Canadian privacy laws.
] The U.S. officers feel those laws, as well as funding
] levels for law enforcement, "inhibit a fuller and more
] timely exchange of information and response to requests
] for assistance," the report says.
] "Also, Canadian laws and regulations intended to protect
] Canadian citizens and landed immigrants from government
] intrusion sometimes limit the depth of investigations."

Umm.. Aren't civil liberties the foundation of freedom? I remember being taught something like that in school. Oh yeah.. Thats right, "September the 11th" changed everything. Sorry I forgot. I'm susposto give up some of my freedom in exchange for security now, as after "Septermber the 11th" that's no longer a flawed approach, because everything changed.. Ok, I got it now.. Sure.. | U.S. says Canada cares too much about liberties

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