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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

The Register | 'Relax, It Was a Honeypot'
Topic: Computer Security 8:15 pm EDT, May 19, 2003

] I fully expected ISS to respond with a "we have
] identified the administrator that failed to patch the
] system in question, and have forced him to drink
] buttermilk while watching home movies of Janet Reno in a
] leather teddy. We are confident that this will not happen
] again."
] But they didn't.
] Instead, ISS revealed that the hacked site, the one from
] which students and universities around the world
] downloaded free versions of BlackICE to protect
] themselves from hackers, was in reality a cleverly
] disguised, purposefully vulnerable honeypot,
] strategically placed in this hostile environment to
] collect and analyze the actions of evil hackers.

The Register | 'Relax, It Was a Honeypot'

AJC | no-one cares about civil liberties or reason 1502-B why i hate people
Topic: Current Events 7:39 pm EDT, May 19, 2003

] These are excerpts of the inaugural Joseph M. Beck
] Distinguished Lecture in Journalism and Law, delivered by
] Anthony Lewis at Emory University on March 19. Lewis,
] winner of two Pulitzer Prizes, is a former columnist for
] The New York Times who also lectured in the law at
] Harvard University. War with Iraq broke out hours after
] Lewis made this speech.

AJC | no-one cares about civil liberties or reason 1502-B why i hate people

The Onion | Pfizer Launches 'Zoloft For Everything' Ad Campaign
Topic: Humor 6:32 pm EDT, May 19, 2003

] Seeking to broaden the customer base of the popular drug,
] Pfizer announced the launch of a $40 million "Zoloft For
] Everything" advertising campaign Monday.
] "Zoloft is most commonly prescribed for the treatment of
] depression and anxiety disorders, but it would be
] ridiculous to limit such a multi-functional drug to these
] few uses," Pfizer spokesman Jon Pugh said. "We feel
] doctors need to stop asking their patients if anything is
] wrong and start asking if anything could be more right."

The Onion | Pfizer Launches 'Zoloft For Everything' Ad Campaign

Napster to relaunch
Topic: Business 6:27 pm EDT, May 19, 2003

] Software maker Roxio announced Monday it has acquired
] online music service pressplay for about $40 million, in
] preparation for the relaunch of a new service under the
] Napster brand name.
] Santa Clara-based Roxio bought pressplay for $12.5
] million in cash and approximately 3.9 million shares of
] Roxio common stock. Pressplay, based in Los Angeles, is
] the joint venture of Universal Music Group and Sony Music
] Entertainment, record companies that were seeking a legal
] alternative to Napster.
] Roxio bought the Napster brand on the cheap after the
] company dissolved, and appears ready to relaunch the
] brand as an online music store.
] "With our acquisition of Napster we obtained the most
] powerful brand in the online music space. Now, with our
] acquisition of pressplay, we have the most complete and
] scaleable legal technology infrastructure to use as a
] platform to relaunch Napster," said Roxio's chairman and
] CEO, Chris Gorog.

Napster to relaunch

Microsoft Mum on Unix Licensing Move
Topic: Technology 6:25 pm EDT, May 19, 2003

] Microsoft Corp., which on Monday announced it was
] licensing the Unix source code and patent from the SCO
] Group, is remaining tight-lipped about its reasons for
] the move.

This keeps getting weirder and weirder...

Microsoft Mum on Unix Licensing Move

99.99% of High School Seniors Can't Read Perl
Topic: Humor 5:34 pm EDT, May 19, 2003

] Recent results from the standardized Perl Fluency Test
] showed that 99.99% of US high school seniors can't read
] Perl. This disturbing statistic shows that American
] students are painfully unprepared for life after
] graduation.
] "This shows that there is a real need for a Perl Monk in
] every classroom," said Perl Monk Kelly Adrity. "We've
] got computers in every classroom, now we need our kids to
] be able to use them, and what better way to learn about
] computers than to learn how to read and write in Perl.
] I'm glad the budget proposed by President Bush sets aside
] millions for Perl Monks. America will lead the way in
] Perl literacy."

] Not everyone shared Mr. Chen's view about the necessity
] of adding Perl to early elementary curricula.
] Programmers Against Perl (PAP) spokesperson, Keith
] Willingham said, "There's no better way to scare students
] away from computers than exposing them to Perl. Even
] experienced programmers are frightened and confused by
] it. The Perl lobby is just getting too powerful, and
] they need to be stopped."

Stopped? We can't be stopped.. Haha..

99.99% of High School Seniors Can't Read Perl - Fleischer resigning White House post - May. 19, 2003
Topic: Current Events 4:23 pm EDT, May 19, 2003

] WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Declaring "it's time to say
] good-bye," White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer said
] Monday he is stepping down after 21 years in government
] and politics. - Fleischer resigning White House post - May. 19, 2003

Jupiter Research Analyst Weblogs
Topic: Games 4:17 pm EDT, May 19, 2003

From Elonka:
] This page has links to the 15 or so Jupiter Research
] Analysts who are now maintaining weblogs. I heard
] about this through Michael Gartenberg, Jupiter Media's
] Research Director for Client Access and Technologies,
] who gave a very interesting "hard data" talk at E-3
] about game industry demographics. I'm glad to see
] that along with "talking the talk", he's also "walking
] the walk" in the blogosphere!

Jupiter Research Analyst Weblogs

The Terrible Mr. G
Topic: MemeStreams 3:20 pm EDT, May 19, 2003

What happens when you play Counterstrike too much? You end up with a potty mouth. And some enemies:
So, the story goes that co-worker A got sick of co-worker B's constant profanity whilst playing Counter Strike. Co-worker A then hid a microphone next to co-worker B's desk, and captured this stream of rantings. Then, as co-worker A was a member of an electronic music-making concern, he endeavored to edit it all together. The end result was this: The Terrible Mr. G.

This entry on flynn23's blog has started recieving a larger then normal number of visits today via Google for variations of the search term "terrible mr g". I estimate about 500 visits today, as compared to somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 - 20 a month since when it poped up in Feb.

At some point stats will be publicly available and broken down by blog/meme, but till then I'll continue to point out any interesting surges..

The Terrible Mr. G

Mercury News | A new brand of journalism is taking root in South Korea
Topic: Media 12:01 am EDT, May 19, 2003

] OhmyNews is transforming the 20th century's
] journalism-as-lecture model, where organizations tell the
] audience what the news is and the audience either buys it
] or doesn't, into something vastly more bottom-up,
] interactive and democratic.
] The influence of OhmyNews is substantial, and expanding.
] It's credited with having helped elect the nation's
] current president, Roh Moo Hyun, who ran as a reformer.
] Roh granted his first post-election interview to the
] publication, snubbing the three major conservative
] newspapers that have dominated the print-journalism scene
] for years.

Dan Gillmore on OhmyNews.

Mercury News | A new brand of journalism is taking root in South Korea

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