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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

Dynamic Social Network Modeling and Analysis
Topic: Technology 2:27 am EDT, Jul  5, 2003

The National Research Council invited papers and held a workshop in November 2002 on the topic of dynamic social network modeling and analysis. You can read it online for free or purchase an electronic or printed copy.

Dynamic Social Network Modeling and Analysis

XBOX Dashboard local vulnerability
Topic: Computer Security 5:11 am EDT, Jul  4, 2003

] The XBOX Dashboard is what appears when you turn the XBOX
] on without a disc in the DVD drive. It will let you
] adjust system settings, manage your save games, play and
] rip audio CDs and configure your XBOX Live account. It is
] the heart of the XBOX and its most vulnerable point,
] because it lacks several security restrictions which are
] enforced on games. This includes the lack of the
] reboot-on-eject-button "feature", which is obligatory for
] all games.

] The existance of an exploitable vulnerability
] within the dashboard could totally compromises the XBOX
] security system. It will make the box independent from
] Microsoft signed code and therefore this information is
] released to the public now on the 4th of July 2003, the
] day of the XBOX Independence.

From the Full Disclosure mailing list.

XBOX Dashboard local vulnerability

Iraq war actually isn't over.
Topic: Current Events 8:47 am EDT, Jul  3, 2003

] The United States is now clearly involved in a guerrilla
] war in the Sunni regions of Iraq. As a result, U.S.
] forces are engaging in counterinsurgency operations,
] which historically have proven most difficult and trying
] -- for both American forces and American politics.
] Suppressing a guerrilla operation without alienating the
] indigenous population represents an extreme challenge to
] the United States that at this point does not appear
] avoidable -- and the seriousness of which does not appear
] to be broadly understood.

While the US media is so confident that the US won the Iraq war that the subject has become passe, it turns out that the capitulation of troops was part of a deliberate strategy. Hussein may in fact still be in control of his military. The war is not over. The US has not won.

Iraq war actually isn't over.

The Memory Hole: US Forces Make Iraqis Strip and Walk Naked in Public
Topic: Current Events 8:47 am EDT, Jul  3, 2003

] On 25 April 2003, the newspaper Dagbladet (Norway)
] published photos of armed US soldiers forcing Iraqi
] men to walk naked through a park.

] On the chests of the men had been scrawled an Arabic
] phrase that translates as "Ali Baba - Thief."

] A military officer states that the men are thieves,
] and that this technique will be used again.

The Memory Hole: US Forces Make Iraqis Strip and Walk Naked in Public

NJ News 12 | Safety concerns drive Oyster Creek strike
Topic: Local Information 8:37 am EDT, Jul  3, 2003

This is a (Windows Media) video spot from News 12 about the situation at Oyster Creek Nuclear. Union officals have been leaking company documents about safety problems. In particular, about problems with under trained fire protection personel, and dangerous cutbacks in waste and radiation control. Also, the investigation into the fish-kill earlier this year has been reopened by the state Attorney General's Office.

The strike has been going for about six weeks now. Activity outside the plant does not show any signs of calming down. Recently, they had a 20ft tall blow up rat outside the main entrance. I wish I had a picture of it..

NJ News 12 | Safety concerns drive Oyster Creek strike

The Register | Wanadoo is caching your KaZaA
Topic: Technology 8:05 am EDT, Jul  3, 2003

] Subscribers of Wanadoo Netherlands can download MP3s and
] videos twice as fast, thanks to a PeerCache set up by the
] company for users of KaZaA and other peer to peer
] networks.
] Wanadoo's Dutch subsidiary has stored 0.8 terabyte of
] frequently asked files on local servers, and this cache
] reduces the volume of international traffic by 25 per
] cent or more, according to Wanadoo business development
] manager Lammert van Raan. Most Wanadoo subs in Europe are
] set to introduce PeerCache.

The Register | Wanadoo is caching your KaZaA

Yahoo! News - World Photos - AP
Topic: Current Events 5:15 am EDT, Jul  2, 2003

] Tens of thousands of people pack Hong Kong's Victoria
] Park before march to Hong Kong government headquarters
] Tuesday, July 1, 2003, to protest the Hong Kong
] government's plans to enact an anti-subversion bill that
] critics fear will curtail civil liberties. The government
] says the bill is necessary to protect national security.
] It was one of the biggest protests in Hong Kong against
] the government. (AP Photo/Vincent Yu)

I am totally positive this picture was taken from the Park Lane Hotel.. I know that view. Just over to the right is where people do Ti Chi in the morning.

Yahoo! News - World Photos - AP

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Japan's 'digital shoplifting' plague
Topic: Intellectual Property 4:53 am EDT, Jul  2, 2003

] Japanese bookstores are set to launch a national campaign
] to stop so-called "digital shoplifting" by customers
] using the lastest camera-equipped mobile phones.
] The Japanese Magazine Publishers Association says the
] practice is "information theft" and it wants it stopped.

Thats how you measure success with communication technologies these days.. If someone points at you and starts screaming "your stealing!", you probably have made a significant advance.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Japan's 'digital shoplifting' plague

BILLBOARD | Share in the place where you live
Topic: Intellectual Property 6:34 pm EDT, Jul  1, 2003

] Kaplan adds that R.E.M. guitarist Peter Buck, a noted
] record collector and bootleg aficionado, has gone on
] record applauding the service and the fact that it "cuts
] out the bootleg middleman." In other words, if his band
] isn't going to make money from concert recordings, he's
] glad that fans can get the music without a third party
] reaping profits.
] As previously reported, cult rock duo Ween is developing
] a peer-to-peer service that would operate in a similar
] fashion to Give It Away. The band is hoping to make
] "WeenAmp," as the software is tenatively dubbed,
] available on its forthcoming Sanctuary album "quebec,"
] due Aug. 5. The service would be regulated by the band
] itself and would allow users to swap live shows and other
] MP3s as well as view other multimedia, such as video
] cybercasts of shows on the band's upcoming tour.

The record labels don't have to get it, the bands will. The more non-infringing uses of this stuff out there prospering, the more likely good solutions that get revenue to the band will be created. It will only be a matter of time.

BILLBOARD | Share in the place where you live

Wired News: Bloggers Gain Libel Protection
Topic: Internet Civil Liberties 5:43 pm EDT, Jul  1, 2003

] The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last Tuesday
] that Web loggers, website operators and e-mail list
] editors can't be held responsible for libel for
] information they republish, extending crucial First
] Amendment protections to do-it-yourself online
] publishers.
] Online free speech advocates praised the decision as a
] victory. The ruling effectively differentiates
] conventional news media, which can be sued relatively
] easily for libel, from certain forms of online
] communication such as moderated e-mail lists. One
] implication is that DIY publishers like bloggers cannot
] be sued as easily.

Just a little good news.

Wired News: Bloggers Gain Libel Protection

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