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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

Flying J Travel Plazas, now with Wifi
Topic: Travel 7:18 am EDT, Jul 14, 2003

I'm blogging from somewhere around Wytheville, VA thanks to FlyingJ's new Wifi service. I have a power inverter, so I've just been leaving my laptop on running MacStumbler. Its a great way to catch truck stops with net access.. You get about as much notice as with a really tall sign.

$1 for 15 min, $1.95 for an hour, $4.95 a day, etc.. Not too bad.

Making lousy time.. After I was about an hour away from where I was staying in Jersey, I had to turn around because I realized I forgot my glasses.. Couldn't find my tape adapter either, no mp3s in car.. Doh!

Flying J Travel Plazas, now with Wifi
Topic: Computer Security 7:06 am EDT, Jul 14, 2003

Just caught this one in my inbox.. Psyiode has started up a site to keep track of the Blackboard case.

Its important to note that Psyiode has no connection to Acidus, Virgil, or any of the Interz0ne con staff. Blackboard may decide to come after him too.

I like the domain. :)

Hittin' the road
Topic: Travel 6:22 pm EDT, Jul 13, 2003

I'm leaving Jersey in a few hours. I should be hitting Cali sometime around next weekend.

I still have not decided what I'm going to see on the way out.. I'll figure it all out on the fly.

Howard Dean guestblogging for Lawrence Lessig
Topic: Current Events 5:01 pm EDT, Jul 12, 2003

Lessig is going on vacation.

] So it is time for me to take a break from this space too.
] But I’ve arranged for a much more interesting guest
] blogger while I’m gone: former governor, and presidential
] candidate, Howard Dean.


Howard Dean guestblogging for Lawrence Lessig

IP over DNS
Topic: Technology 7:26 am EDT, Jul 11, 2003

Any hax0r who has spent time bouncing between hotels will know what this is good for.

IP over DNS

Linksys: GPL Code for WRT54G AP/Router
Topic: Miscellaneous 7:45 pm EDT, Jul  9, 2003

Lynksys has released the source for the software in one of their more recent 802.11g AP/Router models.

Linksys: GPL Code for WRT54G AP/Router

I said I'd be back
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:55 pm EDT, Jul  9, 2003

Before this week ends, I will have left Jersey for San Francisco. It will be a one-way trip.

Dissertation Could Be Security Threat
Topic: Current Events 1:56 pm EDT, Jul  8, 2003

] "He should turn it in to his professor, get his grade --
] and then they both should burn it," said Richard Clarke,
] who until recently was the White House cyberterrorism
] chief.

And it's your ignorance and inability to face reality that will continue to put our lives in jeopardy, you twit. If this grad student can build such a database, then obviously someone with a lot more motivation could as well. Burying our heads in the sand doesn't help.

Dissertation Could Be Security Threat

The Observer | UK News | The vagina monoliths: Stonehenge was ancient sex symbol
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:59 pm EDT, Jul  7, 2003

] Some researchers have claimed the stone circles were
] used as a giant computer; others that Stonehenge was an
] observatory for studying stars and predicting the
] seasons; and a few have even argued that its rings acted
] as a docking pad for alien spaceships.
] Now a University of British Columbia researcher who has
] investigated the great prehistoric monument for several
] years has announced he has uncovered its true meaning:
] it is a giant fertility symbol, constructed in the shape
] of the female sexual organ.

] 'The archaeologist Jacquetta Hawkes once said that every
] age gets the Stonehenge it deserves,' added Miles. 'For
] example, in the 1960s, at the dawn of the computing era,
] researchers argued that you could use Stonehenge as a
] giant calculating machine.' Later, in the more mystical
] New Age, it was argued that the monument was really a
] spaceport for aliens, while, in the Middle Ages, it was
] said Stonehenge was built by giants. 'By those standards,
] this latest idea seems to say something quite odd about
] the twentyfirst century.'

The Observer | UK News | The vagina monoliths: Stonehenge was ancient sex symbol

Wired News: Artists Just Wanna Be Free
Topic: Intellectual Property 6:41 pm EDT, Jul  7, 2003

] A new show in town should appeal to art lovers,
] pranksters and culture jammers alike.
] Illegal Art, which opened last week at the San Francisco
] Museum of Modern Art's Artists Gallery, showcases a
] variety of works that push the restrictions of current
] trademark and copyright laws.

Wired News: Artists Just Wanna Be Free

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