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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

LA Update
Topic: Travel 2:07 pm EDT, Jul 18, 2003

Spent the night with my cousin Tim in LA.. Caught the German movie Tattoo, a flick about a serial killer that kills people and takes their tatoos. It was alright, but the main character was pretty weak and I was expecting more gore.

Night before last, I crashed in Vegas, at the house of a friend's friend. So, that makes it two days in a row that I havn't sleep in my car, and was able to take a shower after waking up..

The West Coast is being so hospitable.. :)

Not sure yet where I'm heading from here.. I might hang around LA the afternoon, and then head up Route 1 for the Bay Area.. I've always wanted to take that drive..

Topic: Travel 3:05 am EDT, Jul 18, 2003

Currently in LA.. Will post more later..

The Giant Crack and Trippy Desert
Topic: Travel 10:41 pm EDT, Jul 16, 2003

Currently somewhere in western Arizona, about a hundred miles away from Vegas. Today I took a cruise through the Petrified Forest National Park and the Grand Canyon National Park. Very cool..

Here are some more ESSIDs I spotted:

flyingj 00:0B:FD:B8:10:9C No
flyingj 00:0B:FD:C8:B0:F7 No
flyingj 00:0B:FD:B8:10:85 No
PapillonNet 00:40:05:CC:84:A2 No
linksys 00:04:5A:FD:12:E3 No
Office 00:04:5A:EE:CD:4F No
airpath 00:03:DE:27:04:73 No
tsunami 00:40:96:58:0A:7F Yes
tsunami 00:40:96:57:0B:BF Yes
global wireless Agere-Lucent
WILDCATS 00:02:2D:8D:11:BF No
global wireless Agere-Lucent
Sanders 00:40:96:26:32:7A No
Sanders 00:40:96:26:38:32 No
Navajo-HS 00:02:2D:3A:8A:8E Yes
BW 00:50:F2:C4:F2:D8 Yes
Navajo-HS 00:02:2D:3A:45:C5 Yes
gallup 00:40:96:25:9E:3B No
gallup 00:40:96:25:73:3B No
Omni1 00:60:B3:1F:C0:E9 No
JAYNES-LAGUNA 00:40:96:54:C4:B8 Yes
JAYNES-LAGUNA 00:40:96:5B:A4:C4 Yes
flyingj 00:40:96:40:51:10 No
flyingj 00:40:96:40:50:B5 No


Interz0ne Press Release - re: Blackboard Settlement
Topic: Computer Security 9:59 am EDT, Jul 16, 2003

From Wed Jul 16 10:59:47 2003
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 06:14:52 -0400
From: Rockit []
Subject: [se2600] Interz0ne Press Release re: Blackboard Settlement

Interz0ne Press Release:

Censorship via lawsuit wins again.

Lawyers working for Blackboard Inc., the maker of a card transaction, vending and ID system used by approximately 275 colleges and universities globally, as well as an undiscosed number of government and military installations, succeeded in silencing two college students who have found numerous flaws in Blackboard's flagship product over the last two years.

Georgia Tech student Billy Hoffman, along with University of Alabama student Virgil Griffith, initially kept the discoveries quiet while attempting to report them to Blackboard engineers, along with possible fixes. Traditionally, the discoverers of such flaws allow the vendors time to fix problems before going public; this provides the vendors with essentially free quality control labor while the discoverers get later bragging rights and items to pad their resumes. This unofficial system has worked well in the past, to the extent that Blackboard even boasts of working with the hacker community on their website.

Instead of taking an interest in news of these flaws, however, Blackboard engineers first dismissed Hoffman as a know-nothing "kid", then attempted to have him expelled from Georgia Tech after he voiced his concerns about Tech's Blackboard system to campus administrators and student organizations. Hoffman responded by first publishing his (and later Griffith's) findings, and then updating his articles via talks at various vendor and security conferences.

It was at such a conference, Interz0ne II in Atlanta, that Hoffman and Griffith were planning to discuss the most severe problems they had uncovered to date, including a demonstration of several easy-to-assemble hardware devices that could supposedly allow anyone with malicious intent free reign on a Blackboard system.

Hoffman and Griffith never gave their talk.

Instead, they and the convention organizers were served with both restraining orders and cease and desist orders. Court dates soon followed, along with legal threats. Several months after the convention, both Hoffman and Griffith settled out of court. They refuse to discuss the issue, so one can assume that the settlement includes an NDA.

Blackboard spokesdrone Michael Stanton stated to AP reporters on Monday, July 14th (a day before the settlement was officially filed) that "...the claims [Hoffman and Griffith] were making were silly," that "...they really didn't do a lot of the things they were claiming to [have done]" and that the settlement reaffirms that Blackboard's systems are secure.


The settlement does nothing of the sort.

If Hoffman and Griffith's clai... [ Read More (0.4k in body) ]

New Mexico
Topic: Travel 9:44 am EDT, Jul 16, 2003

Just west of Albuquerque. I took Bugs Bunny's advice, and I did not take a right.

Got a good night of sleep at a rest stop somewhere just west of Santa Rosa.. Well, about as good as any night of sleep in the back of an SUV can be.

I am in need of a shower..

Here are the ESSIDs spotted from Texas to here:

flyingj 00:40:96:40:51:10 No
flyingj 00:40:96:40:50:B5 No
WR-HTW6 00:40:96:30:AA:D7 No
WR-HTW6 00:40:96:29:7C:A3 No
WR-HTWS 00:40:96:27:E2:B9 No
WR-SZS 00:40:96:30:60:E8 No
WR-HH2 00:40:96:30:7A:15 No
WR-HH2 00:40:96:29:A2:C6 No
linksys 00:06:25:49:A3:39 Yes
WR-HH2 00:40:96:30:8C:BB No
Apple Base 00:30:65:1F:38:8F No
nozell 02:E0:4F:F2:14:30 No
bridge 00:02:2D:04:CD:73 Yes
sanjon 00:40:96:25:79:AE No
sanjon 00:40:96:25:74:B5 No
bushland 00:40:05:CC:A0:71 No
funnyfarm03 00:40:96:53:35:5F No
jbk 00:40:96:49:70:46 Yes
woodman 00:80:C8:1E:C2:2B Yes
freeweb 00:04:5A:26:C4:3D No
GroganOffice 00:50:F2:CB:D4:CE Yes
Adobe Walls Internet 00:02:2D:66:D3:18 No
linksys 00:06:25:D7:06:DF No
amarillo 00:03:2F:0A:4C:1F Yes
thewirelessweb 00:40:96:54:B1:3E No
flyingj 00:0C:85:A9:DC:78 No
flyingj 00:0C:85:A9:DD:42 No
flyingj 00:0C:30:E9:07:B4 No

Texas Roadside Wifi
Topic: Travel 10:27 pm EDT, Jul 15, 2003

Somewhere outside Amarillo.. Nice driving.. Texas is very aesthetically pleasing. Very "bad ass"..

The most 'bad ass' part of the trip
Topic: Travel 7:36 pm EDT, Jul 15, 2003

I'm about to enter into Texas.

Nothing to report.. Really, nothing. Not a god damned thing. I'm bored as hell.

Just for kicks, here is a list of essids spotted between Nashville and here:

flyingj 00:0C:30:E9:07:B4 No
flyingj 00:0C:85:A9:DD:42 No
flyingj 00:0C:85:A9:DC:78 No
Willisblock 00:06:25:98:92:02 Yes
ElRenoWB 00:40:96:52:D5:A8 Yes
ElRenoWB 00:40:96:28:E0:C9 Yes
pi07490509x 00:A0:F8:57:D6:78 Yes
pi07490509x 00:A0:F8:A6:C0:11 Yes
flyingj 00:40:96:47:DF:75 No
flyingj 00:40:96:47:E2:A8 No
DirectCom 00:90:0E:00:45:52 No
Oklahoma 00:40:96:26:32:F4 No
pi07490509x 00:A0:F8:57:E1:08 Yes
pi07490509x 00:A0:F8:57:D7:59 Yes
fordav 00:0C:30:6C:21:10 No
fordav 00:40:96:59:CE:CC No
202 00:40:96:55:F0:22 Yes
404 00:40:96:54:29:C5 Yes
DAAOKC 00:09:B7:7E:F0:96 Yes
DAAOKC 00:40:96:55:B1:B1 Yes
DAAOKC 00:40:96:56:DE:B4 Yes
DAAOKC 00:40:96:54:D8:0F Yes
daaokc 00:40:96:55:80:12 Yes
DAAOKC 00:40:96:5D:FA:25 Yes
linksys 00:04:5A:D2:47:85 No
afa160 00:40:96:25:79:DB No
tsunami 00:40:96:52:D3:A0 No
tsunami 00:40:96:55:90:B0 No
Wireless 00:09:5B:39:46:90 No
OnALotWirelessOkemah 00:40:96:57:D2:9B Yes
OnALotWirelessOkemah 00:40:96:2A:4E:91 Yes
OML_WLAN 00:02:2D:75:44:25 No
TWIinHouse 00:60:B3:16:A2:46 No
NEVBCITY59 00:60:B3:16:C5:FE No
(null) 00:E0:63:82:69:08 No
(null) 00:E0:63:50:16:CB No
1401 00:40:96:56:75:0E No
1401 00:40:96:56:9A:DE No
4 00:40:96:51:CE:E2 No
4 00:40:96:52:EF:68 No
pi07490509x 00:A0:F8:A5:4B:D1 Yes
pi07490509x 00:A0:F8:A5:47:68 Yes
(null) 00:02:2D:90:0A:C6 Yes
SST-PR-1 82:02:4E:02:15:01 Yes
Benton 00:02:6F:04:08:97 No
Benton 00:02:6F:03:FD:9D No
Benton 00:02:6F:03:FD:A0 No
Benton 00:02:6F:03:FD:9E No
iaai*little*rock 00:0C:30:F1:5A:6E No
BBT1 00:40:96:44:26:B2 No
(null) 00:02:2D:4A:54:03 No
(null) 00:02:2D:2D:CA:76 No
(null) 00:02:2D:8D:6F:33 No
Heartland 00:06:25:55:79:F0 No
LehiEB 00:40:96:26:58:53 No
LehiEB 00:40:96:26:2C:F7 No
LehiEB 00:40:96:25:87:E4 No
TMI1 00:06:25:6D:BD:DF No
flyingj 00:40:96:58:5D:11 No
flyingj 00:40:96:58:49:39 No
flyingj 00:40:96:58:65:BB No
tsunami 00:0C:85:51:24:DC No
Ad hoc unknown
overton 00:40:96:34:22:9A No
ssid1 00:40:96:54:53:7D Yes
footbridge 00:06:25:86:6A:1D No
4 00:40:96:37:42:B3 No
4 00:40:96:48:59:97 No
afa490 00:40:96:52:D6:1F No
tsuwireless 00:0B:BE:A9:DF:F0 No
linksys 00:06:25:56:76:5F No
tsunami 00:30:AB:1B:95:F6 Yes
linksys 00:06:25:71:96:31 No
tsunami 00:30:AB:0B:25:56 Yes
wireless 00:90:4B:31:29:1E No
tsunami 00:30:AB:22:A4:7B Yes
GoldenTree 00:06:25:24:D7:79 No
bodyshop 00:40:96:25:8D:08 No
bodyshop 00:40:96:26:4A:48 No
usedcars 00:40:96:36:C8:6D No
usedcars 00:40:96:31:4F:E3 No
allmedia airport Apple
softaudit 00:80:C8:1B:40:39 Yes
PASSYM 00:02:2D:17:B3:EB No
PASSYM 00:02:2D:17:B3:D9 No
SWDEMO 00:40:96:45:83:A7 No
vu2k2 02:06:61:73:DC:5E No
ptg5farog 00:06:25:E8:26:8F No
Apple Network Managed
linksys 00:06:25:59:AC:38 No
FIDO@BUTLER.NET 00:02:2D:2C:08:26 No
nwslink 00:06:25:67:39:3C No
gcddlink 00:80:C8:AC:E6:A6 Yes
default 00:80:C8:AB:F2:C6 No
linksys 00:06:25:53:8A:A5 Yes
2WIRE629 00:02:2D:8B:75:13 Yes

The Register - Blackboard press release
Topic: Computer Security 7:25 pm EDT, Jul 15, 2003

] Blackboard said the settlement shows its systems are
] secure but the whole case is better understood as a
] successful attempt to protect the firm's reputation
] against the possibly exaggerated claims of a pair of
] student hacker/crackers

The register got caught up in the spin as well.

Since when is using the law an appropriate way to silence critics? Thats the very definition of censorship.

Can we accept that this is really the final word on the story, given that its coming from blackboard, and that Acidus and Virgil are injoined from responding?

Is Blackboard's technology secure?

We may never know. What we do know is that Blackboard has effectively silenced their critics, with extreme prejudice. My lawyer is bigger then your lawyer should not trump the first amendment. In this case it has. These student settled because they did not have the means to defend themselves.

Acidus and Virgil owe $20,000 in (clears throat) "legal fees." They are college students. They can't really afford this and they need help. If you would like to contribute, you can paypal the following email address:

(Above comments from Decius..)

I'll have more to say about this later, when I can sit down and type something up without the sound of truck stop poker video games ringing in my ears.

The Register - Blackboard press release

Over the Mississippi
Topic: Travel 3:17 am EDT, Jul 15, 2003

Nashville was a nice break.. Good seeing Dagmar, and I _really_ needed all that coffee. :)

Somewhere in Arkansas right now. Stopping to burn some new CDs, gas up, and stuff my face with some truckstop hotdogs..

Bongo Java Coffee House
Topic: Travel 7:09 pm EDT, Jul 14, 2003

Bongo Java, Nashville, Tennessee.. Home of the nun-bun.

They have Wifi here now! And its free!

I will be meeting up with Dagmar shortly..

Bongo Java Coffee House

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