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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

Judge Denies FOX's Injunction
Topic: Society 8:59 pm EDT, Aug 22, 2003

] U.S. District Judge Denny Chin said the book — "Lies and the
] Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right"
] — is a parody protected by the First Amendment (search).
] "There are hard cases and there are easy cases," the judge said.
] "This is an easy case. This case is wholly without merit, both
] factually and legally."

Ahhh, victory! The First Amendment still wins over corporate interests. Thank you Judge Chin...

Judge Denies FOX's Injunction

It's never too early for dot-com nostalgia
Topic: Cyber-Culture 3:30 pm EDT, Aug 22, 2003

Going to have to catch this play..

To the kitschy annals of dot-com nostalgia, add the endearing farce of, a saga that starts and ends at Starbucks, with $50 million vanishing in between. Consultants, V.C.s, investment bankers and the dot-commers themselves are chewed up and sung out in a giddy production, the kind of show where "Norton anti-virus" is earnestly invoked in a lovers' duet.

Based in a SOMA loft with all the necessary office distractions, like foosball, air hockey, cellphones ringing to the tune of "Baby Got Back," Rental Puppy, as a company, seems to be mostly about office workers IM-ing their friends all morning before going out for a high-tech burrito, while they wait to vest. "I'm vesting. I'm vesting. Just four more years, then I'll be resting."

The real villain here isn't the hapless dot-commers themselves, whose main crime is just getting caught up in it all -- and, hey, who wasn't? -- but rather a nefarious investment banker from Stevenson Roberts, whose sterling credentials include sitting on the board of Enron and WorldCom, and the V.C.s so sexist that they have to have everything a woman says repeated to them by a man so that they can hear it.

It's never too early for dot-com nostalgia

Microsoft on Reputation Systems
Topic: Technology 3:29 pm EDT, Aug 22, 2003

] In Microsoft's research and development labs, Smith has
] spent the past several years slicing and dicing data
] about messages and message authors in an ambitious effort
] to help people make sense of the newsgroup manifold--the
] hordes of know-it-alls, flame warriors, spammers and
] neophytes who, by Smith's estimate, last year numbered
] more than 100 million in the Usenet network of e-mail
] threads, or newsgroups.

Microsoft on Reputation Systems

R.I.P Wesley Willis
Topic: Music 3:25 pm EDT, Aug 22, 2003

Dear Friends and fellow Wesleynauts,
We are deeply saddened to report that one of our artists, Wesley
Willis passed away yesterday, Thursday, August 21st. Wesley will be
greatly missed by all that had the privilege to know him, as well as
the fans who have been fortunate enough to experience his genius.


Rock on Wesley Willis.

R.I.P Wesley Willis

Nashville Flash Mob
Topic: Cyber-Culture 2:14 am EDT, Aug 21, 2003

] It came and went before anyone knew what happened.
] Nashville's first "flash mob" took place at the Mall at
] Green Hills on Saturday. Confused onlookers stood around
] wondering what was going on as a crowd of about 35-40
] people gathered around a large clock in the mall to
] celebrate 2:00 like it was New Years. Then, it was over.

Nashville Flash Mob

PRWire | Earthstation 5 Declares War on MPAA
Topic: Intellectual Property 11:14 pm EDT, Aug 20, 2003

] JENIN, West Bank, Aug. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- In response to
] the email received today from the Motion Picture
] Association of America (MPAA) to Earthstation 5 for
] copyright violations for streaming FIRST RUN movies over
] the internet for FREE, this is our official response!
] Earthstation 5 is at war with the Motion Picture
] Association of America (MPAA) and the Record Association
] of America (RIAA), and to make our point very clear that
] their governing laws and policys have absolutely no
] meaning to us here in Palestine, we will continue to add
] even more movies for FREE.

Dare I make a suicide bomber joke?

PRWire | Earthstation 5 Declares War on MPAA

RE: - Health Alert - Florida Bar Concocts Nicotine Drink
Topic: Health and Wellness 7:27 pm EDT, Aug 19, 2003

wilpig wrote:
] ] It took a year of testing and tasting to create the
] ] concoction.
] ]
] ] The Nicotini -- in regular and menthol -- was ready for
] ] routine consumption just as the smoking ban went into
] ] effect.
] ]
] ] "We made an announcement, picked up all the ashtrays and
] ] said: 'Sorry there's no more smoking, but we have this.'
] ] And [we] bought everybody in the house a drink," Wald
] ] said.
] ]
] ] The Nicotini is made by soaking tobacco leaves in vodka
] ] and then adding five different liqueurs to tame the
] ] tobacco flavor.
] You heard it right here and don't forget it. Smokers you have
] a new source for your buzz. Get them while they last because
] I'm sure someone somewhere will screw up and they will get
] outlawed.

I must find a bar in San Francisco that serves these!

RE: - Health Alert - Florida Bar Concocts Nicotine Drink

Stay back!
Topic: Health and Wellness 6:29 pm EDT, Aug 19, 2003

I'm quitting smoking. I have not had a smoke in roughly 36 hours.

I am _not_ happy. i want to killllllllllll

LWN: Why SCO won't show the code
Topic: Intellectual Property 4:01 pm EDT, Aug 19, 2003

] The code in question is found in
] arch/ia64/sn/io/ate_utils.c in the 2.4 tree. It carries
] an SGI copyright. It seems that SGI was not entirely
] forthcoming in documenting the source of its source; some
] of the code in question was, indisputably, not written at
] SGI. So where does it really come from?
] This code is from sys/sys/malloc.c in V7 Unix. It has
] been widely published; among other things, it can be
] found in Lion's Commentary on Unix (if you can get a
] copy). It featured in this 1984 Usenet posting. And,
] crucially, it has been circulated with the V7 Unix
] source, which was released by Caldera (now the SCO Group)
] under the BSD license. SCO would like the world to forget
] about that release now, but the Wayback Machine
] remembers.

LWN: Why SCO won't show the code

High-Tech Word of Mouth Maims Movies in a Flash
Topic: Technology 3:51 pm EDT, Aug 19, 2003

] "In the old days, there used to be a term, 'buying your
] gross,' " said Rick Sands, chief operating officer at
] Miramax, referring to the millions of dollars studios
] throw at a movie to ensure a big opening weekend.
] "You could buy your gross for the weekend and overcome
] bad word of mouth, because it took time to filter out
] into the general audience," he said. "Those days are
] over. Today, there is no fooling the public."

] Added Tom Sherak, a partner at Revolution Studios, which
] produced the doomed picture: "Remember that theory that
] any publicity is good publicity? It's not true anymore.
] Bad publicity and extended bad publicity kills the movie
] that much faster."

High-Tech Word of Mouth Maims Movies in a Flash

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