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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

RHUM - RedHat Update Munger (Version 1.1)
Topic: Linux 11:23 am EDT, Sep  4, 2003

] RHUM is an easy to use script for merging updated RPMS
] into a RedHat Distribution. RHUM can merge RedHat's RPM
] Updates and your own custom RPMS into the copy of RedHat
] you use for Kickstart installs, eliminating the need to
] apply RPM Updates after install.

I've updated RHUM.

The old version(s) used Perl modules for parsing RPM headers. This caused conflicts between versions of RedHat due to changes in the module. This version uses the rpm binary, so it should work across all versions of RedHat. Also, It now supports an unlimited number of update directories and the command line interface has been improved.

RHUM - RedHat Update Munger (Version 1.1)

AWIndex - HTML Index Generator for AWStats
Topic: Technology 11:05 am EDT, Sep  4, 2003

] AWIndex is a CGI script that generates a HTML index for
] multiple sites using AWStats. It reads AWStats config
] files and creates an index page which can be sorted by
] site name, current month's visit count, or current
] month's unique visitor count.

Its header, footer, and all strings it displays are customizable in the script's configuration section. Its written to be easy to customize by someone who does not know Perl. (Even though everyone should be forced to know Perl..)

AWIndex - HTML Index Generator for AWStats

Topic: Technology 9:40 pm EDT, Aug 31, 2003

MapServer is an OpenSource development environment for building spatially enabled Internet applications. The software builds upon other popular OpenSource or freeware systems like Shapelib, FreeType, Proj.4, libTIFF, Perl and others. MapServer will run where most commercial systems won't or can't, on Linux/Apache platforms. MapServer is known to compile on most UNIXes and will run under Windows NT/98/95.

The MapServer system now supports MapScript which allows popular scripting languages such as Perl, Python, Tk/Tcl, Guile and even Java to access the MapServer C API. MapScript provides a rich environment for developing applications that integrate disparate data. If the data has a spatial component and you can get to it via your favorite scripting enviroment then you can map it. For example, using Perl's DBI module it is possible to integrate data from just about any database vendor (eg. Oracle, Sybase, MySQL) with traditional GIS data in a single map graphics or web page. In addition, there is now a PHP/MapScript module included in the current release- thanks DMSolutions.

MapServer | Truncat by Cory Doctorow
Topic: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Literature 6:55 pm EDT, Aug 31, 2003

] What if you could file-share someone's consciousness?
] Would it be a violation, or the ultimate communication
] therapy?

Good read. | Truncat by Cory Doctorow

Roll Your Own DSL Roll Your Own Roll your own DSL
Topic: Business 6:13 pm EDT, Aug 31, 2003

This is the week I said we'd roll our own DSL. On the surface it looks like a daunting task, but it is actually not that hard at all — if you can get past the many regulatory loopholes. But why would you even want to do such a thing? Well maybe DSL isn't available in your area. Maybe you want a significantly cheaper alternative to a T-1 line. Or just maybe you and the kid down the block want to play networked games at warp speed. Well here is how to do it.


Ready for round 2? :)

Yep, I miss the days of thousands of independent ISPs.. Those days need to come back. I keep thinking that whenever I see posts here referencing the old open vs. controlled architecture for the Internet debate. The likelihood of all the worst case scenarios happening - ie. the "DRM Internet" - goes up as the diversity of players in the Internet Service game goes down.

Roll Your Own DSL Roll Your Own Roll your own DSL | MTV's spontaneous night of crazy fun^H^H^Hproduct plugs
Topic: Music 7:31 pm EDT, Aug 30, 2003

I caught a few parts of the VMA's here and there.. A minute or two at a time. And boy did everything I saw suck. Badly. Neal Pollack's write-up of this event, seems to be about as inline with my take of what I saw as I'm likely to find. Its a perfect reference for my random ramblings..

] Chris Rock appears and does a stand-up act that's funnier than
] anything I'm writing here.

Which was funny as hell. Really.. I was thinking at this point, that I might actually sit and watch some of this crap. You know, like give it a chance and all that. Of course, now I know that it was only because I was enjoying the shit talk.. Granted, I was ranting at the time about how Rock was lame for the Eminem worship/lack-of-shit-talking. With Eminem's recent dis to Weird Al, he really deserved to get some shit for that, at the VMAs, specifically. In fact, with the benefit of hind sight, I think something along the lines of a public apology to Weird Al, and then them taking the stage together, at the VMAs, might just have been the only way that dude could have gotten back some cred with me.

Fuck Eminem, really. The Weird Al thing.. Thats all it took for me. ...and the self important bullshit he has going on. His Legacy. Phbbtttt. I'm still pissed about that!

Anyway, the VMA's lost me the first time right about here:

] Then high-priced NBA chattel LeBron
] James comes out, shills for Sprite, and drools over Ashanti. They
] gave the best hip-hop video award to Elliott, in a true stunner.

I think about 20 seconds into the dude talking about how rad Sprite was, I was out the fucking door. Hell, I all remember of what I saw of the pre-show was people pumping something.. There is a threshold for how much you can take..

Walk back in a few minutes later to:

] Good Charlotte, you are so not punk rock! You think you're so
] hot with your red Mohawks and your backward baseball caps and
] your lame tattoos! But you suck, Good Charlotte! A real punk-
] rock band does not beat-box into the microphone! Oh, my, you
] destroyed your drum set and kicked over the amps! How
] dangerous! Like you had to pay for them.

Oh yeah, I couldn't have put it better. Geez. Truly crap. As a fan of punk, and music in general, and not a 12-14 year old, this is well.. well.. almost, but not quite culturally offensive. Just really, really, really fucking bad. Good Charlotte? They got "Good" in their name? The word "Good" shouldn't be within 10 words of a mention of this band, otherwise it will cause a buffer overflow in English or something.. I donno.

] "Good Charlotte," says Chris Rock. "More like a mediocre Green
] Day." Thank you, Chris Rock.

Oh, my, Jah! Chris Rock is providing the voice of reason here. Thats scary.

Next thing I walked in on was this:

] The surviving members of Run DMC (did I
] just write that phrase?) award the best rap... [ Read More (0.4k in body) ] | MTV's spontaneous night of crazy fun^H^H^Hproduct plugs

Jonathan Cohen and SCO
Topic: Economics 6:16 am EDT, Aug 30, 2003

] To many Linux fans in this post-Enron world, it seems odd
] that a stock like SCOX would be doing well at all given
] what has come out about the lawsuit, let alone doing so
] incredibly well. It may also seem odd that talking heads
] on TV or in the business press can hype a stock that
] seems even shakier than many of the dot-bombs, but
] apparently it can still happen. In a June 23 in
] BusinessWeek, we learn that Jonathan Cohen has invested
] in SCO stock and feels it will do well. The next day, he
] gives a good rating to SCOX on By
] 30 June 2003, we see that he owns 167,500 shares of SCOX
] stock through Royce and Associates.

] So, our friend Jonathan Cohen is in charge of a Technology
] Fund that has invested in SCO stock. How heavily?
] According to Morningstar, SCOX represents over 5% of the
] total fund. According to the same link, SCOX is up over
] 900% (as of the morning of 29 August 2003) since Cohen
] bought the stock. In fact, Cohen, through the Royce fund,
] is the 5th largest institutional investor in SCOX stock.

Jonathan Cohen and SCO

Guardian Unlimited | Auntie's digital revelation
Topic: Media 5:39 am EDT, Aug 30, 2003

] But planning for 2016 in today's media world is proving
] to be an impossible task. Why, notes one of the great and
] the good, what about this Napster business? With people
] copying music and television and film and distributing
] them among themselves for free, the whole business model
] on which commercial broadcasting depends could be
] undermined by 2016. It could...
] He pauses.
] "Wait a minute. Why do we care about them sharing our
] programmes?"
] It's a scene of revelation that has, quietly but
] steadily, recurred across the corporation for the past
] two years. And in the last few months, fuelled by
] transatlantic visits from net advocates such as Stanford
] professor Lawrence Lessig and the Library of Congress's
] internet archivist, Brewster Kahle, the observation has
] been nudged into a full-scale mission for the BBC: a
] mission whose first fruit was announced last Sunday by
] the corporation's director-general, Greg Dyke.

More on the recent good news from the BBC.

Guardian Unlimited | Auntie's digital revelation

Yahoo/Reuters | Blaster culprit's High School yearbook photo
Topic: Computer Security 4:32 am EDT, Aug 30, 2003

] The FBI (news - web sites) on August 29, 2003 arrested
] Jeffrey Lee Parson, 18, Minnesota teenager officials said
] admitted to making a copycat variant of the devastating
] Blaster Internet worm. Parson is pictured in this Hopkins
] High School 2003 yearbook photo. Photo by Reuters
] (Handout)

Yahoo/Reuters | Blaster culprit's High School yearbook photo

Bug Fixed: Broken 'Read More' links in Threads
Topic: MemeStreams 1:49 am EDT, Aug 30, 2003

There was a bug with the "Read More" links in threads for memes that were replies to other memes and were not also posted to a user's MemeStream. The "Read More" links did not have a valid URL, causing the meme to not be fully viewable unless a user clicked its permalink.

Its fixed now.

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