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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

A Voting System for Internet by Domain Name Owners - Part I
Topic: Computer Security 5:32 am EDT, Oct 16, 2003

] The primary intended use for this is to allow
] identifiable participants in the domain name system to
] vote on matters that affect the whole domain name system
] in an easy (and easily-verifiable) fashion. The method
] for voting is specifying a string in the whois data for a
] domain name.

This sounds like a good idea. I need to think about it more. Something tells me that this doesn't necessary put the power in a better place.. I need to think about the math in play. Wouldn't this just mean that the lion-share of the voice just goes to domain speculators?

A Voting System for Internet by Domain Name Owners - Part I

Another reason to hate Verisign
Topic: Technology 5:22 am EDT, Oct 16, 2003

] There is currently a healthy robust competitive market
] for expired domains. The WLS seeks to kill the entire
] market and allow a system devised by Network Solutions to
] decide who gets every name, and allows them to charge
] domain consumers exorbitantly for the privelege of using
] their monopoly.

The actual product is named "Next Registration Rights".. I commented on this awhile ago.

Another reason to hate Verisign | Exploited and Total Chaos fans riot
Topic: Music 7:23 am EDT, Oct 15, 2003

] The young people, many sporting spiked-hair and cutoff
] jean jackets, rioted after they were told that the groups
] Total Chaos and The Exploited wouldn't be performing.
] Some members of The Exploited were refused entry into the
] country by Canada Customs, the French-language TV channel
] LCN reported.
] "At 10 after 8 one of the organizers decided to come out
] and tell the crowd that was here that the concert was
] cancelled. At that point the crowd turned crazy and
] turned into a riot," Yannick Ouimet, a Montreal police
] spokesman, told Global Television. | Exploited and Total Chaos fans riot

:: Xinhuanet - English :: China's first manned spacecraft in orbit
Topic: Science 11:51 pm EDT, Oct 14, 2003

] China's first piloted spacecraft has entered the outer
] space, and Lieutenant Colonel Yang Liwei is now the first
] Chinese astronaut in space in the world's 241st manned
] space mission.

] At around 9:10, Shenzhou-5 moved into the
] preset orbit, indicating success of China's endeavor to
] hurl a piloted space vehicle of its own into the orbit.

] In the meantime, The Yuanwang-1 measuring vessel has
] been monitoring the target over the Pacific Ocean; and
] the Beijing Space Command and Control Center ordered
] the craft to open up the solar panels.

:: Xinhuanet - English :: China's first manned spacecraft in orbit

BW Online | Where Do Not Call Does Not Count
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:28 pm EDT, Oct 14, 2003

] Cyan Callahan, an employee at San Francisco interactive
] marketing firm Mindshare Design, signed up for the
] national Do Not Call List the very first week it was
] announced in late June. Like many Americans, Callahan was
] receiving an average of three or four calls a day from
] telemarketers and was fed up. More than 45 million irate
] citizens have signed up since then. Though the list
] doesn't go into effect until Oct. 1, Callahan says she
] has already had more nights of total peace and quiet. "In
] the last two months, I've come home and thought: 'Wow, my
] phone's not ringing. I like this.'"

They spelled her name wrong!

BW Online | Where Do Not Call Does Not Count

[cond-mat/0310049] Theory of Aces: Fame by chance or merit?
Topic: Science 10:27 pm EDT, Oct 14, 2003

] We study empirically how fame of WWI fighter-pilot aces,
] measured in numbers of web pages mentioning them, is
] related to their merit or achievement, measured in
] numbers of opponent aircraft destroyed. We find that on
] the average fame grows exponentially with achievement; to
] be precise, there is a strong correlation (~0.7) between
] achievement and the logarithm of fame. At the same time,
] the number of individuals achieving a particular level of
] merit decreases exponentially with the magnitude of the
] level, leading to a power-law distribution of fame. A
] stochastic model that can explain the exponential growth
] of fame with merit is proposed. The model also provides
] likelihood of deviations from expected fame; it predicts,
] that the odds to be ten times more famous than expected
] from one's merit are ten in a million, while the odds to
] be ten times less famous are as high as one in ten.

[cond-mat/0310049] Theory of Aces: Fame by chance or merit?

Melee mars wedding reception
Topic: Local Information 9:24 am EDT, Oct 14, 2003

] "A guest improperly put the garter on the girl who
] caught the bouquet," Hill said. "It wasn't acceptable to
] her boyfriend and a melee ensued."
] About 40 people became involved in the brawl and police
] from eight towns were called in to restore order, Hill
] said.

Eight towns? Eight? Belmar, Wall, Spring Lake, Avon, Neptune, and the State at least I'm guessing? Geez.

] A bartender working the wedding, Kevin Murday, 27,
] of Belmar said a table was crushed, but the hall did not
] sustain any serious damage. He said the fight had
] ceased, but flared up again when Belmar police arrived.

The Belmar police made a problem worse then it already was? Imagine that.

] "It was a disaster," Murday said. "The bride and groom
] were pretty shocked. They just kind of sat there and stared."

On the honeymoon, I suggest getting as far away from Jersey as possible.

Melee mars wedding reception

Wired News: Turn That PC Into a Supercomputer
Topic: Computers 6:24 am EDT, Oct 14, 2003

] An ordinary desktop PC outfitted with six PCI cards,
] each containing four of the chips, would perform at
] about 600 gigaflops (or more than half a teraflop).

] At this level of performance, the PC would qualify as one
] of the 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world.

] "At 3 watts, you could put it in a PCMCIA card," said
] McIntosh-Smith. "With two chips on a PC Card, you can
] have 50 gigaflops on a laptop, running off a battery.
] That's equivalent to a small Linux cluster on your
] notebook."

Its the FPU from hell!

Wired News: Turn That PC Into a Supercomputer

Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)
Topic: Movies 2:29 pm EDT, Oct 13, 2003

"The Bride" was once part of a group of world class female assassins, until the group leader, "Bill" and the other assassins turn against her. Five years later "The Bride" awakens from the coma the assassins left her in and heads out to seek bloody revenge. Unlike conventional movies, Kill Bill is told in chapter format making the narrative flow more like a book than a film.

Uma Thurman stars in Quentin Tarantino's fourth film venture, Kill Bill. Thurman plays a character known as the Bride, a pregnant assassin who is shot by her boss, Bill (David Carradine), on her wedding day, leaving herself and the wedding guests lying for dead. She survives and after being in a coma for five years, she wakes to seek revenge on her co-workers and boss who had attacked her. She sets out to strike down her once fellow assassins, leaving Bill for last.

I saw Kill Bill last night. This movie is damn good.

Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)

X-Chat Aqua
Topic: Macintosh 1:56 pm EDT, Oct 13, 2003

This is port of XChat, the best of the GUI IRC clients, using Mac OSX Aqua widgets. I've been using it for about a week now, and it appears stable and works great. I had been using XChat compiled via Fink. It worked well, but this is far superior. No more problems with cut & paste.

X-Chat Aqua

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