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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

PressThink: What's Radical About the Weblog Form in Journalism?
Topic: Blogging 11:36 am EDT, Oct 19, 2003

] Journalism traditionally assumes that democracy is what we
] have, information is what we seek. Whereas in the weblog
] world, information is what we have - it's all
] around us - and democracy is what we seek.

PressThink: What's Radical About the Weblog Form in Journalism?

EFF - Take action on the broadcast flag
Topic: Internet Civil Liberties 11:18 am EDT, Oct 19, 2003

] I am writing to voice my opposition to any FCC-mandated
] adoption of "broadcast flag" technology for digital
] television. As a consumer and citizen, I feel strongly
] that such a policy would be bad for innovation, consumer
] rights, and the ultimate adoption of DTV.

EFF Action Center petition.

EFF - Take action on the broadcast flag

Taipei 101, Taipei
Topic: Miscellaneous 7:55 am EDT, Oct 18, 2003

And below it, we will build a shopping mall, the biggest shopping mall in the east..

Taipei 101, Taipei

Yahoo! News - NYSE Chief Considers Forming 2 Boards-NYT
Topic: Business 7:40 am EDT, Oct 18, 2003

] Reed, who is serving as the exchange's chairman following
] the recent resignation of Richard Grasso, has been
] discussing the plan for about two weeks, according to one
] stock exchange director. It would involve one board of
] independent directors that would preside over the
] exchange's compensation, regulatory and audit committees,
] and another that would be made up of chief executives of
] securities firms and listed companies, who would look
] after the exchanges marketplace issues, the Times
] reported.

Yahoo! News - NYSE Chief Considers Forming 2 Boards-NYT

Yahoo! News - Net Song-Swappers Get RIAA Letter Before Lawsuit
Topic: Intellectual Property 7:38 am EDT, Oct 18, 2003

] The RIAA said from now on it would send out warning
] letters first, allowing suspects to negotiate a
] settlement before being served with a lawsuit. Those who
] do not respond within 10 days will be sued.
] "In light of the comments we have heard, we want to go
] the extra mile and offer illegal file sharers an
] additional chance to work this out short of legal
] action," RIAA President Cary Sherman said in a statement.

And the "extra mile" they go..

Yahoo! News - Net Song-Swappers Get RIAA Letter Before Lawsuit

Kids Play - Proof that you are OLD
Topic: Games 11:25 pm EDT, Oct 17, 2003

] Would today's tykes tolerate the classic games you grew
] up with? Kids do say the darndest things in this uncut
] version of an EGM article—now with a bonus game not
] included in the original story!

] Tim: This is nothing compared to Grand Theft Auto III,
] because you can't steal a taxi cab, pick up somebody,
] then drive into the ocean with him.

Kids Play - Proof that you are OLD

'I thought the whole country was a free speech zone.'
Topic: Current Events 9:19 pm EDT, Oct 17, 2003

] "He pointed out a relatively remote baseball diamond that
] was enclosed in a chain-link fence," Neel recalled in an
] interview with Salon. "I could see these people behind
] the fence, with their faces up against it, and their
] hands on the wire." (The ACLU posted photos of the
] demonstrators and supporters at that event on its Web
] site.) "It looked more like a concentration camp than a
] free speech area to me, so I said, 'I'm not going in
] there. I thought the whole country was a free speech
] area.'" The detective asked Neel, 66, to go to the area
] six or eight times, and when he politely refused, he
] handcuffed and arrested the retired steelworker on a
] charge of disorderly conduct. When Neel's sister argued
] against his arrest, she was cuffed and hauled off as
] well. The two spent the president's visit in a firehouse
] that was serving as Secret Service and police
] headquarters for the event.
] It appears that the Neels' experience is not unique. Late
] last month, on Sept. 23, the American Civil Liberties
] Union filed a lawsuit in a federal court in Philadelphia
] against the Secret Service, alleging that the agency, a
] unit of the new Homeland Security Department charged with
] protecting the president, vice president and other key
] government officials, instituted a policy in the months
] even before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks of instructing
] local police to cordon off protesters from the president
] and Vice President Dick Cheney. Plaintiffs include the
] National Organization for Women, ACORN, USA Action and
] United for Justice, and groups and individuals who have
] been penned up during presidential visits, or arrested
] for refusing to go into a "free speech area," in places
] ranging from California to New Mexico, Missouri,
] Connecticut, New Jersey, South Carolina and elsewhere in
] Pennsylvania.

'I thought the whole country was a free speech zone.'

The Register - Jury says computer records not enough to convict
Topic: Computer Security 9:18 pm EDT, Oct 17, 2003

] Caffrey claimed the evidence against him was planted on
] his machine by attackers who used an unspecified Trojan
] to gain control of his PC and launch the assault.
] Neil Barrett, an expert witness for the prosecution, said
] that Caffrey's machine showed no trace of the tell-tale
] signs that would be left by such an attack but today's
] verdict, shows that this did not persuade the jury.

This is actually the right decision, but I'll bet it will send the computer forensics industry for a loop. Computer log file "evidence" cannot be trusted. You need something else. There is always reasonable doubt that the computer records have been tampered with. There are no "telltale" signs.

The Register - Jury says computer records not enough to convict

The cultural divide and the Internet's future |
Topic: Technology 9:17 pm EDT, Oct 17, 2003

] And those are the people who still dominate the standards
] bodies?
] They're speaking out of both sides of their mouth right
] now. It's not OK to say standards are important, unless
] we don't like someone who implemented it. And it's not OK
] to say these services at the core should not be built
] out, unless you're one of the small guys and nobody
] really cares. How do we build a commercial business with
] ground rules that seem to shift based on personal agenda
] and emotion versus any particular logical data set?

More blood boiling commentary from the people who broke the internet.

The cultural divide and the Internet's future |

iTunes Store linking not exactly perfect
Topic: Music 3:21 am EDT, Oct 17, 2003

What do you mean I can't buy Sister Ray as a single? grr..

This has a few problems. Every time I click thru to the store, my browser dies. Thats not a good thing either.

iTunes Store linking not exactly perfect

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