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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

RAC:RESEARCH - Research Chemicals (And Bill Joy)
Topic: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Literature 6:24 pm EST, Nov 21, 2003

You can now get same day shipping for online orders of 5-MeO-AMT, 5-MeO-DMT, DPT, DiPT, 4-AcO-DiPT, 4-HO-DiPT, 4-AcO-DET, 4-AcO-MiPT, and 2C-I.

The chemists are now creating new drugs faster then the feds can schedule them. Thanks to the Internet, they can be obtained easier then a chipped XBox. Elsewhere online, you can find "trip reports" where people share and rate experiences with various drugs. This isn't a new thing either.

This just reenforces what I've said many times before, we are rapidly approaching a future that closely resembles Gibson novels. Here, look at it. Get comfortable with it. You can by 2C-I online, have it shipped to your house, get wacked out, and share your findings online.

This is all Bill Joy's fault. This site uses Cold Fusion, which uses Java. Ha. Just wait till people can print sheets of acid and pull i-beams out of hats! Chaos.

RAC:RESEARCH - Research Chemicals (And Bill Joy)

Wired 11.12: CodeFellas
Topic: Business 10:20 pm EST, Nov 20, 2003

] I'm building a secure, online, peer-to-peer, encrypted,
] redundant bet-processing system with an offshore data
] warehouse. Ordinary companies would hire a team to put
] this together; I'm working with one guy. Getting the
] system up and running is a three-step process. First,
] eliminate all those incriminating little pieces of paper.
] Instead of writing down a wager, the operator will enter
] the bet onto an online form. The whole transaction will
] be encrypted by a browser and sent over the Net to a
] server running in an undisclosed country where the laws
] are more liberal than they are in the US. Essentially,
] the system acts as a market maker, matching up people who
] want to take different sides of a sports bet.

Make your own economy.

Wired 11.12: CodeFellas

BBC NEWS | Technology | Mobile users told to 'chase Bush'
Topic: Cyber-Culture 4:06 pm EST, Nov 20, 2003

] The Chasing Bush campaign is asking people to "disrupt the
] PR" of the visit by spoiling stage-managed photos.
] They are being encouraged to send location reports and
] images by mobile to be posted on the Chasing Bush site.

Flash mobs use internet to track Bush's location. The angry mob threat model ain't just for cryptanalysis anymore.

BBC NEWS | Technology | Mobile users told to 'chase Bush'

Arrest warrant issued for Michael Jackson, alleges multiple counts of child molestation
Topic: Music 5:45 pm EST, Nov 19, 2003

] Authorities issued an arrest warrant for Michael Jackson
] on multiple counts of molesting a child and asked the pop
] superstar to turn in his passport and surrender, law
] enforcement officials said Wednesday.

The fall of Michael Jackson continues.. I can't wait till he can no longer afford to maintain his face and it starts to fall apart.

Arrest warrant issued for Michael Jackson, alleges multiple counts of child molestation
Topic: Media 2:06 pm EST, Nov 18, 2003

Get a quick idea of what is going on in the world by simply looking at pictures pulled from top stories...

The Onion | Mom Finds Out About Blog
Topic: Humor 7:27 pm EST, Nov 15, 2003

] In a turn of events the 30-year-old characterized as
] "horrifying," Kevin Widmar announced Tuesday that his
] mother Lillian has discovered his weblog.

This one got me laughing out loud..

The Onion | Mom Finds Out About Blog

SecurityFocus HOME News: Wireless hacking bust in Michigan
Topic: Computer Security 7:26 pm EST, Nov 15, 2003

] In a rare wireless hacking prosecution, federal officials
] this week accused two Michigan men of repeatedly cracking
] the Lowe's chain of home improvement stores' nationwide
] network from a 1995 Pontiac Grand Prix parked outside a
] suburban Detroit store.

This was covered earlier. However, this article by Kevin Poulsen (who is quite familiar with computer crime) has much more detail about the timeline of events. This is a hacker positive article, but it also fully acknowledges that these guys went way over the line. This wasn't some case of wardriving, or even just network probes, and it went way beyond anything that could be even be considered "harmless machine intrusions". No vague grey ethical line to stand on here.. These guys got caught installing a sniffer to monitor credit card transactions across Lowes' entire company network. There is not that much detail about how Lowes caught them, but it sounds like they broke so much stuff on the network screwing around that Lowes was alerted to their presence.

] Timmins and Botbyl, known online as "noweb4u" and "itszer0"
] respectively, are also part of the Michigan 2600 scene -- an
] informal collection of technology geeks that meet, blog, eat
] pizza and attend hacker conventions together, but generally
] balk at penetrating systems or otherwise committing felonies.

I was actively involved in "the 2600 scene" in the southeast several years ago. This would not have been condoned behavior. I'm sure for the bulk of the people in the mi scene it isn't there either. But this also doesn't really surprise me..

This is of interest.. The following was snagged from a 2600 mailing list in the southeast, which will remain unattributed in order to maintain a certain level of pointlessly transparent hacker mystique:

] hmmmmmm.....michigan....
] Article mentions immaturity....
] doing some rough math here.....
] idiots at phreaknic that were cutting the lan wires a couple
] of yrs ago were from michigan...
] One wonders what's in the water up there !??
] On a positive note, the article was fair....

Hmm.. My curious side wonders if there is a connection between the wire cutting that year and the mentality that picks the nym 'noweb4u'.. Anyone familiar with the scene up there care to shed some light on this? :)

So anyway.. We seem to have a good track record with rehabilitating criminal hackers by turning them into journalists and other such things. [smirk] Their bail was only set at $10k, which isn't actually that bad.. They can still use computers for work and school. So in a way, this is a step forward from the draconian handling of these things in the past. At least on face, the handling of this seems reasonable thus far. The initial vibes of mass hysteria and stupidity that I'd normally expect doesn't seem to be present.. Due Process even..

SecurityFocus HOME News: Wireless hacking bust in Michigan

Wi-Fi Networking News: Update on Wrinkle in U-NII Expansion Plans
Topic: Computer Networking 10:44 pm EST, Nov 13, 2003

] The FCC press release (in PDF format, no HTML) said that
] 255 MHz in the 5.470-5.725 GHz band are now available for
] unlicensed devices. This action will also harmonize the
] spectrum available for these U-NII devices throughout the
] world, enabling manufacturers to reduce product
] development costs by allowing the same products to be
] used in many parts of the world.
] The FCC is also requiring the items covered in IEEE
] 802.11h, which was developed to conform to European/World
] Radio Congress concerns, also apply to the lower indoor
] bands of 5.250-5.350 GHz as well as the new 5.470-5.725
] GHz bands: dynamic frequency selection (DFS) - a
] listen-before-talk mechanism — and transmit power
] control (TPC).
] That additional 255 MHz should translate into as many as
] 12 additional nonoverlapping channels for 802.11a, which
] already has 12 nonoverlapping channels. In a talk with
] Atheros that Glenn had recently, the company noted that
] bonding channels in 802.11a to create multiple channel
] throughput of 108 Mbps or higher has enormous potential
] because of the lack of channel overlap.

Wi-Fi Networking News has the scoop.

Wi-Fi Networking News: Update on Wrinkle in U-NII Expansion Plans

FCC expands spectrum for wireless use | CNET
Topic: Computer Networking 10:39 pm EST, Nov 13, 2003

] The Federal Communications Commission announced that it
] is increasing the radio spectrum available for wireless
] networking services.

Yes, this is actually good news involving the FCC.. Amazing.

] The FCC said Thursday that it is adding 255 megahertz of
] spectrum in the 5 gigahertz range--an increase of 80
] percent--for devices that use unlicensed radio
] frequencies.

Looking for more technical details.. Will blog when I find them.

FCC expands spectrum for wireless use | CNET

Guardian Unlimited | Online | I link, therefore I am
Topic: Technology 6:33 pm EST, Nov 13, 2003

William Mitchell, the head of the MIT Media Lab media arts and sciences, has written a book, "Me++"

] Me++ describes the move from virtual reality - the old
] 90s idea of the net as a separate, alternative realm - to
] "augmented reality" (AR), in which ubiquitous computing
] and mobile wireless networks are used to reconnect us to
] the real world.
] Mitchell muses on how AR will change our sense of our
] selves. Me++ is "a play on C++, the popular programming
] language. Among programmers,++ means incremented or
] extended, so Me++ suggests the computationally extended
] self." He suggests we should no longer think of ourselves
] as "fixed, discrete individuals", but as nodes in a
] network. "I am part of the networks and the networks are
] part of me. I am visible to Google. I link, therefore I
] am."

"I link, therfore I am," has resonance for MemeStreams.

Guardian Unlimited | Online | I link, therefore I am

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