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Spontaneous Sociability and The Enthymeme


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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

Dr. Roger Leir's -
Topic: Health and Wellness 12:18 am EST, Dec  6, 2003

This doctor removes alien implants from human hosts. Very interesting.

Dr. Roger Leir's -

Number Ones by Michael Jackson
Topic: Movies 5:20 pm EST, Dec  5, 2003

check the recommendations list...

Number Ones by Michael Jackson

Intellectual property piracy is form of terrorism: WIPO chief
Topic: Intellectual Property 6:06 am EST, Dec  5, 2003

] "Piracy is like terrorism today and it exists everywhere
] and it is a very dangerous phenomenon."

Coming soon: "Trademark dilution is the greatest threat that faces mankind today."

Intellectual property piracy is form of terrorism: WIPO chief

Dennis E. Powell on Space Exploration on National Review Online
Topic: Current Events 12:31 pm EST, Dec  4, 2003

] When President Bush delivers a speech recognizing the
] centenary of heavier-than-air-powered flight December 17,
] it is expected that he will proffer a bold vision of
] renewed space flight, with at its center a return to the
] moon, perhaps even establishment of a permanent presence
] there.

Dennis E. Powell on Space Exploration on National Review Online

Journal of Memetics- Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
Topic: Science 11:16 am EST, Dec  4, 2003

A goldmine of memetic discussion published on the internet with no subscription fee. Just click on "index of all issues". The advisory board contains the memetic heavyweights Susan Blackmore, Gary Cziko, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Liane Gabora, and David Hull.

Journal of Memetics- Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission

BlogShares - Closed Down
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:23 pm EST, Dec  3, 2003

] I am sorry to announce that BlogShares will not be
] reopening after the current technical difficulties are
] resolved. Currently, the database server is dead and
] looks to be for the next few days.
] The latest system crash has highlighted to me that
] deliverying a fun, useful service for the BlogShares
] community requires an active operator and developer. As
] most of you are no doubt aware I've been neither for the
] past couple of months. That has led to a decline of
] quality service, new features and ultimately income for
] the site and it looked likely that there wouldn't be
] enough to pay for next month's hosting.

BlogShares's database imploded, and its creator has chosen not to pick up the pieces.

BlogShares - Closed Down

The 2003 Perl Advent Calendar
Topic: Perl Programming 10:58 am EST, Dec  3, 2003

This is an advent calendar with a perl technique tip for each day of the Christmas season. Get into the holiday spirit (because you know you spend your vacation time working on projects)... Now, anybody got one of these for C?

The 2003 Perl Advent Calendar

Globes [online] - No favors
Topic: Tech Industry 6:25 pm EST, Dec  2, 2003

] In recent years, there have been quite a few
] entrepreneurs wandering around with good ideas (at least
] in their heads), but unable to raise capital. There are
] no more angels willing to invest hundreds of thousands of
] dollars. The number of venture capital funds making seed
] investments has sharply contracted, and those still
] willing to invest do so only after long and painstaking
] study, especially in cases of entrepreneurs without prior
] experience.

Interesting interview with the founders of Huminity...

] In retrospect, do you regret not raising money from
] venture capital funds?
] "Truthfully, not at all. I think that had they invested
] in us, there's a good chance that TeraSync wouldn't
] exist now. They'd have killed us, like they killed a lot
] of other companies. If they don't see a quick exit,
] they have no reason to waste their management fees on a
] company. Had they invested in the company, they'd have
] forced us to appoint all kinds of American marketing
] people; their kind of people. They'd have diluted us
] altogether at the second financing round, and if they
] didn't see an IPO on the horizon, they'd have simply
] closed us down."

Globes [online] - No favors

It's Dick!
Topic: Humor 1:33 am EST, Dec  2, 2003

Dick Gephardt definately casts a shadow..

It's Dick!

SFGate | Shame Of The City / Homeless Island
Topic: Local Information 9:54 pm EST, Nov 30, 2003

] They live - and die - on a traffic island in the middle
] of a busy downtown street, surviving by panhandling
] drivers or turning tricks. Everyone in their colony is
] hooked on drugs or alcohol. They are the harsh face of
] the homeless in San Francisco.

First of a five part series on San Francisco's homeless problem. Don't miss the pictures.

SFGate | Shame Of The City / Homeless Island

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