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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969 - Politics - ATF Director to Head Music Industry's Anti-Piracy Efforts
Topic: Current Events 12:16 pm EST, Dec 10, 2003

Comments from Balls Deep:

Another one from the "We are the new Nazis" file. Some asshole named Bradley Buckles, who is some foot soldier for the ATF is going to take the helm of the RIAA's Anti-Piracy division. As part of his initiation into the RIAA, Bradley must drink the menstrual waste of Hillary Rosen.

People are encourage to take to the street with assault rifles and shoot up Tower Records, while smoking marijuana. - Politics - ATF Director to Head Music Industry's Anti-Piracy Efforts

Steve Jobs: The Rolling Stone Interview
Topic: Macintosh 5:27 pm EST, Dec  9, 2003

] He changed the computer industry. Now he's after the
] music business

Good interview.

Steve Jobs: The Rolling Stone Interview

Internet worms and critical infrastructure | CNET
Topic: Computer Security 3:58 pm EST, Dec  9, 2003

Did MSBlast cause the Aug. 14 blackout? The official analysis says "no," but Bruce Schneier is not so sure.

Internet worms and critical infrastructure | CNET

The First Church of the Grey Goo
Topic: Futurism 11:50 pm EST, Dec  8, 2003

] The Grey Goo is eternal. It is omniscient and
] omnipresent. It may be the uncontrolled spread
] of buggy self-assembling Nanotechnology, but
] perhaps it is also the cloud of super-intelligence
] that will out-evolve humanity.
] You must learn to love the Goo, for it loves you.
] You shall become as one with the Goo. It is your destiny.

The future may not need us, but the grey goo loves us.

The First Church of the Grey Goo

Elonka's List of Famous Unsolved Codes and Ciphers
Topic: Cryptography 7:59 pm EST, Dec  8, 2003

] This is an unofficial list of well-known unsolved codes
] and ciphers. A couple of the better-known unsolved
] ancient historical scripts are also thrown in, since they
] tend to come up during any discussion of unsolved codes.
] There has also been an attempt to sort this list by
] "fame", as defined by a loose formula involving the
] number of times that a particular cipher has been written
] about, and/or how many hits it pulls up on a
] moderately-sorted Google search.

A list of unsolved codes and ciphers from Elonka. If anyone can think of anything she missed, she wants to know.

Elonka's List of Famous Unsolved Codes and Ciphers

RE: Google Time Bomb - Will Weblogs blow up the world's favorite search engine? - Microcontent News, a Microblog
Topic: Blogging 7:52 pm EST, Dec  8, 2003

Decius wrote:
] ] And thus was born the Google Bomb.
] Explanation for recent funny google searches like "miserable
] failure." The "angry mob" threat model continues to find new
] applications.

MemeStreams is a mini Google bomb for the people. Take your MemeStream title for instance.. Because if the way our pages interlink, if you are one of the people on this system who has used it actively for a long time and is highly recommended (yes, it matters, alot), you can pretty much pick your Google key words.. Just don't shoot for the moon. There is only so much one site can do, hence why the Bush "miserable failure" thing required a bunch of bloggers posting in concert to pull off.

[ Glances over at ]

Assume the stuff in ""'s is a Google Search.. And keep in mind, the results may have changed.. In general, everything I put in ""'s was a first result returned, or otherwise noted. Here we go:

Elonka has her "Subcultures R Us", lets hope the nation of 'R Us' dosen't mind.. :)

Google is so in tune with Jeremy I can ask it "What questions are you asking about Raymond?", and its going to pick up on the fact he has been preoccupied with some humorous who loves raymond meme.. Yes, I know in order for that to make sense it should be "What questions are they asking you about Raymond?".. But the first hit for that is ESR telling me the right way to ask a question. Ironic. All this confusion about questions being asked and who is asking them. It seems like such a small Internet sometimes.

flynn23 could ask Google some questions he already knows the answer to like "If I had a weblog, what would I call it?"

With the right set of words, you do not need to be around long to get some action out of Google. "Gremlin Garbage", "Leprechauns and Star Tattoos" can be found in Google land..

Jessica the "Paranoid Defense Worker" isn't showing up yet, because she just changed her MemeStream title. The reason why is ironically connected. The previous one was showing up for "General Dynamics web site access policy".

"Get back to work" is shooting for the moon in this economy.. Almost 100k results to rank. However if you use Laughing Boy's complete title and ask "get back to work slacker", it shoots to the top..

How is this for weird? crankymessiah was either "resurrected on the wrong side of the bed" or Google has a built in sense of humor, because for some reason that query is bringing up the RSS feed..

"Nanochick" dosen't need shit. She dosen't need a title. She is "Nanockick". Look at her, kicking that email address. Aww yea.

Who "Deletes spam"? Who "Sips the tea substitute" and "watches the grey light become more like day"?? Cayce the Coolhunter in William Gibson's novel Pattern Recognition? No! More irony. As far as Google is concerned.. Its Decius.

And me? I'm the one researching all this.. Whenever I'm at Google, and I want to search for something I know I've meme'd before, I don't use "site:...", I just go "sudo bash" and use MemeStreams. Heh.. Solaris/Linux people will find that amusing. OSX people will think I'm talking shit on Google. Everyone else can just know there is a joke they are not in on. :)

RE: Google Time Bomb - Will Weblogs blow up the world's favorite search engine? - Microcontent News, a Microblog

komo news | Toy Drive For Sick Kids
Topic: Holidays 4:55 pm EST, Dec  8, 2003

] Brad Walker, Mike Krahuik, and crew locally run the
] online forum for video game and comic book lovers. They
] have 150,000 readers a day and thought it would be nice,
] since they love games, to give games for Christmas.
] The goal was to collect about 100 toys to give to
] Seattle's Children's Hospital.

They wound up collecting over $90,000 worth of toys and games to donate. Very cool.

I've been a PA reader for years. They have been around a very long time. If you ever happen to meme, note its extremely low threadid. It was one of the first sites I posted to MemeStreams.

komo news | Toy Drive For Sick Kids

The Old North
Topic: Society 12:15 pm EST, Dec  8, 2003

] There may well be some sort of subversive cultural
] exchange program going on here. The North is pretending
] it's Southern, as the South completes its metamorphosis
] into a wacky funhouse version of the Old North. But you
] have to wonder whether we're getting the best of the
] bargain.

Being Jersey Yankee who lived in Tennessee, and now resides in San Francisco, this article amused the hell out of me.

The Old North

Wired News: How Much Is Privacy Worth?
Topic: Civil Liberties 5:30 pm EST, Dec  6, 2003

] The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Wednesday over
] whether the federal government should reimburse
] individuals whose sensitive data was disclosed illegally,
] even if no harm can be proven.
] At issue before the court, according to privacy
] advocates, is how valuable privacy really is.

this'll be a good one to follow

Wired News: How Much Is Privacy Worth?

Chilling Effects Analysis of the Blackboard Case
Topic: Internet Civil Liberties 12:51 pm EST, Dec  6, 2003

I'm still quite frustrated that this did not get more attention when it happened. It was a clear case of a company using the law to suppress speech, and it went off without a hitch..

] In the end, Blackboard was able to use the law to ban two
] students from speaking at a conference, conducting
] security research and publicly criticizing its product.
] As long as such efforts prove effective, other
] individuals and corporations will continue to misuse the
] law in order to censor speech and other legitimate
] activities. Those concerned with chilling effects should
] take note.

Chilling Effects Analysis of the Blackboard Case

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