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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

Topic: Miscellaneous 10:44 pm EST, Dec 19, 2003

John Perry Barlow has started a blog!

] Here I am, in the lobby of the highly attitudinal W Hotel
] in San Francisco, creating my very first blog entry.
] Joichi Ito, a blog sensei if ever there was one, is introducing
] me to the Blogosphere. I'm wary. Am I too old a dog to blog?
] Am I actually too sick of things virtual to plunge myself
] deeper into electronic immateriality?
] We'll see.
] But, I am motivated. For years, I've been sending out
] BarlowSpams and then privately enjoying the responses,
] both from friendz and friendz of friendz. Now I will have a
] place to pass to these on to our little community and, with
] luck, grow this into something besides my own little
] personality cult.


The RIAA makes everyone a cypherpunk
Topic: Cyber-Culture 5:27 am EST, Dec 19, 2003

In response to the RIAA's suits, users who want to share music files are adopting tools like WINW and BadBlue, that allow them to create encrypted spaces where they can share files and converse with one another. As a result, all their communications in these spaces, even messages with no more commercial content than "BRITN3Y SUX!!!1!" are hidden from prying eyes. This is not because such messages are sensitive, but rather because once a user starts encrypting messages and files, it's often easier to encrypt everything than to pick and choose. Note that the broadening adoption of encryption is not because users have become libertarians, but because they have become criminals; to a first approximation, every PC owner under the age of 35 is now a felon.

Another great essay by Clay Shirky, linked via

The RIAA makes everyone a cypherpunk

What a Crappy Present - CD Gift Advice, Parents and Kids
Topic: Music 5:08 am EST, Dec 19, 2003

This site is going to keep many people from being "lame" this Christmas.

What a Crappy Present - CD Gift Advice, Parents and Kids

Daily Kos || Drudge vs. O'Reilly Smackdown!
Topic: Media 9:21 pm EST, Dec 18, 2003

] Talker Author Bill O'Reilly lashed out against this space
] during his popular FOXNEWS O'REILLY FACTOR Wednesday
] night -- just hours after closely guarded book sales
] figures were splashed over the internet.
] Sales figures show how, contrary to his claims,
] O'Reilly lags far behind rivals Al Franken and Sen.
] Hillary Clinton for nonfiction props!

The quote above is from Drudge, but the Kos has all the important details in one place thats easy to find and link to, so he gets the link over Drudge..

The main reason I blog this is to keep track of the places where Bill O'Reilly has been caught in blatant lies, where he would have had to know the truth.

O'Reilly 430,407, Franken 674,024, Hillary 1,084,520..

That's not even in the same ballpark. Not even close. People who have track records of lying should not be put in a position where they gain a reputation as a trusted news source.. A Prime Time news slot got Bill his rep, because it got him out in front of many more people then at any other previous point in his career.

Good job Rupert, you have built a cult-of-personality out of a blatant liar. This is a great disservice to the american people, who you claim to serve in a "fair and balanced" way. Thanks to O'Reilly, we know without a doubt where Fox stands on ethics and journalism versus ratings, otherwise this guy would have been off the air a long time ago.

I don't think I'm making a big deal of this either.. Newscasters that regularly get caught in lies should not be newscasters.

Daily Kos || Drudge vs. O'Reilly Smackdown!

Wired News: Con Job at Diebold Subsidiary
Topic: Current Events 9:01 pm EST, Dec 18, 2003

] At least five convicted felons secured management
] positions at a manufacturer of electronic voting
] machines, according to critics demanding more stringent
] background checks for people responsible for voting
] machine software.
] Voter advocate Bev Harris alleged Tuesday that managers
] of a subsidiary of Diebold, one of the country's largest
] voting equipment vendors, included a cocaine trafficker,
] a man who conducted fraudulent stock transactions and a
] programmer jailed for falsifying computer records.

Wired News: Con Job at Diebold Subsidiary

New York Post | Jacko goes Islam
Topic: Music 8:16 pm EST, Dec 18, 2003

] Michael Jackson last night became a member of the Nation
] of Islam - and sources told The Post his religious
] changeover comes along with a shake-up of his personal
] staff.
] High-ranking members of the Nation of Islam have been
] working to bring Jackson into Rev. Louis Farrakhan's
] flock - and Jackson's conversion is now well-known in the
] NOI community.
] Exactly why Jackson converted wasn't clear to The Post's
] sources.
] But Fox News's Web site reported yesterday that Jackson's
] brother Jermaine, who converted to Islam in 1989, has
] been seeking to win favor with his more famous sibling,
] and has brought Farrakhan's chief of staff, Leonard F.
] Muhammad, into Jacko's inner circle as a "bodyguard."

New York Post | Jacko goes Islam

Linux 2.6 Released
Topic: Technology 7:34 pm EST, Dec 18, 2003

I installed 2.6.0-test11 on a machine not too long ago, with zero problems. If anyone is thinking of trying out 2.6 now that its final, go for it. If my experience is any guide, it should go pretty smoothly.

Congratulations to everyone who had a part in working on 2.5/2.6!!

Linux 2.6 Released

Musicians Protesting Monopoly in Media
Topic: Media 7:28 pm EST, Dec 18, 2003

Musicians rocked for peace in the 1960's. They rocked for Africa in the 1980's. Now they're rocking for stricter corporate media regulation.

Tom Morello took the stage with musicians like Billy Bragg, Steve Earle, Lester Chambers and Boots Riley. Here the raging was mainly against the star of media consolidation, Clear Channel Communications.

"This is about radio, TV and who owns your newspaper. We have to make sure the media represents everybody."

Some musicians argue that consolidation of recording labels and radio stations has homogenized music across the country and stifled free expression. It is becoming more difficult for new artists to break into the mainstream, and the quality of music is suffering.

In 1998, many artists realized that their own interests were not necessarily aligned with those of the recording industry.

Musicians Protesting Monopoly in Media

Blackboard Looks Likely To Go Public
Topic: Business 7:17 pm EST, Dec 18, 2003

The Washington area tech community has been waiting for Blackboard -- listed by Inc. magazine last year as the nation's sixth-fastest-growing business -- to go public. Speculation about a Blackboard IPO is Washington's version of the Google IPO watch.

When CEO Michael Chasen thought about the other young people he knew who started companies when he did, he paused. Most of them aren't running companies anymore, he said. "I might be the only one."

I've been told that their original IPO plans were screwed up last year by the bad Interz0ne publicity.

Blackboard Looks Likely To Go Public

You need a license to quote Martin Luther King Jr. (
Topic: Intellectual Property 5:07 am EST, Dec 18, 2003

] If King remains a one-dimensional grainy black-and-white
] figure who utters the same sunny sound bite year after
] year until it's a cliche, it's because news networks
] won't pay for more, and researchers have been kept from
] delving deep into his papers to tell us something new
] about the Martin Luther King the man, not the statuette.
] And his family wants it that way.

And once again we are promoting science and the useful arts by creating economic incentives for people to engage in historical events by preventing people from talking about them.

You need a license to quote Martin Luther King Jr. (

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