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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

Sunshine Flipside Explode CBGB's, Charges Not Filed, 12/27/03
Topic: Music 3:41 am EST, Dec 29, 2003

Vile wrote:
] Rock and Roll band Sunshine Flipside broke up on CBGB's stage
] last night after an "incindiary" performance that out-punked
] some of the more seasoned pros on the bill.

I've posted here about Sunshine Flipside before. This is Vile's review of their last show at CBGBs.

Lonnie, the frontman, had dozens of fire crackers taped to his guitar which he set off during their final song causing massive explosions to rage across the stage Great White style.. Needless to say, Lonnie got his ass kicked out of the place by the bouncers after they doused him with water.. Read the full gig review.

] "Oh, you are sooo out of here, asshole!" The hippie
] looking soundman screamed as he violently flung the guitar at
] Rutledge, who stood up, held out one hand, and caught the
] instrument in one hand, without even paying attention to it.
] Upon catching the guitar (and making that soundman piss his
] baggy jeans), Lonnie smashed the burned, wet axe against the
] stage and screamed right at the man who assaulted him:
] "How do you like THAT shit, motherfucker?"
] "Where are you from? Massachusetts?" The soundman
] screamed cryptically before Lonnie threw the guitar down on
] the stage and booked through CB's bar and out the door, a run
] that was filled with numerous kicks and punches from the
] fatassed bouncers. He didn't care.

And this is the best part:

] When asked by a bouncer "Why?"
] "This is CBGB's and that was punk rock! And if you don't
] think so, then Fuck you!" He screamed at the angry mob as he
] ran like hell away, into the night, never to be seen at CBGB's
] again.

Go Lonnie!

] God bless you, Sunshine Flipside! You never let us down!

I have a feeling this is not the last of Sunshine Flipside.

Was anyone video taping the show?

Sunshine Flipside Explode CBGB's, Charges Not Filed, 12/27/03

Patriot II slowly being signed into law under our noses...
Topic: Civil Liberties 10:59 pm EST, Dec 28, 2003

] By signing the bill on the day of Hussein's capture, Bush
] effectively consigned a dramatic expansion of the USA
] Patriot Act to a mere footnote. Consequently, while most
] Americans watched as Hussein was probed for head lice,
] few were aware that the FBI had just obtained the power
] to probe their financial records, even if the feds don't
] suspect their involvement in crime or terrorism.

] The Senate passed it with a voice vote to avoid
] individual accountability. While broadening the
] definition of "financial institution," the Bush
] administration is ramping up provisions within the 2001
] USA Patriot Act, which granted the FBI the authority to
] obtain client records from banks by merely requesting the
] records in a "National Security Letter." To get the
] records, the FBI doesn't have to appear before a judge,
] nor demonstrate "probable cause" - reason to believe that
] the targeted client is involved in criminal or terrorist
] activity. Moreover, the National Security Letters are
] attached with a gag order, preventing any financial
] institution from informing its clients that their records
] have been surrendered to the FBI. If a financial
] institution breaches the gag order, it faces criminal
] penalties. And finally, the FBI will no longer be
] required to report to Congress how often they have used
] the National Security Letters.

How the hell was this able to happen without public discourse and debate!?!?!?!

This is the first I have heard of this. We can't let our government tinker with laws that effect our civil liberties without pubic discourse. This is really, really, really, serious. Something needs to be done! This is a _BIG_ problem! The laws that protect our rights are being changed, and great lengths are being gone through to keep it secret!

If this can happen without a hitch, then anything can happen without a hitch. I think we can officially declare now, that we have lost control of our country to this current Administration, and they are in the process of destroying what has made America powerful and great, our openness. If this type of "governing" is allowed to continue, we might as well give this country a new name and flag, because its changed.

I don't believe I'm hearing about this FIFTEEN DAYS after its been signed into law.

Patriot II slowly being signed into law under our noses...

The CounterRevolutionary
Topic: Society 10:19 pm EST, Dec 28, 2003

"Dark Outlook Encourages Resistance: Underground War Is Believed Likely If We Fail in Our Major Purposes

Elonka wrote:
I love this site ... news articles from post World War II, during the occupation of Germany.

Those who do not study history, are doomed to repeat it ...

The CounterRevolutionary

Art Crimes: War Art
Topic: Arts 11:35 am EST, Dec 28, 2003

] Given the state of world affairs in March 2003, we have
] made this place for war murals and other graffiti artist
] war reactions.

Decius: In response to Rattles recommendation of Grafarc, I offer this: 8 pages of war related murals.

Art Crimes: War Art

graffiti archaeology
Topic: Arts 9:39 am EST, Dec 28, 2003

Graffiti Archaeology is the study of graffiti-covered walls as they change over time. The project is a timelapse collage, made of photos of San Francisco graffiti taken by many different photographers from 1998 to the present.

Using the grafarc explorer, you can visit some of San Francisco's classic spots, see what they looked like in the past, and explore how they have changed over the years.

via Wired

graffiti archaeology

Escape From Neverland
Topic: Games 6:54 am EST, Dec 28, 2003

The name says it all, just play it.

It doesn't get really hard till the Thriller round.

Escape From Neverland

BellSouth Renovated Payphone Sale
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:35 am EST, Dec 28, 2003

] Own A Piece of BellSouth History…

] Due to downward trends in payphone usage, BellSouth plans to
] discontinue providing services to its payphone location provider
] customers.
] In partnership with BellSouth Public Communications, the BellSouth
] Pioneer Volunteers are offering for sale original renovated and
] completely operational BellSouth payphones and coinbox doors.

No longer do you need a crowbar to have your own payphone..

BellSouth Renovated Payphone Sale

We Hate Spam, Congress Says (Except When It's Sent by Us)
Topic: Politics and Law 2:32 am EST, Dec 28, 2003

] Even as Congress was unanimously approving a law aimed at reducing
] the flow of junk e-mail, members were sending out hundreds of
] thousands of unsolicited messages to constituents.

] The new policy is fueling an e-mail arms race. Democrats say
] that the new policy, which was drawn up by the Republicans
] who control the House, took them somewhat by surprise, but
] they are catching up.
] "The Democrats are worried," said Roger A. Stone, the chief
] executive of Advocacy, who has been signing up Democratic
] offices at the rate of about five a week. "I'm dealing with
] people whose boss said, `Get me some of that Internet.' "

We Hate Spam, Congress Says (Except When It's Sent by Us)

Tap into OnStar
Topic: Technology 2:11 am EST, Dec 28, 2003

Instructions to tap into an OnStar unit and take control of the GPS subsystem. Now you can disable the GPS and/or use it with your laptop (and mapping software) instead of (or in addition to) using it for OnStar.

Tap into OnStar

Wired News: On Your Mark, Get Set, Unwire!
Topic: Technology 2:11 am EST, Dec 28, 2003

] Matt Adams has a different idea. He's the co-founder of Blast
] Theory, a digital-arts group based in the United Kingdom
] that creates mobile multiplayer games that fuse wireless
] virtual space with real space.

Worth a look if you're interested in how people might use location based services.

Wired News: On Your Mark, Get Set, Unwire!

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