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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

Creature Corner | 2001 Maniacs Report
Topic: Movies 8:01 pm EST, Dec 31, 2003

] Tim Sullivan's directorial debut is whipping itself into
] shape to become next year's morality-free, grue strewn,
] wild and crazy horror freak show. At the time of this
] writing, post-production is currently next on the menu
] for Sullivan's 2001 Maniacs before it gorges on the main
] course: theater-bound fright fans curious to see how this
] fledgling director has given H.G. Lewis' original 2000
] Maniacs a modern spin.

I just received this link in email from Tim. Looks like they are wrapping up production and going into post.

Creature Corner | 2001 Maniacs Report

JenniCam Ate My Balls
Topic: Cyber-Culture 4:50 am EST, Dec 31, 2003

Rattle wrote:
] In what MetaFilter called the "end of an era", JenniCam will
] shutdown tomorrow after 7 years of operation.
] Pathetic geeks across the world will mutter "don't go jennay"
] in their best Forrest Gump voice. Others will author a
] "JenniCam ate my balls" webpage. The next age of the Internet
] is ready to begin.

Balls Deep wrote:
] As a mater of fact, I just happen to find one.

JenniCam Ate My Balls

BBC NEWS | Tim Berners-Lee gets a knighthood
Topic: Technology 1:07 am EST, Dec 31, 2003

] The inventor of the world wide web, Tim Berners-Lee,
] has been awarded a knighthood for his pioneering work.

] "The original idea of the web was that it should be a
] collaborative space where you can communicate through
] sharing information.
] "The idea was that by writing something together, and as
] people worked on it, they could iron out
] misunderstanding."

] He added that his knighthood proves what can happen to
] "ordinary people" who work on things that "happen to
] work out", like the web.

BBC NEWS | Tim Berners-Lee gets a knighthood

JenniCam Closing 12/31/03
Topic: Cyber-Culture 10:53 pm EST, Dec 30, 2003

In what MetaFilter called the "end of an era", JenniCam will shutdown tomorrow after 7 years of operation.

Pathetic geeks across the world will mutter "don't go jennay" in their best Forrest Gump voice. Others will author a "JenniCam ate my balls" webpage. The next age of the Internet is ready to begin.

JenniCam Closing 12/31/03

Op-Ed Columnist: Our So-Called Boom
Topic: Economics 3:05 pm EST, Dec 30, 2003

] So if jobs are scarce and wages are flat, who's
] benefiting from the economy's expansion? The direct gains
] are going largely to corporate profits, which rose at an
] annual rate of more than 40 percent in the third quarter.
] Indirectly, that means that gains are going to
] stockholders, who are the ultimate owners of corporate
] profits. (That is, if the gains don't go to self-dealing
] executives, but let's save that topic for another day.)

Here's our so-called recovery. Anyone here feel left out in the cold?

Op-Ed Columnist: Our So-Called Boom

'Get me rewrite!' Now computers can play along | CNET
Topic: High Tech Developments 3:00 pm EST, Dec 30, 2003

] In the famous sketch from the TV show "Monty Python's
] Flying Circus," the actor John Cleese had many ways of
] saying a parrot was dead, among them, "This parrot is no
] more," "He's expired and gone to meet his maker," and
] "His metabolic processes are now history."

] Now, using several methods, including statistical
] techniques borrowed from gene analysis, two researchers
] have created a program that can automatically generate
] paraphrases of English sentences.

This article focuses on applying this technology to news stories, but the product of the research could be applied to many language related tasks.

'Get me rewrite!' Now computers can play along | CNET

Call for Talk/News Streaming Radio Links
Topic: Media 1:33 am EST, Dec 30, 2003

Recently I've weaned myself off my TV news habit. For _years_ I have always had one of the major news stations running in the background whenever I worked. Its background noise thats informative. These days I've been doing the streaming radio thing.

About the only news/talk radio I've found on the web is BBC World Service and NPR. Is there anything else out there anyone would care to recommend?

Emphasis on news, commentary, analysis, etc.. Foreign, domestic, whatever. I need more stuff to flip around between.

Gallup Poll Analyses - Americans are clueless
Topic: Society 1:24 am EST, Dec 30, 2003

Here is a direct link to the recent Gallup results on American opinions about the Iraq war. What you think of those opinions probably has a lot to do with how closely they resemble your opinions. The exception is the one Ryan pointed out... Do you think Sadam was involved with the 911 attacks? He wasn't and this is a simple factual measure of how confused you are about what is going on.

The rate is as high now as it has ever been. A slight decrease in the number occurred in September when Bush said he wasn't involved, but now its right back up again, proving that the only thing worse then our grasp of the facts is our attention span.

Campaign finance reform attacks the symptom and not the disease. We don't need campaign finance reform, we need voter clue reform. As long as so many people remain completely incapable of independent thought they will always be the victims of big marketing budgets.

Gallup Poll Analyses - Americans are clueless

Asia Times - Study: People who watch TV less likely to understand Iraq
Topic: Media 1:22 am EST, Dec 30, 2003

] The more commercial television news you watch, the more
] wrong you are likely to be about key elements of the Iraq
] War and its aftermath, according to a major new study
] released in Washington on Thursday.
] And the more you watch the Rupert Murdoch-owned Fox News
] channel, in particular, the more likely it is that your
] perceptions about the war are wrong, adds the report by
] the University of Maryland's Program on International
] Policy Attitudes (PIPA).

Fox News, keeping America stupid and confused..

Asia Times - Study: People who watch TV less likely to understand Iraq

Push Button Paradise in Print: O'Reilly XForms Essentials
Topic: Web Design 1:18 am EST, Dec 30, 2003

] Micah takes you through the basics, shows you where
] XForms fits with other W3C standards, and gets you
] started with authoring. Once you're feeling a bit more
] confident this book serves as an excellent reference,
] with enough examples for you to copy and try out for
] yourself. The great thing about this book is that there
] isn't too much of it. It gives a good grounding in the
] subject without any waffle.

The full text of the book is available in HTML. Good timing. I've been meaning to learn XForms.

Push Button Paradise in Print: O'Reilly XForms Essentials

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