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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

From anarchy to apathy
Topic: Society 5:04 pm EDT, Apr  9, 2004

As the mouthpiece of global capitalism, The Economist might be expected to rejoice at the [anti-globalisation] movement's discomfort. Not at all. Everybody needs an opponent to keep him on his toes. The sight of nose-studded mohican-haired louts who hadn't seen a bath in a month wreaking havoc in the City served to remind the foot-soldiers of capitalism of the chaos that their daily grind was helping to hold back. Well, it gave them something to talk about, at least.

There are plenty of modern management techniques which the movement could employ to reinvigorate itself. Has, it, for instance, tried benchmarking itself against comparable movements? If street protest is too arduous for the membership, should it not think of outsourcing its more strenuous activities to the immigrants who already do most of Britain's tougher jobs? Taking that argument further, if domestic apathy is the problem, perhaps the answer is offshoring. A Mayday protest organised in, say, Libya or North Korea would really make a splash.

The finest in British wit, now available worldwide.

And it goes hand in hand with my recent suggestion that the Democrats hire a Bangalore call center to conduct a get-out-the-vote campaign.

This general idea here is the reason why I got off the "anarchy team" shortly after high school. Its a great defense mechanism for those points in time when you are unable to make decisions for yourself. Beyond that, its a decision to be uninvolved in the process. Anarchy doesn't scale.

There is something to say for a decision to work "outside the system" when possible. This is normally considered "independent" rather then "anarchist". Often its what's necessarly, as new ideas can be more easily seen from the fringe, even if that's not where they come from. Try explaining this to a 19 year old sometime. See, I'm old now. And I have not even hit 30 yet! I blame the Internet for turning me into a bitter man early.

From anarchy to apathy

Blacktree - Quicksilver - Mac OXS launcher
Topic: Macintosh 11:48 pm EDT, Apr  8, 2004

] Quicksilver is an evolving framework for accessing and
] manipulating many forms of personal data.
] Existing modules include a launcher, a clipboard
] recorder, and a shelf.

This is a truly awesome launcher app for OSX. Using keywords you type in, it launches a dynamic menu for picking to launch apps, open documents, visit bookmarks, etc. Its that much less you have to take your hands off the keyboard.

This may be the latest must have app for OSX. I continue to be very pleased with the overall evolution of OSX as a workstation platform.

Blacktree - Quicksilver - Mac OXS launcher a visual vocabulary for describing information architecture and interaction design
Topic: Web Design 11:39 pm EDT, Apr  8, 2004

] Diagrams are an essential tool for communicating
] information architecture and interaction design in Web
] development teams. This document discusses the
] considerations in development of such diagrams, outlines
] a basic symbology for diagramming information
] architecture and interaction design concepts, and
] provides guidelines for the use of these elements.

The set of elements is available for every major drawing program. a visual vocabulary for describing information architecture and interaction design

On 04/04/04 I wrecked my car for Independent Cinema
Topic: Travel 9:23 pm EDT, Apr  8, 2004

It was more traumatic then fun. Thursday was good. Friday was hectic but enjoyable. Saturday was great, up until after the Troma party. On the way home, we got in a car wreck. One of the people in the car got a slash in their head and had to go to the hospital to get it "glued" shut. The entire front of my car was crushed in.

However, in the face of all this adversity we did managed to get back to NYC intact. Later tonight I'll likely type up a more descriptive recount of the events so I don't have to repeat it as much.

I need to catch up on some news. There is alot going on.

What did I get myself into?
Topic: Travel 5:05 pm EST, Apr  1, 2004

Sorry for the lack of memeage. I've been very busy.

I'm going to be in Cleveland this weekend. I'm helping out some friends from Troma with a few things related to a convention (or two) in the area. For those who are not familiar with Troma, its the oldest operational Independent movie studio in America. They are also all completely insane.

This weekend will either be fun, traumatic, or most likely both.

I've acquired a new mobile phone. I'm in number port limbo, so it may be a little tricky to get ahold me for the next few days. When I come out the other side, I should be able to Bluetooth myself some Internet whenever I need it. In the future, I should be a more connected when mobile.

Barnes & - The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
Topic: Literature 8:03 pm EST, Mar 30, 2004

September 1999 version. Currently #591 on B&N. Useful when trying to understand the Bush adminstration, this handy reference will easily fit into your trench coat pocket.

Barnes & - The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli

Ananova - Top doc backs picking your nose and eating it
Topic: Health and Wellness 7:22 pm EST, Mar 30, 2004

This just in, your mom was wrong.

] Innsbruck-based lung specialist Prof Dr Friedrich
] Bischinger said people who pick their noses with their
] fingers were healthy, happier and probably better in tune
] with their bodies.
] He says society should adopt a new approach to
] nose-picking and encourage children to take it up.

It may be a good way to help strengthen the immune system. We do it naturally when we are young, which is usually a good indication of things.

] And he pointed out that if anyone was really worried
] about what their neighbour was thinking, they could
] still enjoy picking their nose in private if they still
] wanted to get the benefits it offered.

File this under "keeping your nose clean".

Ananova - Top doc backs picking your nose and eating it

small world
Topic: Media 3:47 pm EST, Mar 30, 2004

Brilliant commentary on configure-your-friends/six-degree style social network sites.

small world

Shrook 2 - RSS and Atom Newsreader for Mac OS X
Topic: Macintosh 11:35 pm EST, Mar 28, 2004

Shrook 2 is a next-generation news reader that offers advanced features not available to Mac users anywhere else. Some aren't available on any platform. It supports all versions of RSS, as well as the current draft of Atom. And it's all really easy to use, too. Shrook 2 is a free upgrade for users of Shrook v1.x.

NetNewsWire, the RSS reader standard on OSX has finally got some worthy competition.

This app has a great interface. It does not impact my machine's performance nearly as much as NNW. You can page around very fast in this app. It has "Smart Channel" capabilities that allow you to group entries and channels based on keywords and other factors. It supports HTTPS and logins, so its possible to support custom feeds like the Reputation Agent here at MemeStreams. It has that whole iApp thing going on, brushed metal and all. Its nice. If you use OSX, you should check it out.

Its also not without problems. It seems to be making Safari crash occasionally. There is no option to open pages in the background, as opposed to bringing the browser to the forefront. When you close the window, and later click on its dock icon, it does not bring back up the main window, only focuses the application. (Many apps do that) All my initial complaints are little things I can see getting worked out in a version or so. The key navigation seems to be missing ways to page-up/down an entry or visit a post without using the mouse.

All things considered, my first few hours with this application have been enjoyable. Aside from a post or two, including this one (twice), going into the bit bucket when Safari crashed. I'm forgiving to new apps. At $19, its also cheaper then NNW.

Update: Getting less forgiving by the minute. Might have to wait for the next version. Safari is either crashing or the viewer pane isn't working at any given time.

Shrook 2 - RSS and Atom Newsreader for Mac OS X

Verizon Plans Steps to Prevent Another Shutdown of 911 Line
Topic: Telecom Industry 11:17 pm EST, Mar 28, 2004

] The emergency system broke down about 7:20 p.m. after a
] Verizon engineer who was making service changes to a
] bank's telephone numbers in Brooklyn inadvertently
] included numbers that are used to carry 911 calls, city
] and telephone company officials said. The numbers were
] close in sequence, the officials said.
] The 911 calls then ended up being rerouted to the bank's
] phone system, and callers heard a busy signal. City and
] Verizon officials said that while the backup system in
] place for 911 was functioning properly, it failed to pick
] up the calls because it was designed to catch a technical
] error, not a human error that would be interpreted as
] simply a change of instruction.

In a properly architected network the weakest point is the equipment configuration.

Verizon Plans Steps to Prevent Another Shutdown of 911 Line

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