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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

The History of Programming Languages
Topic: Software Development 12:14 am EDT, Jun 18, 2004

] For 50 years, computer programmers have been writing
] code. New technologies continue to emerge, develop, and
] mature at a rapid pace. Now there are more than 2,500
] documented programming languages! O'Reilly has produced a
] poster called History of Programming Languages (PDF:
] 701k), which plots over 50 programming languages on a
] multi-layered, color-coded timeline.

The History of Programming Languages

Only you can prevent Gray Goo
Topic: Science 3:02 am EDT, Jun 17, 2004

A must-have for mad science laboratories everywhere.

Only you can prevent Gray Goo

Symantec Security Response - EPOC.Cabir
Topic: Computer Security 7:33 pm EDT, Jun 15, 2004

] EPOC.Cabir is a proof-of-concept worm that replicates on
] Nokia Series 60 phones. This worm repeatedly sends itself
] to the first Bluetooth-enabled device that it can find,
] regardless of the type of device. For example, even a
] Bluetooth-enabled printer will be attacked if it is
] within range.
] The worm spreads as a .SIS file, which is automatically
] installed into the APPS directory when the receiver
] accepts the transmission.

This one effects my phone. According to this, you have to accept the connection to be infected.

Symantec Security Response - EPOC.Cabir

Blackout hits major Web sites | CNET
Topic: Computer Networking 6:41 pm EDT, Jun 15, 2004

] An Akamai spokesman said it noticed an attack against
] four unnamed "customers" that rendered their sites
] inaccessible. Akamai said that the strike against those
] customers in turn caused a failure of its own domain name
] server (DNS) system, which translates word-based URLs
] into numeric Web addresses to link surfers to company
] sites.
] "We do know that attack was against four sites that
] happened to be Akamai customers," said company spokesman
] Jeff Young. "But I don't know if the intent was to go
] after Akamai or go after Web properties that happened to
] be customers of ours."

Blackout hits major Web sites | CNET

Google Search: akamai
Topic: Computer Security 6:17 pm EDT, Jun 15, 2004

] Starting at around 8:30 am EDT (12:30 UTC), a number of
] sources started to report a widespread Akamai DNS issue.
] Large web sites, which use Akamai for its DNS service, no
] longer resolved in DNS, and became inaccessible to their
] users. The affected sites were Yahoo, Google, Microsoft,
] FedEx, Xerox, Apple
and likely many others. The situation
] improved around 10:30 EDT, mainly because some of the
] affected domains temporarily switched from using Akamai
] DNS servers to their own DNS servers.
] The problems seem to be attributable to a DDoS attack on
] Akamai's DNS servers, though we do not presently have the
] information to make a definitive assessment. According to
] the Akamai spokesperson, the problem was not limited to
] Akamai. He attributed the outage to an attack on the
] Internet infrastructure on a larger scale. We do not
] currently know of any sites that were affected by the
] attack without using Akamai's services.

At least it wasn't the Roots/GTLDs..

According to Netcraft, it also effected antivirus update services for Symantec and TrendMicro.

Google Search: akamai

Comcast to Firewall Port 25
Topic: Computer Security 7:38 pm EDT, Jun 14, 2004

] Comcast, the country's largest provider of high-speed
] Internet access, has begun blocking a channel frequently
] exploited by spammers to send out large volumes of
] e-mail, a move that many technologists say was long
] overdue and should be matched by other service providers.

This is not good news. Blocking all traffic with a destination port of 25 ties all email service to the ISP. That's corporate and hosted email servers also. This will cause problems with people who move between networks often. It also makes it easier to monitor email sending.. Its a bad precedent to allow ISPs to block the ability to use services at the network level.

An Internet connection should be a full Internet connection, not one that only allows you to send traffic on certain ports. This is a bad idea in disguise as a good way to stop spam.

Its email that needs to change, not the Internet. The Internet should remain stupid, and treat all ports as equal. It should not have ridged rules imposed upon what can flow over it because of a problem with an application. Taking away user's ability to contact external SMTP server's is a big thing to do for a 20% reduction in spam, which the spammers will adapt to..

Comcast to Firewall Port 25

EE Times -BioBricks to help reverse-engineer life
Topic: Biology 7:01 pm EDT, Jun 14, 2004

] Leaders of a new movement are kicking
] off the first Synthetic Biology 1.0 conference at the
] Massachussets Institute of Technology this week.
] "Synthetic biology" is the blanket term for a
] multidisciplinary attempt to identify a class of standard
] operational components that can be assembled into
] functioning molecular machines.
] Central to that effort is the ability to isolate discrete
] biomolecular mechanisms and define standard interfaces
] for them so that they can be assembled in much the same
] way as electronic circuits. This confluence of computer
] science and biology is so remarkable that this new
] movement rises to the level of moon shot initiatives: to
] reverse-engineer life itself.

] "Biology is the nanotechnology that works."

EE Times -BioBricks to help reverse-engineer life

Interview with Google's Craig Silverstein | CNET
Topic: Technology 4:57 pm EDT, Jun 10, 2004

] Q: There are some personalization tools emerging. Amazon's
] and MSN are using different techniques. Google's
] tool is a little bit more like, "Give us information, and
] we will help you out," and the others take the approach,
] "We will learn from you, and then we will help you out."
] Tell me why your approach is superior.

] A: In the latter scenario, where first you learn, and then
] you help the visitor out, you have two places where the
] computer has to make intelligent judgments. I am not
] saying that is not an interesting or promising approach,
] but it does put more strain on the computer. When you
] tell it what your interests are, then the computer only
] has to be intelligent to use that information to try to
] help you out. They are both part of the same goal of
] trying to help people out with personal information--it
] is just a matter of how you get there. We will be seeing
] more of this in the future.

Interview with Google's Craig Silverstein | CNET

New Jersey Virtual High School - from MOESC
Topic: Local Information 4:23 pm EDT, Jun 10, 2004

] The traditional boundaries of education are disappearing
] with the New Jersey Virtual High School. With the New
] Jersey Virtual High School, no longer do students have to
] be subject to rigid definitions of time and place. The
] New Jersey Virtual High School empowers you to become
] educated utilizing the freedom of the Internet. Earn your
] credits where you want and when you want. If you are
] still interested but have questions about the virtual
] high school, check out the FAQs. If you're completely
] convinced about the New Jersey Virtual High School and
] ready to go, follow the simple three steps below.

This is kind of funny. I had no idea there was a such thing.. I'm not sure this is such a good idea.

It is amusing.. Note the logo's, which look as if they were done in Paint. Everything is in shades of gray, with some hints of green. If their idea of a NJ education is staring at that for months, then they are close.

New Jersey Virtual High School - from MOESC

AP|Yahoo - Grammy-Winning Crooner Ray Charles Dies
Topic: Music 3:43 pm EDT, Jun 10, 2004

] Charles died at 11:35 a.m., surrounded by family and
] friends, said spokesman Jerry Digney.
] Charles last public appearance was alongside Clint
] Eastwood on April 30, when the city of Los Angeles
] designated the singers studios an historic landmark.
] Blind by age 7 and an orphan at 15, Charles spent his
] life shattering any notion of musical boundaries and
] defying easy definition. A gifted pianist and
] saxophonist, he dabbled in country, jazz, big band and
] blues, and put his stamp on it all with a deep, warm
] voice roughened by heartbreak from a hardscrabble
] childhood in the segregated South.

Georgia is no longer on his mind.

AP|Yahoo - Grammy-Winning Crooner Ray Charles Dies

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