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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

Krispy Kreme introduces glazed doughnut frozen beverage - Jul. 21, 2004
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:51 am EDT, Jul 21, 2004

] Once the fried dough embodiment of hot and fresh, Krispy
] Kreme has transformed its original glazed doughnut into a
] new frozen beverage for summer.

Now you can drink your doughnuts. Coming soon, the intravenous doughnut.

Krispy Kreme introduces glazed doughnut frozen beverage - Jul. 21, 2004

Blogging: A world stuck on itself | Perspectives | CNET
Topic: Blogging 9:29 am EDT, Jul 21, 2004

] "Welcome blah blah blah relationship capital blah blah
] blah social contracts blah blah blah media businesses
] blah blah blah identify the rabid fans of the iPod blah
] blah blah utility media blah blah blah this is the future
] of the Web blah blah blah RSS blah blah blah spam blah
] blah blah killer app blah blah blah business model blah
] blah blah advertising model blah blah blah Is this a
] product or a feature? blah blah blah A feature doesn't
] make a business blah blah blah leveraging relationships
] blah blah blah decentralized system blah blah blah
] privacy concerns blah blah blah profiling people blah
] blah blah.
] "Social networking is blogging dumbed down for the masses
] blah blah blah tribecaster blah blah blah widget blah
] blah blah What is the connection between social networks
] and blogs? blah blah blah the most efficient media
] platform ever blah blah blah read-write, not read-only
] blah blah blah All software is about people blah blah
] blah put this stuff in context blah blah blah monetizing
] relationships blah blah blah a new dimension to the Web
] blah blah blah I met my wife on blah blah blah.
] "Network diversity is good blah blah blah reputation
] management blah blah blah open standards and open
] platforms win always blah blah blah it's group voice blah
] blah blah social context blah blah blah The entire Web is
] a social network blah blah blah Join me in thanking
] tonight's moderators blah blah blah Goodnight."

Blogging: A world stuck on itself | Perspectives | CNET

ACLU - Pizza Flash
Topic: Surveillance 10:13 pm EDT, Jul 19, 2004

Ordering a pizza in a surveillance society.

ACLU - Pizza Flash

Yahoo! News - China launches 'people's war' against porn on the Internet
Topic: Current Events 2:01 am EDT, Jul 19, 2004

] China has launched a "people's war" against pornography
] on the Internet, giving websites a deadline until
] September to rid themselves of indecent content, state
] media said.

The War on Porn. How many must die?

No seriously.. You can't fight porn. Where there is imaging technology, there will be porn.

Yahoo! News - China launches 'people's war' against porn on the Internet

The New York Times - Multimedia Scrapbooks to Share
Topic: Media 1:49 am EDT, Jul 19, 2004

] A HANDFUL of Web users are programming their own virtual TV
] newscasts and eclectic collections of video clips using a
] free media-sharing tool called Webjay (
] The site makes it easy to build, share and watch
] playlists of audio and video links culled from around the
] Internet.


The New York Times - Multimedia Scrapbooks to Share

Manifesto for the Reputation Society
Topic: Technology 1:49 am EDT, Jul 19, 2004

Information overload, challenges of evaluating quality, and the opportunity to benefit from experiences of others have spurred the development of reputation systems. Most Internet sites which mediate between large numbers of people use some form of reputation mechanism: Slashdot, eBay, ePinions, Amazon, and Google all make use of collaborative filtering, recommender systems, or shared judgements of quality.

But we suggest the potential utility of reputation services is far greater, touching nearly every aspect of society. By leveraging our limited and local human judgement power with collective networked filtering, it is possible to promote an interconnected ecology of socially beneficial reputation systems -- to restrain the baser side of human nature, while unleashing positive social changes and enabling the realization of ever higher goals.

Manifesto for the Reputation Society / With pen and sweat, brokers push Iraq Stock Exchange to new highs
Topic: Business 7:17 pm EDT, Jul 18, 2004

] The unofficial figures of the day's trade tell the story.
] Over $10 million in stocks changed hands, reflecting the
] movement of about 1.43 billion shares though only 27
] companies are listed on the exchange.

] For Iraqis, these days have been a long time coming. The
] ISX replaces the now-defunct Baghdad Stock Exchange,
] which was riddled with corruption. Saddam's extended
] family often muscled in at will by simply issuing new
] shares for companies they found attractive.

] Officials say they hope that in a month they will have all
] 120 companies previously listed on the old exchange on
] the new ISX's ''big board'' actually 27 small white boards,
] where workers record trades with markers. / With pen and sweat, brokers push Iraq Stock Exchange to new highs

Yahoo! News - Roaring fun ahead as amusement parks mushroom in Asia
Topic: Travel 7:08 pm EDT, Jul 18, 2004

] China is to build the world's biggest ferris wheel.
] Mickey Mouse and his Disneyland gang are coming to Hong
] Kong late next year. Singapore is planning a rival
] mammoth theme park.

File under "culture war".

Yahoo! News - Roaring fun ahead as amusement parks mushroom in Asia

Yahoo! News - South Koreans Won't Take CIA's 'No' for an Answer
Topic: Miscellaneous 7:05 pm EDT, Jul 18, 2004

] South Korea has been pushing the U.S. Central
] Intelligence Agency to change the way it spells
] President Roh Moo-hyun's last name, but the CIA
] is sticking to its guns, the embassy said on Sunday.

] In an online directory and in its World Fact Book, a
] standard reference, the CIA spells it "No," rather than
] "Roh," the Korean leader's preference.

] The State Department also uses the transliteration on
] its Web site.

Central Intelligence.

Yahoo! News - South Koreans Won't Take CIA's 'No' for an Answer

IHT: Will compasses point south?
Topic: Science 7:03 pm EDT, Jul 17, 2004

] The collapse of the earth's magnetic field, which both
] guards the planet and guides many of its creatures,
] appears to have started in earnest about 150 years ago.
] The field's strength has waned 10 percent to 15 percent
] so far and this deterioration has accelerated of late,
] increasing debate over whether it portends a reversal of
] the lines of magnetic force that normally envelop the
] earth.

The Earth is unstable.

IHT: Will compasses point south?

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