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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969 - Anthrax investigators search in N.Y., N.J.  - Aug 5, 2004
Topic: Local Information 8:23 pm EDT, Aug  5, 2004

] The FBI and Postal Inspection Service are conducting
] searches in western New York and the central New Jersey
] coast relating to the investigation of deadly
] anthrax-laced letters mailed in the fall of 2001, an FBI
] spokeswoman said Thursday.
] Government sources said the searches were being
] undertaken at homes in Wellsville, New York, and
] Lavallette, New Jersey. One official said search warrants
] were being executed as part of the investigation.

Lavallette? Strange... - Anthrax investigators search in N.Y., N.J.  - Aug 5, 2004

TAPPED: NK Nuclear Sub Threat
Topic: Current Events 3:02 pm EDT, Aug  4, 2004

] It would seem that, a few years ago, the Rev. Sun Myung
] Moon purchased a small fleet of Russian ballistic missile
] submarines with the missile-launching hardware intact,
] then handed the subs over to North Korea. Now,
] according to Jane's Defense Weekly, the North Koreans
] have used that hardware to develop missiles that can
] threaten the United States.

Nothing like a good conspiracy theory.. The Rev Moon even ties in George Bush.

This has a certain James Bond feel to it. WIll Kim Ill Jong and Reverend Moon be able to destroy Hollywood?

TAPPED: NK Nuclear Sub Threat

Email problems
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:19 pm EDT, Aug  4, 2004

I've been having email problems the past few days. Right now its down entirely. Sorry if you've been trying to get ahold of me..

The Problem With the CIA
Topic: Politics and Law 4:48 pm EDT, Aug  3, 2004

There is a corporate culture in America that says as long as the process is adhered to, people have done their jobs. Orderly, predictable processes that can be clearly mapped and explained are not an end in themselves. The time and effort spent on them can be justified in only one way: success. Over and over, the lovers of ISO 9000, 9001 and endless other standards confuse the means with the end. They embrace order -- even when it leads to failure.

That is what happened at the CIA: A culture of process destroyed a culture of excellence. There are many outstanding people at the agency, in both the Directorate of Intelligence and in Operations. The agency's obsession with the intelligence process crushes these people daily. Those who flourish in this environment are those who can sit through long meetings without falling asleep. The people who can peer through the darkness and see the truth are either sucked into the surreal world of modern management or shunted aside.

Gold Star.

The Problem With the CIA

The New York Times | Intelligence: Captured Qaeda Figure Led Way to Information Behind Warning
Topic: War on Terrorism 1:56 pm EDT, Aug  2, 2004

This is where the most recent terror alerts came from.

] The figure, Muhammad Naeem Noor Khan, was described by a
] Pakistani intelligence official as a 25-year-old computer
] engineer, arrested July 13, who had used and helped to
] operate a secret Qaeda communications system where
] information was transferred via coded messages.

Al Queda has a new job opening for a sysadmin with a bad attitude. You must also be able to use Photoshop and make banners.

] The Pakistani official said Mr. Khan told investigators that
] he had received 25 days of training at a militant camp in
] Afghanistan in June 1998. By the time Mr. Khan had risen
] to his current position, the official said, Qaeda figures had
] arranged his marriage and were paying him $170 a month
] for rent for his house in Lahore and $90 for expenses.

] Mr. Khan was in contact with the brother of the Indonesian
] Qaeda leader Hambali, who was studying in a religious
] school in Karachi, and who was deported in December
] 2003. Mr. Khan has told interrogators that his Qaeda
] handler was a Pakistani he knew as Adil or Imran, who
] assigned him tasks related to computer work, Web design
] and managing the handler's messages. His correspondents
] included a Saudi-based Yemeni, Egyptian and Palestinian
] nationals and Arabs in unknown locations, and someone
] described as the "in-charge" in the city of Khost in eastern Afghanistan.

The New York Times | Intelligence: Captured Qaeda Figure Led Way to Information Behind Warning

Capitol Hill Blue: Bush Using Drugs to Control Depression, Erratic Behavior
Topic: Elections 5:33 pm EDT, Aug  1, 2004

] The prescription drugs, administered by Col. Richard J.
] Tubb, the White House physician, can impair the
] President's mental faculties and decrease both his
] physical capabilities and his ability to respond to a
] crisis, administration aides admit privately.
] "It's a double-edged sword,"? says one aide. "We
] can't have him flying off the handle at the slightest
] provocation but we also need a President who is alert
] mentally."?

Capitol Hill Blue: Bush Using Drugs to Control Depression, Erratic Behavior - U.S.A. raises threat level at key financial sites - Aug 1, 2004
Topic: War on Terrorism 3:51 pm EDT, Aug  1, 2004

] New York
] * Citigroup Building
] * New York Stock Exchange
] New Jersey
] * Prudential Financial Center
] Washington, D.C.
] * International Monetary Fund
] * World Bank
] -- Department of Homeland Security

No more failures of imagination. The boogie man could strike at any time. - U.S.A. raises threat level at key financial sites - Aug 1, 2004

CNN Convention Balloons Coverage
Topic: Humor 11:11 pm EDT, Jul 29, 2004

On CNN there was some guy yelling about balloons the entire time after the Kerry acceptance speech. "Keep coming baloons, No confetti yet, Alright go balloons. All baloons. Come on guys lets move it, Jesus, we need more balloons. God damnit. Go confetti. I want more balloons. What happened to all the balloons. What's happening balloons there aren't. What the fuck are you guys doing up there? We want more baloons coming down, more baloons." It went on for at least a good three or four minutes. Unbelievable. Update: It was the director of the DNC..

No Surrender - Bruce Springsteen (Lyrics and Chords)
Topic: Elections 10:48 pm EDT, Jul 29, 2004

] Now, on the streets tonight, the light's grow dim
] The walls of my room are closing in
] There's a war outside still raging
] You say it ain't ours anymore to win
] I want to sleep beneath the peaceful skies
] In my lover's bed
] With that wild open country in our eyes
] And those romantic dreams in my head

No retreat, baby, no surrender..

Interesting choice of music to play when Kerry came out. Note, playing Springsteen likely effected his polling in New Jersey.

No Surrender - Bruce Springsteen (Lyrics and Chords)

EFF: This Land isn't your land
Topic: Intellectual Property 5:22 pm EDT, Jul 27, 2004

] The two brothers who created the fantastic "This Land"
] parody -- sending up President Bush, Senator Kerry, and
] the current state of American democracy to the tune of
] "This Land is Your Land" -- have been threatened with a
] copyright lawsuit.

I like what Guthrie had to say about it:

] "This song is Copyrighted in U.S., under Seal of Copyright
] # 154085, for a period of 28 years, and anybody caught
] singin it without our permission, will be mighty good
] friends of ourn, cause we don't give a dern. Publish it.
] Write it. Sing it. Swing to it. Yodel it. We wrote it, that's
] all we wanted to do."

Could that be construed as explicit licensing, a la Creative Commons?

EFF: This Land isn't your land

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