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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

... for the record.
Topic: Local Information 4:48 pm EDT, Aug 12, 2004

I never thought to highly of McGreevey, but he should not have to resign just because he is gay. A few things were unclear after the press conference. If he was just having an affair, that's not really big enough of a deal to kick someone out of office. No mention of the civil lawsuit. There must be something damming there.

That being said, I don't believe I just watched my state Governor come out of the closet of national TV. That does not happen often. That must be the most public high profile closet bust out in history.

BuzzMachine... by Jeff Jarvis
Topic: Local Information 4:24 pm EDT, Aug 12, 2004

Jeff Jarvis is all over this.

If McGreevey were to resign before September 15, New Jersey would have a special gubernatorial election on November 2, 2004. If he were to resign after that date, Codey would hold the office until the end of McGreevey's term in January 2006.

He is likely going to announce a resignation after Sept 15th, but this _should_ work like California. We should draft Bruce Springsteen. Bruce Willis even, if we must stick to an actor. Lots of good actors from New Jersey.

BuzzMachine... by Jeff Jarvis

Google Search: McGreevey New Jersey
Topic: Local Information 4:08 pm EDT, Aug 12, 2004

This is about the be the big story. Rumor (emphasize on rumor) is NJ Governor James McGreevey will be stepping down today because of a sexual harassment issue, with another man.

I have a number of comments that come to my mind, immediately. I will update this post.

Google Search: McGreevey New Jersey

Onion | US Military Clears A-Team of all charges
Topic: Humor 2:30 pm EDT, Aug 11, 2004

] After more than 30 years spent hiding in the Los Angeles
] underground as wanted criminals, the members of the crack
] commando unit Alpha Team, commonly known as the A-Team,
] were cleared of all charges brought against them by the
] U.S. military, an army official announced Monday.

Its about time...

Onion | US Military Clears A-Team of all charges

Red Dawn (1984) | Coolest Movie Ever
Topic: Movies 7:57 pm EDT, Aug  9, 2004

Decius wrote:
] Red Dawn?

Red Dawn must be singled out and meme'd.

] At the outbreak of World War III, midwestern high school
] students turned refugees slowly organized themself into
] an effective guerilla force to turn back the tide of
] Soviet invaders.

Red Dawn (1984) | Coolest Movie Ever

Topic: Blogging 7:54 pm EDT, Aug  9, 2004

] WaveIQ is our new software suite that can turn any mobile
] phone user into an on-location broadcaster. You can add
] information and commentary about restaurant reviews to
] safety tips. You can find a buddy, or track a truck,
] inspect a neighborhood for real estate or child safety.
] It's good for both social and business and it puts the
] power of blogging technology into the hands of the
] masses.
] We've spent three years developing this software and it
] lets you collect, share and broadcast information in ways
] not previously possible. We made WaveIQ so simple that if
] you know how to make a phone call you will understand how
] to use it at after a single glance. Suppose you're at a
] restaurant you like, you take a picture of the room or
] your plate, add a few words, then broadcast this instant
] blog to WaveBlog, our "Master Page"? where postings
] are organized by time, place and blogger popularity. Your
] posting may be shared with one friend or the whole
] world - it's your choice.

None of this you can use, but they have nice high res PDFs.. Woo.


Quantum Sleeper
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:48 pm EDT, Aug  9, 2004

] The Quantum Sleeper Unit is a high-level security system
] designed for maximum protection in various hostile
] environments.

This is positively fucked up. Intruders in your home? House burning down? Biological warfare? Red Dawn? Just press a button and your bed becomes a sealed bulletproof coffin complete with entertainment system, rebreather, and optional offensive weapons systems. Sit happy and dry in your little pine box while you watch the cataclysm unfold through your one way view port.

If you really feel like you need this product I suggest that you:
A. Go back on your meds.
B. Just give the mob the money you owe them.
C. Stop watching television.
D. Move to Alaska.
E. All of the above.

Quantum Sleeper

Acidus is the authoritative source on magstrip interfacing
Topic: Technology 5:47 pm EDT, Aug  9, 2004

] Acidus writes "While researching for an embedded systems
] project (a magstripe enabled Coke machine), I was shocked
] by the lack of magstripe information: Programs/code that
] would run on a modern OS were all but nonexistant,
] articles that were 6-10 years old, etc.

Acidus is on Slashdot today. That's the hardcore geek year 2k+ version of being on TV.

He's done an extremely good job with the StripeSnoop site. All the information you'd need to get up to speed on working with magstripe stuff is there in the form of FAQ's, diagrams, and even video.

Also, I just sync'd the SiteSnoop CVS tree, and it is building on OSX now as well.

Acidus is the authoritative source on magstrip interfacing

Topic: Humor 10:29 am EDT, Aug  9, 2004

Hello cattle, time to get branded!

Now repeat after me:
"Got Milk?"
"Think Different."
"Just Do It."
"There Grrreat!"


(Pakistan) Daily Times - How the Pakistani double agent was ‘burned’ by the US
Topic: War on Terrorism 10:29 pm EDT, Aug  8, 2004

] Khan had been secretly apprehended by ISI in mid-July and
] persuaded to become a double agent. He was actively
] helping investigators penetrate further into Al Qaeda
] cells and activities via computer, and was still
] cooperating when the "senior Bush administration"
] figure told New York Times's Douglas Jehl about him. ISI
] told Reuters, "He sent encoded e-mails and received
] encoded replies. He's a great hacker and even the US
] agents said he was a computer whiz -- He was cooperating
] with interrogators on Sunday and Monday and sent e-mails
] on both days. This proves that the Bush administration
] just blew the cover of one of the most important assets
] inside Al Qaeda that the US has ever had.
] Prof. Juan Cole of the University of Michigan's
] analysis is more daring, "The announcement of Khan's
] name forced the British to arrest 12 members of an
] al-Qaeda cell prematurely, before they had finished
] gathering the necessary evidence against them via Khan.
] Apparently they feared that the cell members would
] scatter as soon as they saw that Khan had been
] compromised. (They would have known he was a double
] agent, since they got emails from him Sunday and Monday!)
] One of the 12 has already had to be released for lack of
] evidence, a further fallout of the Bush SNAFU (situation
] normal all fouled up). It would be interesting to know if
] other cell members managed to flee. Why in the world
] would Bush administration officials out a double agent
] working for Pakistan and the US against Al-Qaeda? In a
] way, the motivation does not matter. If the Reuters story
] is true, this slip is a major screw-up that casts the
] gravest doubts on the competency of the administration to
] fight a war on terror. Either the motive was political
] calculation, or it was sheer stupidity. They don't
] deserve to be in power either way."

(Pakistan) Daily Times - How the Pakistani double agent was ‘burned’ by the US

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