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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

Reliable and cheap web/mail hosting
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:07 pm EDT, Sep 14, 2004

For the second time this year, I'm being forced to change hosts for my personal domain. I've normally hosted my stuff on various friend's machines, however I'm strongly considering abandoning that strategy. I need stability.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a good host? My bandwidth usage is not that heavy. PHP, SSL-IMAP, and (https) Webmail are must-haves. TLS capable SMTP that supports SMTP-AUTH for relaying would be nice. There should be 500mb-1G storage, but be under $10/mo.

Guardian Unlimited | Paris's new slant on underground movies
Topic: Movies 1:44 am EDT, Sep 13, 2004

] The cinema, with restaurant and bar annexe, was open for
] a seven-week season this summer, showing a suitably
] subversive programme which included works by Chinese and
] Korean directors but also Alex Proyas' Dark City,
] Coppola's Rumble Fish, David Lynch's Eraserhead, and
] Terry Gilliam's Brazil.

This is novel because it was built by a clandestine group of urban explorers in a pre-existing cavity within the mass of intertwined tunnels under Paris.

The community profiled in Dark Days did not have their own cinema. Could New York be lagging behind or am I just not in the know?

Guardian Unlimited | Paris's new slant on underground movies

Like we could forget if we wanted to...
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:00 pm EDT, Sep 11, 2004

Smoke em' if you got em'.

Like we could forget if we wanted to...
Topic: Politics and Law 9:10 pm EDT, Sep  7, 2004

] Politics for Nerds. Your vote matters.


The unthinkable. The people whom are credited with "the first" weblog have now dived into politics. This might seem like a no-brainer, and you may be correct. Slashdot gets in an uproar over legal issues all the time, but politics is virgin ground. Its a nerd site. Its always been a nerd site. This will be nerd politics.

Think voting machines, election policy, "let me copy my fucking files", and "you can pry my privacy rights from my cold dead fingers as they lie upon my keyboard encrypting files and compiling code". You will hear something about Ralph Nader, but don't get too shocked, the page is more Blue then Green. There is some Green. Slashdot is very Green. Teal actually. However, this is decidedly Blue page. Read into that, as I'm sure it is.

For those who are unfamilar with Slashdot, its an indisputable piece of evidence that any "uber popular" collective weblog is at best a technologically advanced form of the lowest common denominator.

Philly goes Wi-Fi crazy | The Register
Topic: Computer Networking 4:21 pm EDT, Sep  2, 2004

] The grand city of Philadelphia unveiled today an
] ambitious plan to coat the city with Wi-Fi, using a mix
] of public and private funds to provide the service.

Internet Free Philly.

Philly goes Wi-Fi crazy | The Register

MSN Entertainment - Music: Home
Topic: Music 9:20 am EDT, Sep  2, 2004

What a sad joke this is.. Microsoft finally gets a music store to market, and it doesn't even include the "Sounds Like" technology for browsing artists/songs/albums. I think that's enough of a omission to conclude that the integration/assimilation of the company I used to work for was a complete and total failure. I'm guessing they ported over the radio system to MS technologies, then they just disbanded the team. There does not appear to be any presence of the unique, cool, and damn useful artist/song/album grouping we had. Instead, there is a form of Amazon like collaborative filtering.

MSN Entertainment - Music: Home

GOP Convention Music
Topic: Music 10:24 pm EDT, Aug 31, 2004

You know, they really could have gotten better acts then what I'm seeing.

] I'm A Conservative
] Iggy Pop
] (Soldier)

Oh yeah, just look with the eyes of imagination and picture how this would go over..

] I used to lead a quiet life
] In fact it was a bare existence
] I passed out on many floors
] I don't do that any more

That screams W.

] Hello my friends
] Is everybody happy?
] Hey look me over
] Lend me an ear
] I'm a conservative

Hear hear..

] I like the small black marks on my hands
] I'm a conservative
] I like the crazy girls that I screw
] Hey I know them all well

Laura, that crazy thing.

] And when I run out of bread I laugh
] All the way to the bank
] Sometimes I pause for a drink
] Conservatism ain't no easy job

See, this says something about the current policy on the deficit.

] I smile in the mornings
] I live without a care
] Nothing is denied me
] And nothing ever hurts

They say Bush is a morning person. He certainly plays tough guy well.

] I got bored so I'm making my millions
] When you're conservative you get a better break
] You're always on the rigltt side
] When you're conservative

Think sports teams and token CEO positions.

] You walk with pride
] Pride is on your side
] Pride pride pride
] Is on our side
] Oh boy
] Pride is on our side

Ok, so this doesn't fit. Maybe for Cheney's daughter..

] I like my beer
] I like my bread
] I love my girl
] I love my head


] I'm in the clear man
] I'm in the dear
] Because I'm a conservative
] I'm a conservative
] I really am
] Ohyeslam

Rah rah.

] And it would mean so much to me
] If you would only be like me
] Yes it could mean so much to me

Yep. Very convention worthy.

] Hey look me over
] Lend me an ear
] I'm a conservative

So, I'm sure Iggy Pop would have played The Garden for the GOP. Why the hell not?

The only act booked I even recognize is Brooks & Dunn, and I'm not proud of that.

US Nuclear Waste Transportation Routes
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:37 pm EDT, Aug 31, 2004

I'm not sure how accurate this is.. I live right by Oyster Creek NP in Jersey. The rail line that runs up to the plant has not been in use, or usable, since the plant's construction. Its one of those rail lines that's all overgrown or had roads and buildings built on top of it in many places. I'm pretty sure I know where the rail this refers to used to be.. The section of it that goes through Barnegat is now a road in sections, firetrail in others. At one point, it used to extend south to Long Beach Island.. In Toms River, its the rail that goes^Wwent across I-37 by the Walmart west the of the Parkway. Its in complete disrepair, and would have to be completely relaid in order to be at all safe to use, even if the same path exists unrestricted by development.

There is no active rail in this area. Someone was engaging in wishful thinking when they drew this up.

US Nuclear Waste Transportation Routes

DoJ Blacks out Supreme Courts Quotes
Topic: Politics and Law 3:31 am EDT, Aug 30, 2004

In the correct context, a relevant connection can be as powerful as unique new information. Be prepared to fight for your ability to make and share both. Don't lose heart if your speech is someone else's.

DoJ Blacks out Supreme Courts Quotes

RNC Protests
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:27 pm EDT, Aug 29, 2004

C-SPAN has a camera looking around 7th Av, which as far as the eye can see is packed with protesters. All was looking like a nice peaceful protest until some group decided it would be a good idea to set a big green float on fire. I just finished watching a big green thing burning in front of the McDonalds just north of The Garden. Seems very early for burning things in the street.

I have been hoping that the people would respect the city, respect each other, and even respect the rights of the political opponents being protested. Stuff like the burning floats will only force the police and fire department to close the street. Not a good sign of things to come.

I was planning to head into the city Monday or Tuesday, however now I have a feeling I will not be able to get anywhere near the place.

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