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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

The Internet is for Porn
Topic: Arts 11:05 am EDT, Oct  2, 2004

[Not Work Safe] ... Unless you work at an ISP or a net company where these things are considered fact, or at the very least valid commentary on most people's internet usage.

Supposedly this is the funniest song from Avenue Q. I see no reason to dispute that, but after pulling up the song list for Avenue Q's sound track on iTunes I get the impression its far from being alone.. Click through to the discussion for more links.

The Internet is for Porn

I Went to the Ronald Reagan Awards Gala and All I Got Was this Lousy Turncoat
Topic: Blogging 3:31 pm EDT, Sep 30, 2004

I have a secret (not anymore) crush on Wonkette. In the spirit of the linked post, here are the two best Wonkette pickup lines I could think of:

* I saw you on MTV, and you rocked my vote. Can I rock your world sometime?
* Your blog makes me want to Wonkoff.

Neither of these would work, I'm sure. These would land somewhere between a slap and a restraining order. The former being almost a turn-on.

I love them redheads. This is a smart one too. Smart, cute, funny. Very rare. [bites knuckle]

I Went to the Ronald Reagan Awards Gala and All I Got Was this Lousy Turncoat | Stewart vs. O'Reilly, still friendly, for now
Topic: Media 1:23 pm EDT, Sep 29, 2004

] The folks at Comedy Central were annoyed when Fox News
] Channel's Bill O'Reilly kept referring to "The Daily
] Show" audience as "stoned slackers."
] So they did a little research. And guess whose audience
] is more educated?

The answer should not surprise anyone.

Humor is a sign of intelligence and a tool of the intelligent. The comedy on the Daily Show is not low-brow-talk-down-to-the-audience-laugh-a-minute Jay Leno style stuff. Its also not wacky-wacky Letterman style. The Daily Show writers assume you have a clue about what is going on in the world and you are tuned in for some much needed comedy relief. Like O'Reilly, they assume you are pissed off about certain issues, but they do not pander to it, the revel in it. | Stewart vs. O'Reilly, still friendly, for now

America's Secret War - George Friedman - Author interviews
Topic: War on Terrorism 11:32 am EDT, Sep 29, 2004

The 30 minute video here is not to be missed.

America's Secret War - George Friedman - Author interviews

Where Did All the Jobs Go? Nowhere
Topic: Business 10:44 am EDT, Sep 29, 2004

As each side angles for votes, neither is addressing the real issue: is the outsourcing of jobs a problem?

The answer is no.

Of the 1.5 million jobs lost last year in "mass layoffs", less than 1 percent were attributed to overseas relocation. Technological innovation is responsible for a far greater number of lost jobs than outsourcing.

Daniel Drezner is shining the light on outsourcing. As has been discussed here previously, many times, its not having the negative effect chicken little keeps harping on. Believe it or not, the current administration is likely correct, and Kerry is playing the violin for those of us who got hit with the layoff stick in an effort to have a real issue.

Drezner keeps a blog at which contains some footnotes for this op-ed, along with a steady stream of clued content.

Where Did All the Jobs Go? Nowhere

Wired News: California bans anonymous speech on the Internet
Topic: Internet Civil Liberties 12:56 pm EDT, Sep 28, 2004

] Now, any Californian who shares files with more than 10
] people must add their e-mail address to the file. Those
] who break this law could be fined up to $2,500, spend a
] year in jail or both.

Anonymous speech on the Internet is now illegal in California. The MPAA is coming to your state next.

Wired News: California bans anonymous speech on the Internet - Yale scholars pick apart Jackson - Sep 26, 2004
Topic: Music 7:49 am EDT, Sep 27, 2004

] Eighteen scholars from U.S. universities discussed
] sexual, racial and artistic aspects of Jackson's life and
] music Thursday and Friday in the first academic meeting
] to study him.

] "He has grown up in front of us, so we have a great
] investment in him, even though some people today
] may find his image disturbing."

Yale attempts to ask, "what the fuck is Michael Jackson"? The answer my friends, is tapping your foot to the wind.. - Yale scholars pick apart Jackson - Sep 26, 2004

Weather Underground: Tropical Storm: Jeanne Tracking Map
Topic: Current Events 7:06 pm EDT, Sep 26, 2004

This is the second storm that has made a direct hit on my grandmother's house. Francis ripped off her car port, destroyed her porch, ripped one room right off the house, removed a good chunk of roof, etc.. She has been staying with my family in Jersey since. We have yet to receive any reports about how much damage this storm has done. The area is still under curfew.

The people of Florida have had enough. We must stop Bin Laden and his infernal weather machine.

Weather Underground: Tropical Storm: Jeanne Tracking Map

Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Topic: Movies 6:57 pm EDT, Sep 26, 2004

Go see this movie. If you don't like it, your sense of humor has died. It will not rest in peace, much like the undead.

It may qualify as "best zombie movie ever". Its possible. I might need to watch the original Dawn of the Dead, take a walk around the mall, and reflect on this..

Shaun of the Dead (2004)

UHM - Tim Sullivan's Shock and Roll
Topic: Movies 7:24 pm EDT, Sep 23, 2004

My cousin has a new online column/blog type thing.. Those of you who are into horror should enjoy.

] The papers and late night TV ads stressed "No one under
] 18 will be admitted." Well, mom didn't have to know
] that. All she had to know was that if she didn't take
] her son to the movies that night, he was gonna slit his
] wrist. Not for real, of course. But mom didn't have to
] know that either"
] As her Bonneville pulled up and she hopped out smiling, I
] made my way over. Her smile soon faded as I raised my
] left arm, put metal to flesh. "There's this new
] horror movie, mom. The new Living Dead movie. You
] remember that one? That black and white zombie movie you
] didn't like so much. They say this one is even gorier.
] We gotta go..."

Sounds like the style of someone else I know as well...

UHM - Tim Sullivan's Shock and Roll

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