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Spontaneous Sociability and The Enthymeme


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"The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb." -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969

Eyeballing the Fallujah Kill Zone - 7
Topic: Current Events 3:26 pm EST, Nov 22, 2004

] Locations marked show total or near-total destruction of
] structures and do not convey lesser damage not visible
] from satellite images of this resolution. While there is
] reported extensive damage to the city and its inhabitants
] the 26 locations marked appear to indicate that major
] devastation is limited. A more complete and accurate
] account awaits the availability of comprehensive ground
] level images and reports.

Be sure to check out Cryptome's Fallujah coverage. This is one example. There are many, many others.

Eyeballing the Fallujah Kill Zone - 7

Spats Over Security Roil Summit in Chile (
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:12 am EST, Nov 22, 2004

] Then Bush either realized he was missing something, or he
] heard the commotion. The president, who is rarely alone,
] even in his own house, turned and walked back to the
] front door unaccompanied, facing the backs of a sea of
] dark suits. Bush, with his right hand, reached over the
] suits and pointed insistently at Trotta. At first the
] officials, with their backs to him and their heads in the
] rumble, did not realize it was the president intervening.
] Bush then braced himself against someone and lunged to
] retrieve the agent, who was still arguing with the
] Chileans. The shocked Chilean officials then released
] Trotta.
] Trotta walked in behind Bush, who looked enormously
] pleased with himself. He was wearing the expression that
] some critics call a smirk, and his eyebrows shot up as if
] to wink at bystanders.

Never lose track of your shadow, cowboy.

This article makes it seem like Chile was a very good host for APEC.

Spats Over Security Roil Summit in Chile (

Google Scholar
Topic: Technology 1:14 pm EST, Nov 18, 2004

] Google Scholar enables you to search specifically for
] scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers,
] theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports
] from all broad areas of research. Use Google Scholar to
] find articles from a wide variety of academic publishers,
] professional societies, preprint repositories and
] universities, as well as scholarly articles available
] across the web.

Another good way to slice into Google is born. I just tossed a few queries at it with various combinations of terms like "intellectual property", "spontaneous sociability", "social capital", "social network", reputation, scarcity, meme, etc. A number of interesting looking papers were turning up that would never have made it into a standard Google search. Much more inclusive and with a better UI then diving into individual repositories like citeseer.

Google Scholar - U.S. airborne laser advances to 'First Light' - Nov 15, 2004
Topic: High Tech Developments 9:14 am EST, Nov 17, 2004

] The Pentagon's Missile Defense Agency described the event
] -- carried out on Wednesday in a 747 fuselage on the
] ground at Edwards Air Force Base in California -- as a
] "landmark achievement" for the so-called Airborne Laser
] system.

Yes, the technology present in Real Genius exists in real life now. Only its being used to shoot down missiles, not vaporize human targets. - U.S. airborne laser advances to 'First Light' - Nov 15, 2004

CNN | Point, click, bang!
Topic: Recreation 3:27 am EST, Nov 17, 2004

No more sitting at work bored, or angry, wishing you were somewhere else shooting guns at live animals! Thanks to the Internet and robotics technology, soon you will be able to torture (not kill, at least not quickly) animals, real life animals, all from the comfort of your computer desk or cubical.

Thought E-Commerce began and ended with a buy button on your remote control? Stop laughing, because the answer is an emphatic 'no'! Instead of making bids on a grilled cheese sandwich that carries the likeness of the Virgin Mary using EBay, you could be remotely shooting deer in Texas!


] Underwood, an estimator for a San Antonio, Texas auto
] body shop, has invested $10,000 to build a platform for a
] rifle and camera that can be remotely aimed on his
] 330-acre (133-hectare) southwest Texas ranch by anyone on
] the Internet anywhere in the world.
] The idea came last year while viewing another Web site on
] which cameras posted in the wild are used to snap photos
] of animals.
] "We were looking at a beautiful white-tail buck and my
] friend said 'If you just had a gun for that.' A little
] light bulb went off in my head," he said.

Oh, and what a little light bulb it was..

] "First it was rocks and clubs, then we sharpened it and put
] it on a stick. Then there was the bow and arrow, black
] powder, smokeless power and optics," Berger said. "Maybe
] this is the next technological step out there."

For those who cannot read between the lines here, there is an even more sadistic edge to this then the obvious. The rig spoken of in this article is only designed to fire a .22 caliber round. That is _not_ enough to kill a deer. Well, maybe if you where lucky enough hit it in a weak part of the skull at close to point blank range. That is a _very_ weak round, especially at any significant range. Its considered useful for target practice and that's about it. Its not a defensive round, its certainly not something you would use to humanely kill an animal in any way other then at point blank range. They use that round to kill animals in slaughterhouses, but they put it right up to the animal's skull. This sounds more like remote torture then remote hunting..

CNN | Point, click, bang!

WritTorrent: BitTorrent Blog Client
Topic: Blogging 10:51 pm EST, Nov 16, 2004

] Announcing AzBlog 1.0, the MetaWeblog-compatible plugin
] for the popular Java cross-platform and multilingual Azureus
] BitTorrent client.

] The client posts to your blog with the Title of the post
] being the name of the file or folder in the .Torrent
] file, the Description is extracted from the .torrent
] comments area, and then the link and enclosure tags
] with the actual link to the .torrent file. If you uncheck
] the option to Publish, then you should have a Draft that
] you can edit before you Post.

WritTorrent: BitTorrent Blog Client

The Australian: Consort's death rocks Kim Jong-il
Topic: Current Events 3:00 pm EST, Nov 16, 2004

I was correct, there is drama taking place.. TV style drama no less. The lover dying of breast cancer as a coup takes place.

] This followed the death of Koh Young-hee, a dancer who
] had provided Mr Kim with an heir-apparent to the world's
] only communist dynasty.
] "The loss of this woman was a blow," said a foreign
] diplomat.

] The story of how personal bereavement and international
] crisis became intertwined began with the shipment of an
] elaborate coffin from Paris to Pyongyang during the summer.
] North Korean diplomats had ordered it for Koh, 51, who
] flew home to die after specialists at an exclusive Paris clinic
] decided she could not be saved from breast cancer.

The Australian: Consort's death rocks Kim Jong-il

Shirky: Group as User: Flaming and the Design of Social Software
Topic: Technology 1:09 pm EST, Nov 16, 2004

] This tension in outlook, between 'flame war as unexpected
] side-effect' and 'flame war as historical inevitability,'
] has two main causes. The first is that although the
] environment in which a mailing list runs is computers,
] the environment in which a flame war runs is people. You
] couldn't go through the code of the Mailman mailing list
] tool, say, and find the comment that reads "The next
] subroutine ensures that misunderstandings between users
] will be amplified, leading to name-calling and vitriol."
] Yet the software, when adopted, will frequently produce
] just that outcome.

Another good article out of Clay Shirky..

Shirky: Group as User: Flaming and the Design of Social Software

Dong-A | Pictures of Kim Jong Il coming down in Pyongyang
Topic: Current Events 12:47 pm EST, Nov 16, 2004

] A Moscow diplomacy source also said, "The removal of
] Chairman Kim Jong Il's pictures from public places is
] well known among foreigners living in Pyongyang, and
] diplomats of each country are working on understanding
] the meaning of this"
] He conveyed, "Opinions like 'unsound health,' that
] Chairman Kim recently got an operation, and an
] 'internal conflict for power'? are spreading, but none
] has been confirmed."

Interesting. A drama is clearly taking place. Kim's pictures being removed cannot mean good things for him, but it does not necessarily mean good things for his people. It would be a stretch of the imagination to believe that the other possible power holders waiting and plotting in the wings are any better then he is. I have a hard time imagining anything other then a new ego maniac taking on the title of Great Leader for himself, along with a slightly less confrontational style of dealing with the United States.

However this plays out, lets hope it doesn't end with the shelling of Seoul.

Maybe Kim Jong Il saw Team America and it killed him.

Dong-A | Pictures of Kim Jong Il coming down in Pyongyang

Music rebels seek to tame P2P | CNET
Topic: Intellectual Property 11:00 am EST, Nov 16, 2004

] The overall technology is designed to plug into other
] software or services and identify songs that are being
] swapped on a network, sources familiar with the company
] say. In a peer-to-peer network, a piece of software using
] Fanning's technology would have to get authorization from
] Snocap before downloading a song, for example.
] Sources said Snocap itself is not a filter, although some
] in the record industry see it as proof that existing
] file-trading networks can have copyright-friendly filters
] applied to them, blocking unauthorized transmissions.
] Services that use Snocap's technology will not be allowed
] to have pirated material swapped alongside the authorized
] versions of songs.
] Snocap itself will offer a range of different services to
] record companies and other customers, including the
] creation of a "warehouse" of authorized music that can
] help "seed" peer-to-peer networks with content.

Snocap is coming around the bend, and it can only be a good thing.

Will "warez client" soon imply only UI style? I wouldn't count on it..

Music rebels seek to tame P2P | CNET

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